Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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Mills Callout Suggestions
Av Azu1A
A Guide on What We Can Call Locations
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Welcome to Mills
Mills was recently added in an update on June 25th, 2024 titled "The Real MVP", and as such is lacking universal callouts for locations, making it hard to identify and then translate where the enemy is coming from or throwing utility to. as such, i have went out of my way to make a few suggestions as to what these locations should be called to hopefully help the average player out and to also bring the competitiveness of the map up. we will be going over what i call these locations and why they are called what they are.
Junction is located just outside of T spawn to the left, and is one of two ways you can go to get to locations such as Heaven and Canal, which will be discussed later. not much fighting will happen here, but it is wise to pay attention here if they decide to flank the long way around. I have named it junction due to the red bar that prevents traffic from entering from one direction
Moped will be the first area to your right when you exit T spawn, and although not a very important spot, i recommend remembering to check here because it leaves an area for someone to hide and stop a potential flank late round or to save
420 is located directly after Moped and gives you access to areas such as Shoeshop, Dock, and Warehouse. This area is named 420 for the weed dispensary located directly to the right heading towards Dock
Dock is located just to the right after heading through 420 next to Warehouse, and will lead you to Truck and Storage outside of A site. I have named this location Dock because of it being, well, a dock.
Directly to the left of Dock is Warehouse, which also leads to Truck outside of A site. The name of this particular location should be pretty self explanatory, seeing as it is a warehouse
Truck is located just outside of A site and connects Storage to Warehouse and Dock. Plenty of fighting is to take place here, and beware of the boost onto Box to the right of A site as you push in
Storage and Kayak
Storage, although not functionally very helpful, connects Truck to A site. Be aware that pushing from here is not recommended unless you have at least three people pushing from this angle at once, as you will have to clear angles of enemies at Pillar, Hotel, Box, and most importantly Kayak, which is located just behind Storage to the right when entering A site from Truck
Hotel is located back side of A site to the right. although very exposed for enemies, it allows for a quick drop behind Box on A site for cover

Pillar is located on A site that i have noticed to be a problem spot for the attackers, as peeking this angle leaves you exposed from Icecream and pushes coming from Hotel, and exposed to a push from Kayak
Icecream is located just outside of Cafe and A Site. This area tends to get a lot of foot traffic from both the T and CT side depending on if its a T push or a CT rotate
Benches is located just between Icecream, Bakery, and Alley. not very important, but gives a name for if someone were to hide or rotate through
Bakery allows a rotate from Benches to top of mid near Tree, and Vice Versa. it is important to watch this as it is the shortest path between A and B site, allowing for quick rotates
Alley connects Benches to Mid and allows you to watch T's coming from Shoeshop and Canal. although a very risky spot to watch from, it is necessary to secure this spot as to not allow access to Bakery, which opens up quick rotates between both sites and shields from having to take long angles down Mid from CT's who will likely hold with either a Scout or an AWP
Canal is between Attic and connects to Mid, Alley, and Shoeshop, and IMO is the most fun spot to play on T side and also allows you to prevent a push up mid from CT's and also a push from Clogs
Attic is located just next to bicycle and gives a slight height advantage and better view of possible enemies hiding around Clogs
Clogs and Flower Pot
Clogs connect A main to Flower Pot and A site. watch for CT's holding to the right side waiting for you to push before they swing
Back Alley
Located towards A site, this connects Umberella to A Site, giving a second option for CT's to rotate into site without being choked down at Directions. Be mindful of this location as they can jump up to the fence and onto site and catch you off-guard

Directions connects Mid and Umberella to B Site and allows CT's to jump strafe onto box of B Site, so be mindful of this
Milk is located directly on A site and is to be watched as a T to prevent being mowed down as you push onto site
Umberella and Jukebox
Umberella is located directly outside of CT Spawn and connects Back Alley, Directions, Jukebox, and CT Spawn to each other. Jukebox is directly behind CT spawn and accessible via CT Spawn, Umberella, and Lifeguard
Lifeguard, Lamp Post, and Cafe
All located next to each other, Lamp Post is in between the three and allows you to enter A site from Lifeguard, with Cafe directly connecting CT Spawn to Hotel and Icecream

Final Notes
although this does not cover all possible angles and locations, this at least gives us some names for the majority of locations and will hopefully help us average players communicate where we are going and what the enemies are doing. If there are any suggestions for what other spots should be named or what names should be changed, id appreciate feedback and will update this guide as needed