Hot Lava

Hot Lava

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100% Achievement Guide
By TJReds
This is an in-depth guide for help getting every achievement in the game!
My Other Hot Lava Guides:
This guide is finished. If anything is confusing or incorrect, if you need more help, or have any suggestions to make it better please leave a comment! I'll still be online. :)
Unlocking Achievements

Home Tutoring
Unlock all courses in Gym Class.

  • Complete the course Pole Vault and it should unlock.

You Came To Play
Unlock all courses in Playground.

  • Complete the course Sports Day and it should unlock.

School's Out
Unlock all courses in School.

  • Complete the course Freshman Frenzy and it should unlock.

Clean Up On Aisle Four
Unlock all courses in Wholesale.

  • Complete the course Meat Grinder and it should unlock.

Master Of Some
Unlock all courses in Master Class.

  • Complete the course Wind Tunnel Mastery and it should unlock.

Touch Base
Unlock all courses in Basement.

  • Complete the course Minecart Carnage and it should unlock.

Add Some Character
Unlock your first character.

  • You need to earn at least 3 stars for your first character to unlock

I've Found My Friends
Unlock a follower.

  • There are two followers available for purchase (Grossglobe Rusty and Pinny) for 900 [cosmetic] cards each.
    • You get these cosmetic cards for completing trials, achieving stars, finding collectibles, etc.
  • To buy these followers, go to the Main Menu, click on your character icon (top left), click on Customize, then click on Effects (the card icon).
  • There are other followers available by collecting all cards of a certain level.
Completion Achievements

The Floor Is Lava!
Complete the Intro.

  • When you start a new game, you get a cutscene and then are prompted to follow your sister. Follow her to the blue shield to complete the Intro.

Video Games Will Rot Your Brain
Complete the first course in Gym Class.

  • Complete the course Gym Jam.

Hot Pursuit
Complete your first "pursuit" course.

  • Complete any Chase Your Sister course, they are typically the last course in any given world.

Tiny Dancer
Complete a Tiny Toy trial.

  • Tiny Toy Trials can be found in most worlds.
  • Use this link for a guide on Tiny Toy Trial locations.

Pogo Power
Complete a Pogo trial.

  • Pogo trials can be found in most worlds.
  • Use this link for a guide on Pogo trial locations.

Extra Credit
Complete all courses and trials in Gym Class.

  • Complete every course and trial in the world Gym Class (excluding Buddy trials).

Play For Keeps
Complete all courses and trials in Playground.

  • Complete every course and trial in the world Playground (excluding Buddy trials).

School's Out Forever
Complete all courses and trials in School.

  • Complete every course and trial in the world School (excluding Buddy trials).

Price Check
Complete all courses and trials in Wholesale.

  • Complete every course and trial in the world Wholesale (excluding Buddy trials).

Doctorate Of Jumpology
Complete all courses and trials in Master Class.

  • Complete every course and trial in the world Master Class (excluding Buddy trials).

20,000 Steps Under The Ground
Complete all courses and trials in Basement.

  • Complete every course and trial in the world Basement (excluding Buddy trials).

Fight Violence With Action
Complete a course with no deaths.

  • This is easiest done in the map Gym Class. Keep practicing until you can do a course without dying.

Rise To The Challenge
Complete all challenges for a single course.

  • When viewing any course, you can see all challenges for it. Complete all challenges / obtain all stars for any course.
  • Use this link for a guide on Obtaining Stars if you need help with certain challenges.

Pursuit Purist
Complete all pursuit courses.

  • There are 6 pursuit courses you need to complete:
    • Chase Your Sister in Gym Class
    • Chase the Big Kid in Playground
    • Chase Your Sister in School
    • Chase Through the Store in Wholesale
    • Chase the Meaning in Basement
    • Chase to the Arcade in Rocco's Arcade

Ultimate Tiny Traveller
Complete all Tiny Toy trials.

