Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

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12 juil. à 15h54
17 juil. à 12h30
4 notes de changement ( voir )

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**NO DLC**
Unpopulated, challenging map intended for realistic mode.

Western medium custom house at Montego Bay
Eastern medium custom house at Morant Point

Semi-realistic resources (loads of bauxite!)

Tropical version:
(Thanks 4X-Fan)
2 commentaires
Lys0gen  [créateur] 16 juil. à 5h36 
@4X-Fan Glad you like it :) As far as I know it would be just changing one setting, so fairly simple to make tropical.
Though for a "budget" version one could probably just turn off seasons in the game settings
4X-Fan 16 juil. à 1h59 
That map gives me Tropico vibes and lookslike a perfect setup for a relaxed island start. The icing on the cake would be of course a tropical biome version... @Lys0gen Assuming that you would get the DLC as gift, would there be a chance for a DLC variant of the map? Or would that be too much work (I have no idea how complicated it is to turn a standard map into a biome one)?