Abiotic Factor

Abiotic Factor

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Turning yourself into a killdozer
By Derpy
Make the enemy bend over for you
Getting your hard on
Is this you?

Are you suffering from getting bent over and stomped on by the enemies?
Are you perhaps escaping from your responsibilities as an exterminator of the xeno menace by using stealth and avoiding conflicts?
Are you questioning your capabilities as the superior species to meet the enemy in hand to hand combat?

Worry not dear scientist, with this training regiment of electroshock therapy and questionable chemical combinations we will turn you from a young hatchling to an aggressive mama bear protecting her offspring.
Electroshock therapy
First and foremost making the foundation of your endurance strong is the most essential step to ensure your survival in the toughest situations. (That you will voluntarily put yourself in)

To build this endurance we must first locate ourselves the equipment that we will need to get us started. For the electroshock therapy to succeed without fail, all you need is a makeshift bed, a tool to build the bed (screwdriver, hand drill, power drill) and a broken electrical wire hanging from the ceiling.

The best electrical wire for this job was this one next to the second floor reception in the hallway.

You're going to setup the bed right below the electrical wire so when you get up you're going to immediately get shocked.

Now let the electroshock therapy claim your life and repeat until happy.

For maximum Fortitude xp grind laziness have an autoclicker set on a 6,9 second timer to click respawn. (nice)
Fun chemical concoction
Now that you have achieved peak physical condition we have a couple more steps before you can take on any critter or beast that looks at you funny.

For added tankiness we will brew up a little soup to aid in our quest of massacring all the disgusting alien life.

Grocery list
  • Potato (Obtained from fridges or planting)
  • Milk sac (Obtained from killing and butchering sows)
  • Greyeb (Turning leyak essence into the greyeb seed and planting it)
One with the armor
Now that you have the physique of a brick wall and the magical power of chemistry, don your favorite set of armor, shield and weapon and wreak havoc upon thy mortal enemy.

Oh and I guess if you're still struggling to survive carry an emotional healing briefcase on you for your boo-boos.

Good luck on the battlefield fellow scientist.
Lind 13 Jul @ 1:05pm 
am strong
RyzeNF- 11 Jul @ 10:01am 
To make them bend for you, you must bend for them