9 megjegyzés
Eldar Farseer 2024. aug. 30., 12:15 
i do not play shotguns exept for the slugger when it was the only good marksmanrifle in the game and i also nearly never used the flamethrower exept for daily orders but i kind of understand that the game loses its fun if your niche of playstyle get devastated by crippling nerfs also the expample is off the mark since i breaker should still be fully functional with a supplypack to compensate the nerf. sure you can always adapt to new weapons but are they fun? since you tend to try out new stuff from time to time but normally stop at something that makes you fun. the point is we play for fun not to adapts to the whims of arrowheads balance team when ever they think one sided realism (that sometimes is the opposite of reaslim) must be implemented.
Jakethesnake12124 2024. aug. 20., 10:41 
I never really used it, I prefer the Dominator
That being said, I was emotionally distressed when I saw the reduction in magazine size. the bigger kick to the balls was the flame thrower being nullified vs heavy armored enemies.
fatter than fat 2024. aug. 19., 9:55 
See I thought the gun was bad anyway becaue I like instant damage.
KaiserWaffles 2024. aug. 15., 8:41 
People really just need to try new guns. Stuff gets nerfed, then just adapt.
不良ヌルポインタ 2024. aug. 14., 3:38 
but the numbers are not healthy a benchmark called WuKong has more users
AsG_Alligator  [készítő] 2024. aug. 13., 0:53 
Yeah thats the way to go. The more entrenched you become with one loadout the more a balancing change will impact you.
Nerf_This 2024. aug. 12., 19:11 
when things get nerfed I hardly ever notice because I'm always rotating weapons and stratagems
Full_House 2024. aug. 12., 15:09 
This is relatable.
maxman 2024. aug. 11., 9:48 
so true, but at the same time some things really got kicked in the balls