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GTFO: How to change weapons attachments
Készítő: rezac
Enable weapon customization such as scope, flashlight, stock, and magazine.
(!Should only be used in your private lobby!)
Mod link
Mod Autor[]
(looks hard but isn't)

1. step
Install BepInEx: Link[]

2. step
Extract the BepInEx into GTFO directory and run the game once so that it generates all the required folders and files

Extract BepnEx here: steamapps\common\GTFO

3. step
Navigate to your GTFO folder and extract the mod zip file into the GTFO.

Extract WeaponmCustomizer.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll from mod zip file here: steamapps\common\GTFO\BepInEx/plugins

4. step
Run the game once again. The mod should then generate config files under BepInEx/config.
This mod generates a configuration file for each weapons so you can select the part you wish to customize. Not every weapon has all customization options. Please read the description in each CFG to see the details of the options.

Configuration file location: steamapps\common\GTFO\BepInEx\config\WeaponCustomizer

Now you can open WeaponCustomizer folder and click on weapon u want to modify.
it should look like this:

For example let's change DMR optic to thermal one from PDW:
open DMR.cfg in notes and you will see something like this:
Choose THERMAL_TYPE_B from # Acceptable values and change the (Sight = ) from SCOPE_TYPE_A to THERMAL_TYPE_B and hit save.

Now you can load the game and try it.
This mod is client side meaning you will still be able to play with your friends if they decide not to use it. Your modded weapon will still by visible to other players.

My guide is basically just a copy of his mod page i take no credit.
Mod Author[]
5 megjegyzés
turdnug 2024. szept. 22., 15:11 
i sent you a dm
turdnug 2024. szept. 20., 22:17 
rezac  [készítő] 2024. szept. 20., 11:33 
if u cant find the files in the mod folder, message me on discord: "vojtechrezac".
turdnug 2024. szept. 19., 18:55 
hey i can find these files
WeaponmCustomizer.dll and Newtonsoft.Json.dll
Dave Heistman 2024. aug. 14., 21:36 