

183 ratings
Full walkthrough for all romance paths
By Winter Wolves
Full walkthrough for all romance paths
Walkthrough / tips
Each character has two stats associated:
Anne requires Organized (the open book and pencil), and Rational (the math symbols)
Max requires Creative (the painter's palette), and Reflective (the peace Symbol)
Isabella requires Spontaneous (the exclamation mark), and Active (the upraised fist).
Dominic requires Rational (the math symbols), and Organized (the open book and pencil)
Rakesh requires Reflective (the peace symbol), and Creative (the painter's palette)
Sally requires Active (the upraised fist), and Spontaneous (the exclamation mark)

you can click the "Stats" button in the game to see anytime the requirement and your current relationship with each character.

Full (Spoilers) Walkthrough:
If you play the first Saturday event, then you cannot do the Sunday event. Saturday event gives points with Isabella and Max (or Anne depending on PC choice). If you do the Sunday event that gives points with Sally, Dominic or Rakesh (depending on PC choice).

The Halloween event is randomized so there's no guarantee that you will get points with your chosen person.

The Winter Break event is the first required event for your chosen path. You have to make sure to choose the person you want to romance.

The Gift Selection and Valentine's Day events are required to lock in your romance path.

Finally make sure to choose your romance option during spring break.

Anne's Full (Spoilery) Outcome

In order to Win Anne's school objective spoilers:

Week 18 Monday
---Okay, I'll try to get the entertainment

Week 19 Saturday
---No, I need to invite people myself

Week 20 Wednesday
---I think we'll do it! Give me his number.

Week 21 Wednesday
Results of your party planning.

Max's Full (Spoilery) Outcome
In order to Win Max's school objective spoilers:

Week 18 Monday
---I'll check out the prospective scenes, you work on the set list.

Week 19 Saturday
---Go big or go home, let's go flashy!

Week 20 Wednesday
---Let your imagination fly, Rakesh. I trust you.

Week 21 Wednesday
The end of Max's school objective.
Anne X Max Full Spoilers
Week 01 Thursday
---Explore with Max + 5

Week 01 Saturday
---Talk with Max + 5

Week 02 Friday
--- Cheer for Max + 5

Week 03 Saturday
--- Ask Max to Perform + 5

Week 04 Monday Event
---Ask to Go + 5

Week 04 Thursday Event
---Go with Max + 5

Week 04 Saturday Halloween Event
(Note: The Halloween events outcome is random each time so you may not get points with this character during this playthrough)
---If you accuse Max - 5 (always)
---If you lie to protect Max + 5 (only if he did it)

Week 05 Thursday event
----Talk through the problem with Max + 5

Week 05 Sunday event
---Volunteer to look after Max + 5

Week 06 Friday event
---Join the serene gang + 5

Week 07 Thursday Event
---Be Thanksful for Max + 5

Week 08 Monday Event (Winter Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Ask Max + 10
---Go just a little wild... + 5

Week 09 Monday event
---Ask Max + 5

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
---Amp (+10) or
---Concert Tickets (+5)

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day Crucial to Relationship)
You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship.

Week 13 Thursday event
---Rally the crowd for Max + 5

Week 14 Saturday
---Helping Max is fun. + 5 Max

Week 15 Monday
--- This is a hidden stat going to Professor loses points with Max so don't do this one unless you want to cheat on Max (or Roxanne).

Week 15 Friday
---You learn the results of Prof. Tasque's special class.

Week 16 Saturday (Spring Break Crucial to Relationship)
This is where you get points with your romantic partner
---Try to catch up to Max

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time. + 5 Max

Week 21 Monday
---I hope you can pass your classes while you work on it + 5 Max
Anne X Dominic Full Spoilers
You must skip the Saturday Week 1 event to get the Sunday Week 1 event.

Week 01 Sunday
---Talk with Dominic + 5

Week 02 Wednesday event
---- Kiss Dominic + 5

Week 02 Sunday Event
---- Support Dominic + 5

Week 04 Thursday Event
---Do with Dominic + 5

Week 05 Monday event
---Stumble into Him + 5

Week 05 Thursday event
---Get Dominic to help you with the problem + 5

Week 05 Friday event
---Try to sneak a peek + 5

Week 07 Tuesday event
---Try to learn more about Dominic + 5

Week 07 Thursday event
---Be Thankful for Dominic + 5

Week 8 Monday Event (Winter Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Ask Dominic + 10
---Sit next to Dominic + 5

Week 9 Monday event
You need to do this event to stay on Dominic's route. You can make any choices during this particular event and you can choose to skip almost all the other events (except where noted further in the route spoilers).

