Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 워커스 앤 리소스: 소비에트 리퍼블릭

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic 워커스 앤 리소스: 소비에트 리퍼블릭

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Buildings (by category): Residential
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2.825 MB
2024년 8월 5일 오후 7시 15분
1개의 변경 사항 ( 보기 )

다운로드 위해 구독하기

fjødwr님의 1 모음집
Katalóg Výrobkov
아이템 5개
Original Slovak description of the house
Koliba je prízemná zrubová rekreačná chata, určena do nížinatých oblastí a ku vode.
Pri použití poschodových lôžok vyhovuje 4-člennej rodine. Vstup do chaty je riešený cez krutú terasu. Vedľa komínového telesa je kuchynský kút. Chata je vhodná pre campingy, pionierske tábory a rekreačné zariadenia.
English translation
(Use Google translate if you need!)
  • Cost to build: 48 workdays; 3.6t of boards; 1.6t of Bricks; 0.37t of steel
  • Quality of flats: 68
  • Passenger capacity: 2
댓글 2
Something 2024년 8월 9일 오전 5시 42분 
Thanks for translating
Princess Asshole 2024년 8월 6일 오전 3시 53분 
English translation ( Google translate )

Koliba is a ground-floor log recreation cabin, intended for lowland areas and near the water.
When using bunk beds, it suits a family of 4. The entrance to the cottage is through a steep terrace. There is a kitchenette next to the chimney. The cottage is suitable for camping, pioneer camps and recreational facilities.