Destiny 2

Destiny 2

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By Megumin's Husband
a Guide on how to become the Ultimate Sorrow Poison Melee Warlock in Destiny 2

the Exotics used in this build are Necrochasm from Crota's End and the new Exotic Class Item Solipsism with the Spirit of Necrotics and the Spirit of Synthoceps.

here is a quick overview of the build. I will get into the specifics down below.



Feed the Void - killing an enemy with any ability grants you Devour. This is essential for survival
Lightning Surge - synergizes with Spirit of Synthoceps for great close range damage and ad-clear


Facet of Grace - increased Transcendence energy with Nercrochasm kills
Facet of Sacrifice - for increased Darkness gains since we are dealing mostly Light damage
Facet of Dominance - Jolt for our Storm grenades and Weaken for our Transcendence grenades
Facet of Dawn - everyone will have Radiant up most of the time since we will be meleeing alot
Facet of Protection - for increased survivability


Phoenix Dive or Healing Rift - up to you
Burst Glide - best jump
Arcane Needle - needed so we can have 3 charges of Lightning Surge
Storm Grenade - best choice for getting kills to proc Devour


Song of Flame - great damage, ad-clear, damage resistance, and procs Spirit of Necrotic


Necrochasm and Spirit of Necrotic synergize with eachother by Necrochasm being able to spread Necrotic poison from thrall explosions by getting precision kills. Another synergy is when enemies are poisoned you will still activate a thrall explosion with body shots from Necrochasm, making chain thrall explosion reactions and clearing out rooms very easy to do. The catalyst got a buff in TFS giving it One for All so it is now stronger than ever. While Necrochasm does kinetic damage, the thrall explosions do Arc damage as well. I believe Necrochasm is a top 5 primary ammo Exotic now.

a good 1-2 Punch shotgun is nice to have in case a Major enemy gets too close to you. Spirit of Synthoceps increases this damage even more, a normal melee doing over 60k damage when procced

Glaives in fact work with both Spirit of Necrotic and Spirit of Synthoceps making a true Melee Warlock build a reality. Get one with Close to Melee to have an extra 30% increased melee damage when procced

I suggest using a Stasis or Strand Heavy Weapon in case you want to build up your Darkness meter fast to pop Transcendence. LMGs are a good general-use heavy and have good ammo economy

if you want something more oriented for Boss DPS I would suggest a Linear or Grenade Launcher


since Necrochasm deals Kinetic damage and the Thrall Explosions deal Arc damage, having both Kinetic and Arc Siphon mods will create a ton of orbs for you and your Fireteam. the Powerful Friends mod will increase everyone's Armor Charges as well when you collect orbs.

Kinetic Loader to increase your Necrochasm reload speed. Fastball to increase how far you can throw grenades. Momentum Transfer so you get melee energy back when dealing grenade damage.

Concussive Dampener and Elemental Resistance mods for survivability

run Kinetic Surge mods to up your Necrochasm damage even more. Can also run Invigoration or Orbs of Restoration to lower melee cooldown.

Time Dilation to increase your Armor Charge duration. Outreach and Bomber to lower cooldowns when using your Class Ability.

You are going to want your stats to looks similar to this. First go for 100 Resilience for survivability. Then go 100 Strength to lower your melee cooldowns. After those two get maxxed then start building the rest into Recovery to lower your Class Ability cooldown and also to increase your Health Regen.

Artifact Mods

Galvanic Armor - you are going to be Amplified alot with this build, so extra survivability
Radiant Orbs - an easy way to get Radiant
Shieldcrush - easy increase in Grenade and Melee damage
Transference - more ability damage and Transcendence energy gains


Hive themed


The basic gameplay loop for this build is to spam Lightning Surge and grenades to proc Devour, Radiant, and Amplified and to spread Poison everywhere. Use Necrochasm to generate Orbs and to build your Light and Dark meters to quickly get Transcendence and spam abilities even more. When things get hairy, pop your Super or pull out the glaive.

With this build you will constantly have Radiant, Devour, and Amplified active at the same time, as well as high enemy damage resistance. Building up your Transcendence meters is fast and easy to do, and you will always have plenty of Grenade and Melee charges. Along with the top tier primary exotic Necrochasm causing explosions and poisoning everything, this build is unstoppable.

This is the most fun I've had on my Warlock in awhile. Hope my fellow Guardians enjoy this build too!

Gojira 31 Jul @ 6:50pm 
Dude I literally almost have this exact build except i'm using spirit of harmony instead of syntho to get super back faster on the cursed thrall explosion kills 25 Jul @ 11:19am 
hey. im planning on running a 2 cities tour tomorrow with some friends plaese friend request me if you want to join. i only have enough tickets for one tour so we're only doing one also i can play sniper, scout, or kritz medic for manhattan. it'll be great fun and a good laugh but please have discord so we can make you in the group chat i can invite you after you friendrequest me. thanks

Stickson 14 Jul @ 10:56pm 
I've been using something very similar to this but with Thorn seeing as I don't have Necrochasm. Still have to do Crotas End.