Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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♥♥♥♥♥♥ blight
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Blight is one of the most skill-dependent maniacs in dbd, it is played by a lot of newbies who don't know many mechanics of playing as blight and hidden tricks. Here I'll tell you how to play as this maniac.
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  • Tinkerer
  • Ruin + Undying

It's meta for a reason. You're mobile enough that this combination stops gens from getting done at all for the first few minutes of the game. If you can eliminate one person before you get to three gens left, that's basically game.

Remember to look out for Ruin's sparking, or a lack thereof. If you see a gen that isn't sparking, there's a survivor hiding on the other side.


  • BBQ
  • Thrilling Tremors
  • Surveillance
  • Discordance
  • Retribution
  • Whispers
  • Nurse's
  • Bitter Murmur
  • Deathbound

Blight is mobile enough to act on basically any information he gets, so basically any information perks are great.

  • Thana

Blight is great at getting initial hits, but he abandons chases a lot. As such, Thana gets him a lot of game-slow for free. This also has great synergy with the Tinkerer build, since it gives you more time to get to the generator after Tinkerer pops.


  • Pop goes the Weasel
  • Corrupt
  • Sloppy Butcher

All decent slowdown perks, but all of them have issues specific to Blight.

Pop can't be used alongside Ruin+Undying, which is just a lot better on Blight unless we're in a tournament setting where you're gonna see Detective's Hunch.

Corrupt causes people to walk around, maybe giving you a higher chance of stumbling upon people early on, but often causing them to stumble upon your Hexes if you have them. I'd rather have Ruin+Undying stay up longer.

Sloppy is always nice, but you'll have to make sure to weave in at least one normal M1 per chase, which isn't always ideal.

  • Thrill of the Hunt

Not a bad perk if you hypothetically couldn't run Undying... but you're Blight. It's your perk. Why wouldn't you be able to run Undying?

  • Monitor and Abuse

Makes it less likely they can react to your presence in time. Not half bad.

  • Spirit Fury + Enduring

You can charge it up pretty easily, and you naturally disrespect pallets as a rushing Blight, but you end up breaking them with Lethal Rush more often than you get stunned.


  • Brutal Strength
  • Make Your Choice
  • Forced Penance
  • Devour Hope
  • Cruel Limits
  • Mindbreaker
  • Knockout
  • Spies from the Shadows
  • Lightborn

Funny perks that synergize decently with your power, but not what I would call... good.
Map-Specific Advice
Rotten Fields

A lot of people think this map is bad for Blight, but they are wrong.

It's a small, open map that nevertheless offers visual cover. While the open plain might at first seem daunting to bounce across, you must remember that the center of the map has a few trees and regularly spaced hooks. If you can get a sense for where these hooks are located, you can easily cross the central field by bouncing between them and the walls of shack.


Your worst map, the only indoor map that Blight is actually bad on.

Because Blight lacks vertical mobility, you have to abandon the portal room generator and the upstairs generator.
Rush Mechanics
First off, basics.

Each charge of your power lasts THREE SECONDS. Not TWO. Not ONE. THREE.

As simple as this sounds, it's longer than you think it is, and I see people bouncing early all the time. You can cover 138 meters (base) with one use of your power if you can consistently find bounces at three second intervals.

Your power has two relevant "Vectors"; your "look" vector and your "movement" vector.

The movement vector:

  • Starts out equal to your "look" vector, and will attempt to adjust itself to match adjustments to your look vector, adjusting by up to 60 degrees per second.
  • Determines the direction Blight moves in his rush (duh)
  • Determines whether or not you will slam. If your movement vector intersects terrain at a 45 degree angle or steeper, you slam. If the angle is shallower (or the terrain is buggy) you slide.

The look vector:

  • Is restricted to within 60 degrees of the "movement" vector, but can be freely adjusted within those bounds.
  • Determines the direction you face at the beginning of your Lethal Rush attack.
  • Note that while your turning during the Lethal Rush attack is extremely limited approximately 30 degrees, if you swing your mouse in the desired direction a split second before you attack, you can make a 90 degree turn. This takes some getting used to if your normal habit is to aim as you swing, but is more than worth it. To do this, just like with Hillbilly and Oni, I advise you crank your "controller sensitivity" to maximum and bind "turn left/right" to keyboard buttons (I use Z and X) for easier flicking. Large mousepads also help.

The lethal rush attack has a few notable aspects to it.

  • The hitbox on this thing is very generous, essentially a semi-circle. When combined with pre-turning, you can get hits on people who are almost behind you.
  • The attack can be initiated at the end of your rush to effectively "extend" the duration by a little bit.
  • The missed attack CD is included in your fatigue time, so feel free to go for hits.
  • Remember: PRE TURN. If they're coming up on a hard right turn that will happen the moment you get to the corner, you CAN hit them.
  • During your attack, you can't slam. This means you can glide along some terrain you would normally be unable to rush around.

While I don't normally play with add-ons, there are two add-ons that I think deserve special mention on Blight, because they teach you to play him better, in a way.

  • Adrenaline Vial
  • What we're after here is the reduced turning and increased look angle. This makes our drifting worse, but allows us to make sharper flicks with pre-turning, upping our flick potential from a 90 degree turn to a 120 degree turn. The reduced turning forces you to rush with a plan, and once you take it off you'll feel like you're precogniscient.
  • Alchemist's Ring
  • An INCREDIBLE add-on, but that's not why we run it. Lets say you land a quick rush attack, walk forward to line up your next rush, and then go for it again. The issue with that... is that you just wasted the Ring. A second-charge hit means you recharge after 4 seconds normally. If you're waiting to rush after them until you know exactly where they are, you're not getting any value out of this. This add-on makes you acutely aware of time you're wasting, and enables a playstyle of going for reckless rushes, which is great for learning what hits you can and can't hit.

Doors are very frustrating for Blight, but there are two ways you can try to get through them.

1. Approach them head-on, perpendicular and dead-center. You should be able to squeak through the middle, though if you're off even a little bit you will bounce off an invisible wall. This is what I usually do on Midwich.

2. Approach them parallel and with some horizontal momentum. Between the Slam window's adjustment time, your "bounce back" from hitting the doorframe, and the horizontal momentum. This is what I do for Shack, and you can get hits on the window this way (or at the pallet if a gen doesn't spawn).

While Blight's power has a lot of creative use cases, keep in mind that sometimes, you don't need big brain plays. Small, smooth brain works just as well at times.

If you see somebody running to a pallet... sure, you could go for some 300 IQ play at the tile to get a hit... but why do hard rush when easy rush do trick? You're fast as ♥♥♥♥. Rush to the rubble next to the pallet to get there ahead of the survivor and roll your fingers across you mouse for a quick M2+M1 for an easy hit.

One last thing about Blight is that rushes need SPACE to work. If you're too close to a wall, you can't initiate a rush. This isn't a huge deal under normal circumstances, since you can just step back to get your rush, but there is one notable exception: STAIRS. Blight's camera is so low that the "proximity detection" cannot distinguish between Blight looking at a totally scalable staircase and him looking at a wall that he would immediately bounce off of. There are no ways you can use this to your advantage... just be aware of it. If you find yourself on Temple, bounce off of the bottom corner of the stairs, not the wall of the stairwell.
Counters to Blight
  • Hawkins
  • As previously mentioned, this map is awful for Blight.
  • Thick Mist
  • Blight's camera is so low that this ♥♥♥♥ is all at eye-level.
  • Spine Chill
  • Blight always runs Tinkerer. Spine Chill will tell you that they're coming.
  • Toolboxes/Cooperation
  • Blight runs Tinkerer so he can get to an almost complete gen before it gets done. If there are two people on it, or you pop out a toolbox for the last 30% of the gen, it's very likely that you'll finish before he gets there, stopping Ruin from destroying your work.
  • Dead Hard
  • Blight doesn't usually get a chance to "bait out" Dead Hard while he's rushing around. Sometimes you can do it if you catch them off guard, in an animation, or if you have spare charges... but it's pretty easy to dodge his ♥♥♥♥.
  • Circles
  • Blight can curve around small rounded objects, but anything more than a meter across is a no-go.
  • Distortion
  • Every Blight in the world runs Ruin Undying. If you run Distortion, and you see a token randomly get deducted, you know you just passed a totem. You can then use this information (and the aura hiding) to kill the hex you passed without worrying about Blight seeing you from a mile away and running like the microwave is about to beep at 2:37 AM.
  • Small game
  • Similar to Distortion, but with unlimited use and vulnerability to interruptions thanks to Undying.
  • Detective's Hunch
  • Similar to Small Game, but large scale. The big weakness is that getting gens done to activate the perk while Ruin Undying is still up is... a challenge.
  • Thumbsticks
  • If you are playing Blight on console, I'm sorry to say you might have countered yourself already.
  • Doorframes
  • You know those little cubby areas that connect some of the downstairs rooms on The Game? Those are pain. The House of Pain is also a problem for you, but that's true for basically everyone.
  • Soul Guard
  • Blight sometimes has to run off. This often includes between downing and hooking. Since he always brings hexes, and he guards them with his life, you'll be able to pick yourself up with this for most of the game. Otherwise... unbreakable is also gonna be OK.
Pustula Fodder
  • Sprint Burst, Lithe, and Balanced Landing
  • These perks are good because they let you open a gap on the killer. Blight literally runs faster than you under this effect, so...
  • Pallet Camping, Holding W
  • Ordinary killers suffer from a simple fact: if you have to break a pallet, it takes you 15 seconds or so to get back on top of the survivor. Blight is not an ordinary killer, he's RIGHT ON that ass.
  • Large map offerings
  • Blight does not fear distances, only doors, circles, and stairwells.
  • Unlucky Spawns
  • Ever had a gen get done before you could make a patrol around the map? Of course you have, we all have. How often does that happen as Blight? The guy who crosses the map in twelve seconds and has an unhealthy addiction to Tinkerer? Okay maybe on Hawkins, but you get the idea.
That's it bro