Source Filmmaker

Source Filmmaker

145 人が評価
Models: Outdoor
タグ: SFM
54.463 MB
2024年7月24日 12時24分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


Gmod =


Little something i made two-four years ago but only uploaded outside of Steam, like some other model ports i did that i intend to bring to the workshop. This addon contains multiple 2D VFX models. They are not animated, they are models with static textures. They come from both Caliber and Killing Floor 2. Some .MDLs have up to 64 variations.

Reminder that they spawn in as "fullbright", with brightness being lowered via Color change.

Some of these VFX include:

-Lightning strikes;
-Comical effects such as words, symbols, text boxes, etc;
-Fire and smoke effects going from 25 to 64 variations;
-Hits on dirt, concrete, ceramic;
-Portal, snow debris, logos, electrical and energy bolts, and more.


Algo pequeno que eu fiz dois-quatro anos atrás mas que só fiz o upload fora do Steam, assim como outros ports que eu fiz mas que pretendo colocar no Workshop. Esse addon contém múltiplos modelos de efeitos especiais 2D. Eles não tem animação, são modelos com texturas estáticas. As texturas vem de ambos o Caliber e Killing Floor 2. Alguns .MDLs vão até 64 variações.

Lembrete que eles spawnam em "fullbright" (brilho total). Brilho ajustado pela mudança de cor.

Alguns desses efeitos especiais incluem:

-Acertos na terra, concreto, cerâmica;
-Efeitos de quadrinhos como palavras, efeitos, etc;
-Fogo e fumaça, alguns indo 25 até 64 variações;


-1C Game Studios - For developing Caliber and it's assets. | Por desenvolver o Caliber e seus recursos.

-Blender Software Team - For developing the Blender software. | Por desenvolver o software Blender.

-Blender .SMD Plugin Team - For developing the .SMD plugin for Blender. | Por desenvolver o plugin .SMD para o Blender.

-Gildor - For developing the UModel/UEViewer extraction tool in order to extract the textures. | Por desenvolver a ferramenta de extração UModel/UEViewer para extrair as texturas.

-JohnSheppard44 - For extracting, porting, and making other previews. | Por extrair, exportar, e fazer as previews.

-Perfare - For developing the AssetStudio extraction tool in order to extract the textures from Caliber | Por desenvolver a ferramenta de extração AssetStudio para extrair as texturas do Caliber.

-Tripwire Interactive - For developing Killing Floor 2 and it's assets. | Por desenvolver o Killing Floor 2 e seus recursos.

-You - For checking this addon. | Você for checar esse addon.

Tags: KillingFloor2 Killing Floor KF2 KF Source Model Port ModelPort 2D VFX Special Fire Smoke Snow Dust Sand Ghost Caliber

JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Ceramic\FX_Hit Ceramic (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Concrete\FX_Hit Concrete (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Explosion\FX_Explosion Big Hit 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Explosion\FX_Explosion Big Hit 02.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Explosion\FX_Explosion Big Hit 03.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Fire\FX_Fire Flames 01 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Fire\FX_Flame Sequence (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Ground\FX_Hit Ground (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Misc\FX_Misc Lightning.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Misc\FX_Misc Spark.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Smoke\FX_Smoke 01 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Smoke\FX_Smoke Grenade 01 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Water\FX_Water Particles (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Water\FX_Water Splash Hit (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Caliber\FX\Water\FX_Water Splash Static.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Dust\VFX_Dust Ground Splash 02 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Dust\VFX_Dust Splash 02 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Electric\VFX_Electricity 3x3 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Energy\VFX_Energy Static 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Energy\VFX_Energy Whisp 03.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Explosion\VFX_Explosion 4x4 01 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Explosion\VFX_Explosion 4x4 02 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Fog\Prison_Fog Facade.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Doubletake (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Falling.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Hanged 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Observer.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Observer 2.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Peeking.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Population 01 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Taunt 01 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\AshwoodAsylum_Ghost Walker (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\VFX_Ghost 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ghost\VFX_Ghost SubUV 2x2 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Ice\VFX_Ice Debris 01 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Arrow.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Circle Arrow UI.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Dosh Logo.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Grenade.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Horzine Logo.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Objective Cart.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Objective Defend.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Objective Lever.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Icons\VFX_Icon Saw Blade.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Lightning\VFX_Lightning 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Lightning\VFX_Lightning 2x2 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Lightning\VFX_Lightning Long (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Lightning\VFX_Lightning Long Clean (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Lightning\VFX_Lightning Trail 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Lightning\VFX_Lightning Trail 02 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Bat 3x3 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Comic Panel (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Dance Emote Arrow 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Dance Emote Arrow 02.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Dance Emote Words (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Dark Sphere.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Game Over Logo.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Headshot Comical (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Heart 03.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Heart Break 2x2 (BG).mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Misc\VFX_Misc Heart Outline.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Portal\VFX_Portal Ring.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Black.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Bullet Trail 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Bullet Trail 02.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Burning.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Pillar 03.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Puff.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Soft.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Stack.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Whisp 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Smoke\VFX_Smoke Whisp 02.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Snow\VFX_Snow Burst 01.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Snow\VFX_Snow Medium.mdl
JohnSheppard44\Killing Floor 2\FX\Steam\VFX_Steam (BG).mdl
19 件のコメント
shadex arapucas 1月13日 10時29分 
esses modelos estão incríveis, cara. Por favor, manda mais :)
Sigma Testículos 2024年10月23日 16時43分 
Really, really awesome models.
TheAeronShowOfficial 2024年8月2日 12時23分 
i love this thank you so much
CHON SALCHICHON 2024年7月30日 14時54分 
how to use this models?
inferno3345 2024年7月28日 17時53分 
Sargent Flippy 2024年7月27日 19時50分 
you are doing the lords work thank you!
Mountroid 2024年7月26日 14時31分 
that's neat
Sans_970sfm 2024年7月26日 10時41分 
good model:steamhappy:
7ᴇᴍᴘᴇsᴛᴲ 2024年7月26日 10時00分 
very cool
JohnSheppard44  [作成者] 2024年7月26日 8時08分 
You're welcome, i hope it helps!

@Dr.Kaboom - i have the intention of a V2 once i get more VFX textures, but i haven't set much focus on it as other projects (Like Caliber and PAYDAY 2 weapons) to be honest.