Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

MP7 | Combine (Nova Prospekt)
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Waffe: MP7
Lackierung: Waffenschmied
167.779 MB
9. Juli um 13:31
9. Juli um 17:30
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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In 2 Kollektionen von cryo
Cryo's CS2 Skins
203 Inhalte
5 Inhalte
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The mighty Combine might just be the end of humanity as we know it. While their long and painful chokehold on humanity starts to unfold, their ever tightning grip is represented by all manner of different Combine soldier imaginable. This particular ceremonial model of the SMG1 is made to look like a Combine Nova Prospekt guard.

After very positive reception on the HL2 model of our Opposing Forces Dualies, we've decided to make a new collection with a few weapons dedicated to our favorite side from that skin: the Combine Elite. This should be a short collection of mostly SMGs and maybe a shotgun or two. Few variants with other color pallets available too.

If you liked the skin, give us a thumbs up and a follow!

Thank you!

Check out some of our other skins by clicking on the image below!