King of the Bridge
The Updated Clairvoyance Guide
โดย Momovsky
New easy way to get one of the hardest achievements in the game done.
Previously on King of the Bridge
When the game first came out, the easiest way to complete the clairvoyance achievement was to make the troll move gifts left by bishops. However now it is almost impossible to do, troll will do pretty much anything except moving gifts. This includes moving your pieces and making illegal black king moves. Fortunately, there is another easy way (actually, two of them!).
First things first
To start off, you will probably want a clear game file, because normally you already have most of the rules unlocked.
In the main menu, go to Options, then Game, and wipe your game file. When you start the game next time, you will have most of the rules locked. You will have to re-do this every time you start a new run if you fail to get the achievement the first time.
The rule 9 strategy - for those who feel lucky
Rule 9 is the rule that states that only horsey can jump over other pieces. This rule is revealed once you move YOUR horsey for the first time (probably only over your pawns?). And you can manipulate the game to make troll more likely to break this rule before you'll have to move your horses.
Preferably you should start the game with the following layout prior to turn 3:

This way, you provoke the black rook to jump over the black pawn to get your own free rook. This won't happen every time and you have to be pretty lucky to see it, but it's the fastest way to get this achievement in the right circumstances.
The rule 12 strategy - for consistency
This one is a bit slower but it ultimately works every time if you are careful enough.
Rule 12 states that the king can only move one field in every direction around. But the rule is only revealed once YOUR king moves for the first time.
Now, all you have to do is kill all the black pieces without moving your king once. When the black king is the only piece left, you will have to shuffle your pieces (but don't touch your king yet!) until black king jumps several fields at once. This happens pretty often, I would say 10-20 moves to see it first tops. When it finally happens, accuse the troll of violating the hidden Rule 12 -- and the achievement is yours.
Note: If you play defensively with your pawns, the only real thing that can make your king move is a sneaky bishop going from behind the board. If he attacks the king, you will be forced to move him. So to not ruin your run I suggest to remove black bishop on the black fields ASAP. Probably it should be your first revenge cheat in the game.