  • There are a total of 9 Tiny Toy Trials you need to complete:
    • 1 in Gym Class
    • 2 in Playground
    • 1 in School
    • 1 in Wholesale
    • 1 in Masterclass
    • 1 in Basement
    • 2 in Rocco's Arcade
  • Use this link for a guide on Tiny Toy Trial trial locations.

Pogo Gang
Complete all Pogo trials.

  • There are a total of 13 Pogo trials you need to complete:
    • 1 in Gym Class
    • 2 in Playground
    • 3 in School
    • 3 in Wholesale
    • 1 in Masterclass
    • 1 in Basement
    • 2 in Rocco's Arcade
  • Use this link for a guide on Pogo trial locations.

Doggone It!
Complete a course with Buddy.

  • Buddy is a dog that can be found in most maps. Pick him up, enter a course and complete it for this achievement.
  • Use this link for a guide on Buddy locations.

Level Up
Complete all courses.

  • Complete every course in every map.
  • Use this link for a guide on completing every course.

Community Patron
Complete a community map course.

  • In the World Selection menu, click the "Browse Workshop" button. Click on "Download More Maps," and simply download any map from the community workshop.
  • You don't need to complete every course in whichever map you download, you just need to complete at least one.
Miscellaneous Achievements

Jumping Off Point
Jump 100 times.

  • Jump.

Jump To It
Jump 1000 Times.

  • Jump even more!

Jump On It
Jump 5000 Times.

  • Jump! Jump!!! Jump!!!!!

Boost Baby
Build up boost to 5 m/s.

  • Jump on a slide from a high place and you should get this achievement.

Sky Walker
Perform a "late" jump right after leaving a ledge 77 times.

  • When you're just about to fall off something, jump. You should get this one naturally.

The Floor Is Floor
Die by Collision.

  • Die from fall damage.

Absolute Confection
Tweak something in the Settings menu.

  • Hit Esc, go to Settings, then change anything and hit save to keep this changes.

Jump Shot
Get a basketball into the hoop in Playground.

  • You don't actually need to make it in for this one, you just need to hit the hoop with the ball anywhere.

Grand Theft Backpack
Pick up a knapsack and run with it.

  • Knapsacks can be found in the maps: Gym Class, Playground, School, and Basement. Just pick one up and run around with it for a little bit.

The Fort is Lava
Find the hidden fort in Wholesale.

  • The hidden fort can be found in Aisle 6 (Paper Goods) of the market (through the Frozen Meat freezers).

  • Hydro Homies
    Use a water fountain.

    • Water Fountains can be found in the maps: Gym Class, Playground, and School. Just hold the button on the front of it until water comes out.

    You're A Monster
    Lose Buddy to the lava.

    • Buddy is a dog that can be found in most maps. Pick Buddy up and enter any course with him to start Buddy Mode. Simply drop him in the lava for this achievement.

    Running With Scissors
    Pick up a pair of scissors and run with it.

    • Scissors can be found in the maps: Gym Class, Playground, and School. Just pick one up and run around with it for a little bit.

    Stick To It
    Complete one sticker set.

    • You need to obtain all stickers of a single set to unlock this achievement. You can go to the cosmetics menu to buy stickers that you are missing.
      • An easy way to unlock this achievement is to just buy every sticker.
    • There are two sticker sets that I know of (the School set and the Glossglobe Rusty set).
    School sticker set:
    • Red Stapler
    • Bulldog Clip
    • Calculator Watch
    • Cellphone
    • Scissors
    • Tack
    • White Glue
    • Portable Game
    Glossglobe Rusty sticker set:
    • Moccasin
    • Slime Zero
    • Franken Jen
    • Hazardous Waste
    • Lex Hex
    • Deep Blue Sue
    • Rusty
    • Bonehead
Guide Updates

July 3, 2024: Guide framework created along with information for most achievements.
July 8, 2024: Guide published.
July 9, 2024: Added hyperlinks to other guides and finalized guide.