Crime Boss: Rockay City
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Rogue lite mode additional tips and tricks
Από The Fierce Deity
Having finished fourteen campaigns and over 200 hours of playtime under my belt, I figured I would share some of my experience with newer players to raise their chances of a successful campaign. If you have any other tips, let me know, and I will add them in. For a more comprehensive guide, see Flavio's as he goes over the basics.
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Starting point
The biggest advice I can give to starting players is to start with the multiplayer mode if possible.

I say this because weapons and characters are locked until selected by level up reward. These are typically the better crew or equipment that will raise your chances of success and cannot be bought in the campaign black market or crew until unlocked.

Additionally, you will be doing the same heists in the rogue lite mode, so practicing them in multiplayer raises your familiarity with them.

My recommendation is around LV. 20-30 before starting a campaign.

Focus on weapons and equipment for your unlocks, priority for the stun grenade, crew members and then weapons of legendary or epic quality, my recommendations being the SPX and TIMM 4 variants if you see them.
Mission priority
Every day of the campaign, you start with 1 heat. As your heat rises, missions get harder. See Flavio's guide on what differences are. This means that ideally, a player wants to start with loud missions to start with, as stealth missions are easier to complete on higher heats. The exceptions are warehouse missions and grocery stores.

On the highest heat, warehouses can have around 16–22 cameras and what feels like around 20 guards, meaning one is very likely to go loud.

Grocery stores at high heat gain an uncanny ability to go loud due to gangs crashing the party so do consider them choosing them first as well, but grocery stores are usually only an issue early game as they are not offered after.

A tip for stealing from gangs, since killing them does not give you strikes silenced weapons are heavily recommended as with careful timing one can take 4–6 people with no consequences. If it is all you have available, knives and shuriken are also useful.

An example day would look like this: starting the day with an armored car or truck convoy. Next up turf war activity, and then finally a warehouse, jewelry store, or bank. Depending on which character mission's one has available, they should also be done last.

While the game says investigation is tied to heat, the general consensus I have read is that one wants to do as many missions a day as possible. Which means for stealth missions you only want to bring 1 member. Again, for doing warehouse missions if heat is high, I would recommend having a team member on standby, as backup if things go loud.
For Baker, you get two uses, so you want to send him on the highest value missions due to his 50% bonus. Ideally stealth ones. Also, one can milk out extra missions with him for character focused "big heist" preparation missions if you do his default two first.

This brings us to team composition.

Team composition and loadout
For missions, you are going to want 2 team sets, combat focused and stealth.

Some of the better team members are locked behind story missions, but once you have them, here are my recommended choices.

For stealth, Vamp, Runaway, Stinger, and Jupiter are instant grabs. Low team cut, good perks, and as long as you change their equipment, solid all around. In addition, all but Runaway can substitute in fairly well for loud missions.

Perks you should look for are for stealth are Ghost primarily. Swift and Toolkit are nice additional asks, but not necessary.

For equipment, I would recommend bringing a camera jammer if you have less experience with maps. The sensor grenade is good too. By default, I would recommend the silenced stun grenade as it allows for risky plays and multi subduction of guards. The stun grenade can sometimes pull you out of jams if you are quick enough.

knives and shuriken are highly situational for stealth. I personally prefer a silenced weapon if available due to its better range and ability to kill quickly. In combat, they don't have the damage to take out specials. The primary advantage they have over silent weapons is they don't have any noise so it will not result in an investigation chain that can happen with silenced weapons, but again most of the time I have been able to just kill the investigators quickly enough for it not to be an issue.

Buy any camera jammers and stun grenades you want early in the run, as they will disappear from the black market late in the run.

For combat, ideally, you are looking for purple team member or higher. Ideally with a 4% cut, though 5% is acceptable as well. Forehand is a solid choice even though he is blue.

The perks you want here are gun damage, health regeneration, or damage resistance.

On equipment for combat, I would say either the turret or grenade. By grenade honestly any of the three are viable. The default one has a nice singular splash. For cluster, I find to be a bit more unreliable, but it covers a larger area. The stun grenade can buy you time from getting shot and make shields more vulnerable, the downside in multi-player is that it does not work on robots.

For weapons, as this does matter for loud if you have them. For assault rifles the TIMM 4 and AUG are solid. For shotguns the SPX and practical are good. Recommended sidearms would be the BOA and hand cannon. All put out good damage and have easy handling. Most weapons are fine, but I have found these to be my preferred choices.

Update 11 police wave increase is bonkers, try to find a spot where you can find cover and importantly funnel the cops in one direction.

Bots are dumb as rocks, so make sure to keep an eye on them in combat.

Bag packing
If you don't have any bots to help haul bags, keep in mind that any loose loot you have is emptied at the van. This means one can fill 2 bags, toss one of them and then fill another to 80-90% full and pick up the second bag again and all will be delivered at the van. This trick essentially gets one a free third bag.

The dragon fills a full bag and the larger antiquities take half, meaning if one fills a bag with small loot to 80-90% first and then puts in the larger items, they can reduce the amount of bags to carry. Those bags will also be more valuable than the others.
Heist tips
Armored truck: If possible saw the side door the cops AI has trouble entering it and it allows for more cover. Just be careful going out as they will stack up outside it.

The industrial area spawn is the hardest as the line of sight you have is terrible, focus one van so you can get some actual cover as police swarm from all 4 directions and there is no good way to funnel. I thought about using the upper floors but have not tested that enough.

Warehouse: on high heat a camera jammer is advised, personally the basic one as it takes a camera down for 30 seconds as opposed to the 10 you get with the advanced one.