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
---Game Time Card (+10) or
---Amazon RPG (+5)

Week 11 Wednesday event
---Help Dominic to Win + 5

Week 11 Saturday event
---Tell him she was trying to do extra chores + 5

Week 12 Tuesday event
Must be done to stay on Dominic's path.
---I just haven't really thought about it + 5

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day Crucial to Relationship)
You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship.

Week 12 Saturday event
---Kiss Dominic + 5

Week 13 Tuesday event
---Make a last appeal to Dominic + 5

Week 14 Friday
---Umm...I don't know...Dare? + 5 Dominic

Week 15 Monday
--- This is a hidden stat going to Professor loses points with Max so don't do this one unless you want to cheat on Max (or Roxanne).

Week 15 Friday
---You learn the results of Prof. Tasque's assignment.

Week 16 Wednesday
---You get + 5 to Dominic if you win the game.

Week 16 Saturday (Spring Break Crucial to your Relationship)
---Try to catch up to Dominic

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time + 5 Dominic

Week 18 Tuesday
---Automated spend time with Dominic

Week 21 Monday
---Maybe next time you can show me how to play your MMO + 5 Dominic
Anne X Rakesh Full Spoilers
Week 01 Friday
---Supervise Rakesh + 5

You must skip the Saturday Week 01 event to get the Sunday Week 01 event.

Week 01 Sunday
---Stay with Rakesh + 5

Week 03 Tuesday play event
--- Praise his work + 5

Week 4 Tuesday Event
----Help Rakesh with the trash + 5

Week 04 Saturday Halloween Event
(Note: The Halloween events outcome is random each time so you may not get points with this character during this playthrough)
---If you accuse Rakesh + 5 (if he did it) - 5 (if he didn't do it)
---If you lie to protect Rakesh + 5 (if he did it) - 5 (if he didn't do it)

Week 05 Sunday event
---Let Rakesh take care of Max + 5

Week 06 Tuesday event
---Put on the costume + 5

Week 06 Friday event
---Join the rowdy gang + 5

Week 07 Thursday event
---Help Rakesh + 5
---Be Thanksful for Rakesh + 5

Week 08 Monday Event (Winter Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Ask Rakesh + 10
---Reassure Rakesh + 5

Week 09 Saturday event
---Watch Rakesh's Bollywood film + 5

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
---Paint Set (+10) or
--- Easel (+5)

Week 11 Wednesday event
---Help Rakesh to win + 5

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day Crucial to Relationship)
You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship.

Week 14 Monday
---Tell him he should rebel against his parents + 5

Week 14 Friday
---Umm...I don't know...Dare? + 5 Rakesh

Week 15 Thursday
---Let's do an art activity! + 5 Rakesh

Week 16 Saturday (Spring Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Go see what trouble Rakesh's gotten into

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time. + 5 Rakesh

NOTE: Rakesh is unique in having best endings! For the next two events either option works, just be consistent. If you choose truth, do so both times.If you choose to lie, do so both times. Mixing and matching results in mediocre to bad endings.

Week 17 Saturday
---Push for the truth. (Truth)
---Come up with a clever plan. (Deception)

Week 20 Sunday
---Get up and tell them the truth. (Truth)
---Get up and lie for Rakesh. (Deception)

Week 21 Monday
---Maybe I can help out on one of your projects? + 5 Rakesh
Anne X Isabella Full Spoilers
Week 01 Saturday
Talk with Isabella + 5

Week 02 Sunday event
---Support Isabella + 5

Week 03 Thursday event
----Compliment Isabella + 5

Week 04 Tuesday event
---- Help Isabella with the books + 5

Week 04 Saturday Halloween Event
(Note: The Halloween events outcome is random each time so you may not get points with this character during this playthrough)
---If you accuse Isabella - 5 (whether she did it or not)
---If you lie to protect Isabella + 5 (always)

Week 05 Friday event
---Throw the towel and run away + 5

Week 06 Monday event
---Choose Isabella + 5

Week 06 Wednesday event
----Encourage her + 5

Week 06 Friday event
---Join the rowdy gang + 5

Week 07 Monday event
---Encourage Isabella to study + 5

Week 07 Thursday event
---Be Thankful for Isabella + 5

Week 08 Monday Event (Winter Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Ask Isabella + 10
---Tickle Isabella back + 5

Week 09 Wednesday event
---Poke fun at Isabella + 5

Week 09 Saturday event
---Watch Isabella's Telanovela + 5

Week 10 Tuesday event
---Flirt with Sally + 5

Week 10 Thursday event
---Ask her how long she's known + 5

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
--- Sexy Lingerie (+ 10)
--- Massage Oil (+ 5)

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day Crucial to Relationship)
You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship.

