Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

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In Cyberpunk 2077, character progression and customization are heavily influenced by the skill system, which allows you to tailor your playstyle to your preferences. Here’s an overview and some tips to help you navigate and optimize your skills in the game:

Attributes and Skills
Your character's abilities are divided into five primary attributes, each containing specific skills:


Enhances stamina, carrying capacity, and general physical endurance.

Improves proficiency with shotguns and light machine guns.

Street Brawler:
Boosts effectiveness with melee weapons, especially blunt weapons like bats and fists.


Increases proficiency with pistols and revolvers.

Enhances skills with rifles and submachine guns.

Improves combat effectiveness with melee bladed weapons like katanas and knives.

Technical Ability

Allows you to craft and upgrade weapons, armor, and other items.

Boosts proficiency with tech weapons and allows you to utilize environmental hazards more effectively.


Breach Protocol:
Enhances your ability to hack networks and devices.

Improves your skills with quickhacks, making you more effective in combat and non-combat hacking.


Improves your ability to move silently and avoid detection.

Cold Blood:
Provides various combat bonuses that activate after defeating an enemy, such as increased movement speed, resistance, and critical hit chance.

Skill Progression

Leveling Up:
Gain experience points (XP) by completing quests, defeating enemies, and performing various in-game activities. As you level up, you earn Attribute Points and Perk Points.

Attribute Points:
Used to increase your primary attributes (Body, Reflexes, Technical Ability, Intelligence, Cool). Each attribute can be increased up to level 20.

Perk Points:
Spent within the skill trees of each attribute to unlock specific perks that provide various bonuses and abilities.
Tips for Optimizing Skills

Focus on Playstyle:
Decide whether you want to focus on stealth, hacking, melee combat, or ranged combat and allocate your points accordingly.

While specializing is important, having a balanced approach can help you handle various challenges. For instance, even a stealth-focused character can benefit from some combat skills.

Crafting and Engineering:
Investing in Technical Ability can provide significant benefits in terms of crafting powerful weapons and gear, as well as exploiting environmental hazards.

Try different builds and see what suits your playstyle best. The game allows for a degree of flexibility, so don't be afraid to experiment with different combinations.

Utilize Cyberware:
Don’t forget to augment your character with cyberware, which can further enhance your abilities and complement your skill choices.

Example Builds

Netrunner (Hacker) Build
Focus on Intelligence (Breach Protocol, Quickhacking).
Secondary focus on Technical Ability for crafting and engineering.

Street Samurai (Melee Fighter) Build

Focus on Reflexes (Blades) and Body (Street Brawler).
Secondary focus on Cool for stealth and Cold Blood perks.

Gunslinger (Ranged Combat) Build

Focus on Reflexes (Handguns, Assault).
Secondary focus on Cool for Cold Blood perks and Body for additional stamina and health.

By carefully considering your attribute and skill choices, you can create a character that suits your preferred playstyle and can tackle the challenges of Night City with finesse and power.
Photo Examples from the Game
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vixen 19 Jul @ 1:00am 
      :dreamstar::dreamstar:   :dreamstar::dreamstar:
Lilith 11 Jul @ 10:42am 
альт ♡ + F4 11 Jul @ 4:46am 
FURY_WiNTER 10 Jul @ 11:32pm 
🌴CrisLight🌴 10 Jul @ 9:30pm 
Draxuss 10 Jul @ 12:51pm 
DesDimona 10 Jul @ 12:26pm 
Mori 10 Jul @ 12:25pm 
Witch-King of Angmar 10 Jul @ 12:12pm 
Nice :happy_cats: