Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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how to commit toaster bath (Remastered)
Av L0NEW0LF187
-passport (incase benrey bothers you)
-any half life friendly npc
-a car (a golf cart may do if you are good with negotiation)
-anything to create a pentagram

1. start by plugging your bathtub into the nearest outlet.
2. using your candles, cross, and whatever you brought to create your pentagram, sacrifice a car to satan. NOTE: as said in the item list, a golf cart may work if you are good with negotiating.
3 (most important step). at this point, benrey will start getting suspicious of you and may want to see your passport. if he does, show him the passport and he'll leave you alone. if not, skip this step. NOTE: this step is important because he will want to follow you to make sure you dont f*ck anything up if you dont have your passport, so MAKE SURE YOU BRING YOUR PASSPORT or this WILL NOT WORK.
4. turn back to your pentagram and continue to worship the evil elmo lord. NOTE: for max effect, say:
Día soleado
Barriendo las nubes
En mi camino hacia donde el aire es dulce
¿Puedes decirme cómo llegar?
Cómo llegar a Barrio Sésamo
Ven y juega
Todo está bien
Vecinos amigables allí
Ahí es donde nos encontramos
¿Puedes decirme cómo llegar?
Cómo llegar a Barrio Sésamo
Es un paseo en alfombra mágica
Cada puerta se abrirá de par en par
A gente feliz como tú
A la gente feliz le gusta
Qué bonita
Día soleado
Barriendo las nubes
En mi camino hacia donde el aire es dulce
¿Puedes decirme cómo llegar?
¿Cómo llegar a Barrio Sésamo...?
Cómo llegar a Barrio Sésamo
Cómo llegar a... (i wont translate it because you guys probably already know what it means in english)
5. turn on your powerarms (not included in items list because you should already have them), turn on the full auto on your spas-12, and start blasting the NPC you brought with you to death.
6. start tea bagging him until his body disappears. NOTE: if you do this step incorrectly, the body will never disappear and you will have to start from step 1.
7. round up more of the NPCS you have with you and repeat steps 5 and 6 until all of them are gone.
8. throw your bathtub into the toaster. NOTE: many people think it's the other way around, but some others who did it this way ended up living somehow. the way i describe it is the most effecient way to make sure you die.
9. turn on your bathtub
10. hop in.
11. congrats! you are ded. not big surprise.

if you did this correctly, you should now be dead.

NOTE: this is a remake of my previous guide. the steps are mostly the same, but doing it the way the old guide describes it will not work.
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this section exists just so i can publish this rofl