Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

254 arvostelua
Avatar - The last Airbender
Lisää suosikkeihin
Lisätty suosikkeihin
Poista suosikeista
3.553 GB
29.6. klo 5.29
29.6. klo 5.32
2 muutosilmoitusta ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Avatar - The last Airbender

Looking for successors!

The current modding team is pretty much dead and no one really wants to continue the mod anymore. The project is free for anyone to continue, although i would be happy if it wasn´t completey changed and the idea and spirit of the original design was kept (no focus trees, no avatar country etc.). At this point all that is needed is events and decisions to make the mod feel complete, so no rocket sience. This is the link to the old discord https://discord.gg/UfFKuYp
Maybe it can help to organise a new team or ask questions to the old team.

About this Mod
The mod was started by me in 2018 after watching atla for the first time. Having played hoi4 for a year or so i thought it would make for a great mod. Its been 6 years now and way too many hours have gone into this. There have been a lot of great people over the years, but it never felt like a really dedicated team and although the project has come a long way, the road ahead still seems to be endless. Therefore it is time to pass it to someone or somemany else, in the hopes that on some beautiful day this mod will be completed.

The mod is set in the world of "Avatar The last Airbender". The first scenario is set in the year 12 after Avatar Rokus Death and it is the year in which Firelord Sozin attacked the air nomads and started a war that should last for onehundred years, in which the firenation tried to establish its dominance on the globe.
Since hoi4 is not really designed to be played for 100 years, the mod needs to change a lot of things to keep the gameplay interesing and balanced. The tech trees are gigantic, the economy system is elaborate and the generic content is expanded. However a lot of unique content for nations is missing and with over 30 countries and more than 100 years to fill, its quite an undertaking...

Credits to the people from whom we used the content:
-Avatar Studios (obviously, this is fan nonprofit project of their show)
-Connor Sheehan (Southern Air Temple, Ba Sing Se, Northern Water Tribe, Fire Nation drydock loading screens)
-Kyle Mulqueen (Piandao's Castle loading screen)
-Angelo Panciotto (Sozin's Throne room loading screen)
-Savvy Jensen (another Southern Air Temple loading screen)
-Andy Woodhead (balista)
-Devin Elle Kurtz (some portraits)
-If we forgot someone please contact us anywhere so we can tag you too

People who helped to develop this mod
Hermerico : responsible for most tech trees, states and mapwork and the overal direction of the mod. also the first one to join the project
Steelkeep99 : designed almost all country flags and some other gfx. joined very early on and is still lurking
Nut : reworked almost every 2d icon to give the mod the great look it has today
Polar Bear Dog : added starting units for a lot of nations
cordy: a legendary shadow warrior who randomly contributes random stuff to the project
krab3x : added the air council mechanic and starting techs

if your not listed, but you should be or your description is inaccurate, pls contact me

Update log
1.0 "The End" (29.06.2024)
0.9.3/4 "harry potter" (01.05.2024)
0.9.2 "map error fix" (10.03.2024)
0.9.2 "1.14.*patch" (08.03.2024)
0.9.1 "patch" (12.2.2024)
0.9.0 "So close, yet so far" (11.2.2024)
0.8.0 "Hello again" (15.9.2023)
0.7.1 "Goodbye" (24.1.2023)
0.7.0 "Fire" (26.12.2022)
0.6.1 "Comply or Die" (02.05.2022)
0.6.0 "Hundred Years" (15.04.2022)
0.5.0 "Zhao" (19.06.2021)
0.4.1 "Toph" (23.09.2020)
0.4.0 "Qin" (18.07.2020)
0.3.1 "Pentapox" (05.05.2020)
0.3.0 "Hope" (29.02.2020)
0.2.1 "Chin" (03.11.2019)
0.2.0 "Earth" (04.09.2019)
0.1.0 (11.08.2019)
71 kommenttia
Toast 2 tuntia sitten 
If you ever plan to continue this, you should really try doing it on Crusader Kings 3 instead. I feel like you'd have a way better time setting up a lot of this there, especially with landless coming soon. I've always thought people have a bad habit of just assuming anything industrial-era should go into Hearts of Iron 4 instead of putting it into whichever game the mechanics fit best in, and CK3 would make things incredibly easy on you.
the scar is on the wrong side
Lfranzh 5 tuntia sitten 
Whenever I load the game with this mod it simply doesn't activate, when I load in it is still base vanilla hoi4 like I never had the mod selected?? anyone have a solution
Soyuzna 5 tuntia sitten 
for the air temple genocide. I have no way to take control or send volunteers as the fire nation to take out the airbenders so they just automatically lose? Not sure what Im supposed to do as for the lore they succeed
ColonelSS 8 tuntia sitten 
I won a war, but didn't generate any war score, so I got white peace'd. Need way more than eight commanders for the Fire Nation especially with over 280 divisions. Would like to be able to research air ships and balloons.
Noonstar99 10 tuntia sitten 
I have been playing this mod for a while now and have a at least good understanding of most things and what you and thoughts that put time into this mod is unbelievable, granted there are a few bugs like not being able to product or acquire units or productions but the resource system is the most interesting part about this mod and i love the way you have molded this game and how each little thing affects each other I am also 50/50 on the no politic tree and just having a missions tab to control that stuff but it is implemented in such a way that is astounding. Thank you for producing this piece of art I can only hope that some one as dedicated as you lot have as much success as you have.
Leon 15 tuntia sitten 
Super complicated hard to understand good concept
MiuKey 16 tuntia sitten 
Nice mod bung
TaGGiLa 16 tuntia sitten 
Русский перевод будет?
Nero Sima 17 tuntia sitten 
First, you have improved a lot since the last version
Second, I don't know if the conscription law volunted only and limited conscription are reversed.