Big heist tips
Import, export: there can sometimes be a tunnel in the restaurant that makes stealthing to the boat trivial. update 12 added cameras to the map making the tunnel not as simple. This mission is tied to Khan, so if he dies will not trigger.

tip on bypassing fence, hot dog tech: If the character has swift 3, you can jump onto the umbrella then onto the hot dog cart. To do it go up to the second floor of the restaurant jump unto the umbrella (stun grenade if there is cop near by) then get a running start and leap to the hot dot cart. If the character does not have swift 3 you can jump onto the lamp near the cart (takes a bit of practice) then back up and run and jump onto the cart. This allows bypass of the fence without a tunnel ,gate key or ladder. For the other variant the ice cream cart or lamp can be used no swift needed.

Money train: There is a train key-card in an office upstairs or on a guard that allows you to bypass buzz-sawing the inside doors. In that same office, there is also a sprinkler system for the outside fire and typically a hydrant for the inside one.

Dragon Dogs : You evacuate via the maintenance room after the statues are taken away, so pile the loot bags there if you managed to keep things quiet until then.

Hidden Vault Vertigo Bank : the upper area is a great place to nab the guards as all but 2 will visit there in their rotation, and it is free of cameras, just make sure to maneuver civvies and guards out of eyesight for increased effectiveness.
Also unless it's at the back of the bank outside civvies will hear once the vault is open so make sure you have a bot to switch too or someone stationed near the front to grab them.

Gold cup: the shapes on the control panel corresponds to two whiteboards in the room below.

For disabling the lasers, check the color of the wires near the door. Once you get to the room, don't pull that color lever, it's a dirty trick! Most of the time, it will switch colors before it gets to its final destination. So keep in mind the original color and look for where it comes in and then switches to find the correct lever. This mission is tied to Dragon, so if he dies will not trigger.

Cagnali's Fortress : If the player manages to stealth all the way to the control room you get the option to override the robots which gives one robot gangsters after finishing the mission in the campaign. personally I don't think it all that special, and that the robots break a bit of the games aesthetic, but that is just me.

Reward card priority
So you won a campaign or failed one, great you most likely will get to pick an upgrade, but which should you choose?

Honestly, there is no wrong choice, but there are a priority picks.

My recommendation is that cards for Gloves and Casey should be chosen first, then Nasara. Baker and Touchdown should ideally be picked last other than the cards that give them their perks, since the extra damage health and revives are not big deciding factors in the success of a run, whereas mission reward or boss exp will.

The fastest way to gain cards is the standalone Cagnali's order standalone campaign. You can also exploit the amount of increased starting cash + loan ($140,000) to buy stuff for the office to further accelerate boss exp gain.
Other tips
Keep a stash of drugs, electronics, and luxuries on hand as big heists will give the option to use them for reduced set up costs. Having a reserve maxing out at $300,000 is my recommendation. Anything else, sell if the market price is good (40% seems to be the max).

If you have free space, get your team to max level (LV. 4) as quickly as possible. They will be tankier and have better perks at a slight loss of funds paying their cut is a great resource if you want to know crew and weapons stats. If you click a perk, it also brings a page breaking down what each perk does.

Will update this as I remember things I forgot, Hope this helps somewhat.
7 σχόλια
JitzaD 10 Δεκ 2024, 10:30 
If doing warehouse in campaign, have a bot loot the crates, this will highlight MOST of the crates in the warehouse or depot that you might have missed,
Doktor Vic Tim 28 Αυγ 2024, 21:16 
Also, for longer runs, Jupiter's Story has a nice reward in that investigation goes down by around 47%. 35% for finishing the final mission and 12% for killing the two detectives in the mission.
Doktor Vic Tim 28 Αυγ 2024, 21:08 
Money Train still triggers if Hielo's gone. It has 2 versions on the prepping. One is doing Jewelry Store to get a ring and the other one requires robbing 3 Armored Trucks.

I guess I could give some normal Heist Tips on Port Plunder heists: For stealth, you can destroy the lasers in the vault area but it costs a strike. If you have strikes to spare, definetly take out a laser in the way as it will speed up bag moving A LOT.

For Port Plunder loud, bring a Sensor Mine. This wil let you see which vault has the loot inside when it's loud and you can use the code found in the underground security room to open the vault faster in loud. No drills!
SomewhereInBetweenSpectrums 18 Αυγ 2024, 10:04 
These are good tips from an experienced player myself. Would be nice if there was tips on getting the $7M needed for the penthouse in the campaign other than floating a loan prior to completion of a roguelite campaign.
Taberone 17 Αυγ 2024, 12:12 
When attacking Cagnali's final turf, if you get all the way inside her HQ and activate the elevator in the back, it'll spawn her early. Go around the side and you'll find a side entrance to the HQ. This way, You don't need to slog through killing all her Scudos and Turrets first.
The Fierce Deity  [Δημιουργός] 4 Αυγ 2024, 10:59 
Fair personally , still prefer a silenced weapon but I can see your point. will amend
Doktor Vic Tim 4 Αυγ 2024, 9:54 
Personally I wouldn't call the knives and shuriken garbage. THey're ranged silent weapons that cause no noise. Sure, a silenced gun does the job quickly, but they can cause a little bit of noise whcih can lead to chain reactions that can go out of hand. Though definetly Shuriken>Throwing Knife. The former recharges REALY fast at least. They have their uses, albeit limited, and sometiems you end up with limited equipment should the Black Market not provide good equipment for sale.

Also, hiring low rank (Grays) can be useful as when you level them up, they can get new equipment you''ve been looking for, but the black market won't sell. Just pay attention to their cuts. Low Ranks with the Thief perk get plenty of speed boost and detection reductions and can prove useful until Runaway comes into play.

And a no brainer, when going for CAgnali's turf, always get the middle one for a nice 2 for 1. And it IS possible to get 3 turfs in one go, but the positioning has to be very specific.