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Hearts of Iron IV

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Tannu Tuva Improved
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Tannu Tuva Improved

Tannu Tuva Improved
By: Gansepanzerundfrohgewerkschaft
Tannu Tuva Improved is a mod that overhauls all content for Tannu Tuva. The mod aims at giving a vanilla-like focus tree to Tannu Tuva. This mod gives Tannu Tuva a focus tree with over 300 focuses, numerous custom ideas, and a few Tuvan songs.

A 300+ Focus Tree
This mod gives Tannu Tuva a focus tree with 279 focuses. In this massive focus tree you can go down multiple paths. These include historical communist Tannu Tuva, alternative communist Tannu Tuva, fascist Tannu Tuva, and the Old Believers path. At the end of some of these paths you can liberalize and become democratic, or form Turkestan, Turan, Turkestan, or a unified Siberian nation.
Historical Tannu Tuva
Go down the historical path and turn Tannu Tuva into a true communist nation. Then when the Nazis strike, destroy and crush them by sending equipment to the Soviet Union or by sending your own legendary calvary units.
Donduk Kuular's Dream
Why follow in the footsteps and go truly communist? Communism that works for the Soviet Union will not work for Tannu Tuva. This was Donduk Kuular's dream before he was overthrown and executed in the early 1920s. However, a small opposition group still remains, guide them and you can make a Tuvan form of communism, and liberalize or liberate your Mongolian brothers who face the same oppression.
Ally with the German Reich
What have the Soviet done for the Tuvan except forcing a government into the people? Ally with the Germans go fascist to reclaim the nation. After that build closer ties to the Germans and form Turkestan or a unified Siberian state!
Ally with the Japanese Empire
To the east a rising sun is about to cover all of Asia. Now is the time for Tuvans to claim glory for their nation. Work with the Japanese to form a unified state where a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ under one flag, from southern Siberia to Inner-Mongolia. You could also take it a step further and use the Japanese to reclaim the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ Empire. From there you could go on a crrazy global conquest just the ancient hordes!
The Old Believers
In the 1400s, Nikon pushed reforms on the Russian Orthodox church in an attempt to make it similar to the Greek Orthodox church. However, many Russians believed these reforms were wrong and would be continue to be known as the Old Believers. Help the Old Believers in Tannu Tuva march back and take control over Russia to repeal Nikon's reforms!

Additional Content
Along with the large focus tree, Tannu Tuva also gains new advisors, decisions, events, ideas, and flags.

Special Thanks
Special thanks to the amazing community of the HOI4 Modding Den! Without you guys' knowledge I wouldn't be able to complete this mod.
Special thanks to Celetial_Cow to play testing the mod and providing some amazing suggestions.
Special thanks to Mstae for providing amazing portraits for the new advisors.

Have comments, suggestions, or bug reports?
Please fill out this google form to let me know! I will attempt to fix any issues as soon as I can.
110 commentaires
CUBE29 1 nov. à 8h10 
░░░▌░▄▄▄▐▌▀▀▀░░ THIS IS BOB
▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ ░░
▀█▌░░░▄░▀█▀░▀ ░░ COPY AND PASTE HIM,
░░░░░░░▄▄▐▌▄▄░░░ SO, HE CAN TAKE
░░░░░░░▀███▀█░▄░░ OVER THE WORKSHOP
Bendegúz 29 oct. à 11h12 
Are you Tuvan?
FentanylFloyde 28 oct. à 11h21 
Tannu what?
Ников 18 oct. à 10h19 
еблан ты нахуя за монголию сел играть
smrut 17 oct. à 0h34 
Of course a "macedonian" would say that.
domin8ting 13 oct. à 21h17 
BeigeSpark70028 12 oct. à 7h16 
look For the Lower Case 'L' And You
Will Be Kissed Tomorrow:
*Now Look For The Q And Your Wish
Will Come True:
*This Is Really Hard, Now Find The 'N':
*Now Find The Mistake:
*Something You Really Want, After the
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Now Close Your
Eyes And Make A Wish! ;*;*;*;*;*;* Now
Paste This On 9 pages And Your Wish
Will Come True! Hurry, You Have 20
minutes! Or What You Wished For Will
Be The Opposite
xX_Cryptique_Xx 13 sept. à 23h23 
Can you make it so that the focus tree shrinks for each path you use? its a pain trying to scroll the whole national focus tree to get a specific path.
Mayor Maxim Mandovich 8 sept. à 17h57 
missed opportunity to call it tannu impruva
Supporo 8 sept. à 2h30 
Game instantly crashes upon attempting to play tannu tuva. The Error log is to long to submit to forums. Where may I send the error log?