Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

Serious Sam Fusion 2017 (beta)

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Project Never Alone - AI COOP Bots Improvements {BFE REPLACEMENT}
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Game Mode: Cooperative
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37.642 MB
24. čvn. v 2.40
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Project Never Alone - AI COOP Bots Improvements {BFE REPLACEMENT}

A Replacement Modification for BFE Campaign. Replaces Default AI Bot Nav Markers allowing Spawned NPC Bots to lead the way and at times beat the levels on their own as well as behaving like Human Players as much as possible.

-Bots now lead the way
-Bots pick most items within the levels
-Bots solve easy puzzles on their own at times
-In some easy levels bots tend to speedrun if there is hardly any resistance
-Bots do not lag behind in most levels
-Bots now stand by player's side more often
-Bots follow the player as much as they can
-Bots can beat certain levels on their own
-Bots use C4, Rocket Crates
-Bots destroy walls with Sledgehammers or C4 or even Rocket Launchers
-Bots trigger doors, detectors and at times find certain easy secrets
-Leader bots lead the way and if player is too far from them they will navigate back to player and wait till player starts moving thus continuing to lead the way.
-Bots follow each other, preferably other leader bots when player is not leading the way.

1. Load any BFE level or Level that supports Bots as well as making sure there are no Cutscenes playing
2. When you spawn in the Level press ~ Key (You only need to do this once unless you switch off the Cheats)
3. Console will open up, type in cht_bEnableCheats=2
4. Hit enter and it should notify you that Achievements are Disabled because of Cheats.
5. Press ~ To Close the Console and next press ESC or F10.
6. Look at the bottom of the Main Menu, it should say F3 Cheats
7. Click on it or press F3, it should open Cheat Menu
8. Look for Spawn Coop NPC, by clicking on it you'll see bunch of Character Names
9. Double Click on any Character you wish to spawn and it should appear right in front of you. That's all.

It will crash if you play in Singleplayer or if you play with your friend in Coop {This only works for 1 Player}
It wont work if you have other mods enabled that replaces BFE Campaign Adjustments
Bots wont spawn if you have too many mods Enabled. To fix this simply Disable all mods and only enable Project Never Alone and other Player Model Mods if you so desire.
This mod replaces BFE Levels which means you'll see altered changes in the Editor of BFE Levels or even Scripts that have been modified or straight up not being used for Bot stability purposes.

This is rather personal project i made on my own. Since Vanilla Multiplayer of Serious Sam Fusion is dead there is just no way to experience 2007, 2011 Old school 16 player coop chaos. This mod will give you a taste of 16 player chaos at it's best. Sure in no way it replaces players, obviously. Best experience is always with your buddies or randoms in 16 player sessions. Anyways Project Never Alone will aim on bringing that nostalgia. Fusion 2017 added a new era of AI Bots for Serious Sam Series which were meant for testing the maps without playing it yourself but problem is that it's only for one bot and one and only player who has to spectate that bot. This mod completely diminishes that. This mod allows you to spawn any AI Bot character you want into your modded session, not just one bot but up to 15 bots 1 Player is included. My aim with this project is to bring back 16 player chaos or at least give the feel of it. TFE and TSE are in the works and it will take some time to finish it. I've learned all i can by studying AI Bots for Serious Sam Fusion 2017 using various game titles for testing and adapting bots as much as possible as well as applying little tricks to prevent them from backtracking or acting weird. Sure it still happens but it happens way less.

-Bots do not know how to finish level that has parkour sections
-Bots do not fill petrol (I made them ignore gas cans because their finish line is next to the car and will stand still. This is a way to prevent them from breaking the player's task.)
-Bots at times fail puzzle sections or trigger doors multiple times (Does not happen all the time but you better be on a look out to see if they did not trigger doors that lead to level's progression multiple times, sometimes you have to involve yourself as well when puzzling)
-Bots do not know how to go further if the map design is not linear such as "Containing unreachable floors like in level 6 and 11".)
-Bots teleport at times when some of them lagged behind the leaders or caused by distant navigation task
-Leader bots ignore items at times
-Bots have no idea what to do when it comes to waiting for elevator in Sirian Chambers, thus they teleport to fix themselves or break at the end of the level. (No idea how to fix this at the moment, issue most commonly known in Level 7.)
-Bots are Immortal ("Playing with God Mode") They have no idea on how to respawn thus to prevent them dying or causing faulty issues they will play with God Mode and they have no care for their health which means they will speed run the level at times. ('Most commonly known in Level 4 Turret sections")
-Bots break if player lags behind or stands still or even dies and is respawned not in place but slightly behind them. ("Does not happen all the time but chances are quite possible. (For best stability play with God Mode)
-Bots crash the game when played in Singleplayer during Auto Save Sections. (Game tries to sync your save file with bots as well which is not meant to be used like that thus causing a crash in your Singleplayer Session (Host a Cooperative Session and spawn the bots there. Does not work when there is more than 1 player in your Session)
-Bots do not know how to use Jetpacks (No idea how to resolve this yet for final level)

If bots do not spawn in even with Cheats enabled, with this mod subscribed make sure you do not have any modifications related to BFE Campaign adjustments. Any BFE Campaign level Replacements won't work with this mod. It's best if you only have only this mod Enabled with any Player Model Mods as well.

