Postal 3
Onvoldoende beoordelingen
How to beat Postal 3
Door Benserboy
How to beat the game
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Part 1 (Skip this section if the game is not installed)
Right click on POSTAL 3 on the sidebar of your steam library.
Click Manage > Uninstall.
A confirmation window will appear, select uninstall.
Part 2
Click on POSTAL 3 in your steam library.
Click on the support button located along the bar of options / links for the game.
Select the option "I want to permanently remove this game from my steam account"
Select "Ok, remove the listed games from my account permanently"

You have successfully completed POSTAL 3!
Part 3 (For if you have opened the game at least once)
Obtain gasoline.
Pour the gasoline all over the floor of your house.
Obtain a match or lighter.
Light your house on fire.
2 opmerkingen
Benserboy  [auteur] 17 feb om 20:01 
Plead guilty, they take you to this place called "Prison" and you never have to play the game again!
rh5972966 17 feb om 19:51 
I did all the Parts I'm in court for arson... what do I do now?