They are in no way perfect bots and are still in experimental stage for Serious Sam Fusion 2017 Engine. These issues weren't made by me but by Croteam. All they wanted is to make AI Test bot that can beat the level on it's own in Singleplayer. They've also added experimental Coop Bots which were discontinued for Fusion in order to perfect it in SS4's Engine. I modified those Coop NPCs Logic Marker placements in a way to allow them to play as human as possible as well as stick to player's side more often than in Vanilla.
Croteam did a fantastic job still because i know what's it like to code AI Bots for any game. My task was to readjust the logic, that's all.
You can support me by Rating Up this project. I make no profit out of this and all credits go to Croteam for designing such amazing Engine.

Project Never Alone will contain updates such as Bot fixes as well as implementation for TFE and TSE straight in this one Workshop Item so stay tuned.
Počet komentářů: 12
Dizellfest  [autor] 1. zář. v 22.28 
@Cuddles Tested both on Steam Deck and PC. All works fine. It's quite odd that it does not work for you. Perhaps lets runs some basic check ups to find the culprit.
1. Make sure you run Moddable Session
2.Ensure you only have only this one mod enabled.
3. Resubscribe and restart Steam.
4. Make sure the mod is actually enabled.
5. For critical check disable all mods and only enable Project Never Alone.
6. Ensure you're hosting Private Network Session
7. If played in Singleplayer make sure you do not load saves.
8. If it happens whenever you die in game take note if the AI Breaks or not, if so play with God Mode and see if they still break.
That's all i can come up with. I am terribly sorry for any inconvenience. Most people say it all works fine. Let me know if i can assist you further.
Cuddles 1. zář. v 12.06 
@Dizellfest "Default Vanilla bots will only stay in place, follow and collect items that are within player's range." that is what happens on broken wings, they just gave the default behaviour by just staying with the player, i even spawned in one of the default serious sam bots (blue bill) and he gave the same behaviour. I did play one more level after i did "no place to hide" and i believe the bots went back doing default behaviour. it's like some levels the changes are visible e.g the bots spawn and run off together without the player or they don't change and stay with the player and only follow them.
Dizellfest  [autor] 1. zář. v 2.26 
@Cuddles Interesting. Hmm... To be honest their changes should be noticeable immediately. And if not make sure you do not have additional mods that replace or do any changes to BFE Campaign. Some additional info would be nice on what kind of issues you're experiencing.
If you do not move from spawn they will continue without you. If too far away they will either navigate back or will teleport to you.
Default Vanilla bots will only stay in place, follow and collect items that are within player's range.
The reason your level ends is either you were lagging too much behind the bots so they reached the end without you or issue occurred thus bots teleported inside the ending area.
To truly start tackling these issues i need more information like, did you notice them teleporting too much? Did they stand still for quite a while? Do they had odd behaviors? Which area they started misbehaving? Sorry if you had troubles with the mod, and thank you for the comment.
Cuddles 31. srp. v 14.21 
ok i think the mod is working as i've just go onto "no place to hide" and spawned 3 bots and they've just killed all the enemies with me not having moved from spawn. There must be something with broken wings that the bots don't like
Cuddles 31. srp. v 13.59 
i got this mod today after a few months not playing due to how dead the game is and it struck an interest in me, so i got it and on the BFE campaign i'm not sure if the mod is working or not though. I mean the first two levels on bfe ended when i wasn't at the end of the level which hasn't happened before so i'm assuming bots did that but on mission 3 (broken wings) they were just hanging around with the player like default bots would do and would only grab items close by the player or enemies. not sure if there is an issue with broken wings but i didn't notice any changes with having the mod.
DestroyerNel 7. srp. v 6.05 
@Dizellfest Oh, I see. Thank you ~
Dizellfest  [autor] 7. srp. v 5.59 
@DestroyerNel They do not take covers mainly because they are designed to be Immortal (Playing with God Mode) Which means they just go to the finish line no matter what. Turret section has Nav Blockers hidden therefore they ignore Bullets and traverse as they please. Bots in both SS4 and Fusion are like that. SS4 handles this better to be honest but as well fails at other functionality. Like actually making AI Lead The Way. That's Fusion only feature. There is no need for them to take cover unless they are mortal. I honestly did not look at cover feature at all so i may have no idea on how to approach that functionality. I never looked at Sam games where you need to take cover. Multiplayers back in 2011, 2007 were always run and gun, dance and dodge.
DestroyerNel 7. srp. v 4.38 
Hi bro, what about bot taking covers? I played with enemies multiplier and the bots just stand in the middle of street and showering bullets and rockets with blood splattering all over their bodies.
I tried to add "Take cover" behavior for bots but the effect is not good enough. Either the bots will hide themselves as soon as the gunfire starts and til the end, or they still shower bullets with occasionally taking covers.
Dizellfest  [autor] 24. čvn. v 21.26 
@Dominik TFE will be in the works and it's possible. TFE in fact will be easier because the map design is linear and does not contain wrong Navigation such as unreachable floors or parkour areas even. Compared to my old TFE Bots mod this one will improve them a lot more so stay tuned.
Dizellfest  [autor] 24. čvn. v 21.23 
@Greenth-Mac TFE is there yes however it's problematic one. This project that's at the time of writing is for BFE, once Bot improvements TFE is finished i will have no choice but deleting it because it will be incompatible with this project "Never Alone" It can cause bad behaviors if both mods run TFE Campaign. Not to mention i made that one with barely any experience with AI Bots.