Week 13 Thursday
---Appeal to Isabella + 5* Hidden scene to stay on her path.

Week 14 Tuesday
---Offer to stay with her tonight + 5

Week 16 Monday
---What before Sally comes back? + 5

Week 16 Saturday (Spring Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Try to catch up to Isabella

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time. + 5 Isabella

Week 19 Wednesday
---Stay quiet and let Isabella handle it + 5 Isabella

Week 21 Monday
---I'd lover to see your home town sometime. + 5 Isabella
Max X Anne Full Spoilers
Week 01 Thursday
---Let her Go + 5

Week 01 Saturday - Can do this event or Sunday
---Help out Anne + 5

Week 02 Friday
---Go to Class + 5

Week 03 Saturday
---Just quit now
---Do imitations + 5

Week 04 Monday
---Choose Anne + 5

Week 04 Thursday
---Try to offer your own services + 5

Play Week 04 Saturday Halloween Event
(Note: The Halloween events outcome is random each time so you may not get points with this character during this playthrough)
---If you accuse Anne + 5 (if she did it) - 5 (if she didn't do it)
---If you lie to protect Anne - 5 (always)

Week 05 Thursday
---Talk through the problem with Anne + 5

Week 06 Friday
---Join the Serene gang + 5

Week 07 Thursday
---Be thankful for Anne + 5

Week 08 Monday
---Invite Anne + 5
---Wave goodbye to Anne + 5

Week 09 Monday
---Go with Anne + 5

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
---Old Poem Book (+10)
---History Book (+5)

Week 12 Tuesday
---I just haven't really thought about it. + 5

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day event you need to choose your romance for this event)You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship. You need your grades up to a certain point to stay on Anne's path. This is her hidden path.
---Try to find Anne

Week 13 Tuesday
---Promise to help Sally take care of the puppy. + 5 (Only if you've gotten to 70 points or higher in your relationship)

Week 14 Saturday
---I wanted to impress Anne. + 5

Week 15 Monday
---Skip this event so that you don't hurt your chances of winning the assignment.

Week 15 Tuesday
---Go back home to do some quick research into this. + 5

Week 15 Friday
--- If you win, Anne is your partner and you have a low relationship (under 40) you get + 5 otherwise feel good in knowing you've won.

Week 16 Saturday
This is where you get points with your romantic partner
---Go check on Anne inside

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time. + 5

Week 21 Monday
---Well, we could always use another roadie in Back Alley Flash! + 5 Anne
Max X Isabella Full Spoilers
Week 01 Saturday
---Pursue Isabella + 5

Week 02 Sunday
---Support Isabella + 5

Week 03 Thursday
---Compliment Isabella + 5

Week 04 Tuesday
---Help Isabella with the trash + 5

Week 04 Saturday Halloween Event
(Note: The Halloween events outcome is random each time so you may not get points with this character during this playthrough)
---If you accuse Isabella - 5 (whether she did it or not)
---If you lie to protect Isabella + 5 (always)

Week 06 Monday
---Choose Isabella + 5

Week 06 Wednesday
---Tell her she looks gorgeous + 5 Isabella

Week 06 Friday
---Join the Rowdy Bunch + 5

Week 07 Monday
---Encourage Isabella to study + 5 Isabella

Week 07 Thursday
---Be thankful for Isabella + 5 Isabella

Week 08 Monday (Winter Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Invite Isabella + 5
---Ask her to stay. + 5

Week 09 Wednesday
---Poke fun at Isabella + 5

Week 09 Saturday
---Watch Isabella's Telanovela + 5 Isabella

Week 10 Tuesday
---Flirt with Sally + 5 Isabella

Week 10 Thursday
---Ask her how long she's known + 5

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
--- Sexy Lingerie (+ 10) or
--- Massage Oil (+ 5)

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day Crucial to Relationship)
You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship.
---Try to find Isabella

Week 13 Thursday
---Confront Chad + 5 Isabella

Week 14 Tuesday
---Offer to stay with her tonight. + 5 Isabella

Week 16 Saturday (Spring Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Try hang out with Isabella

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time. + 5

Week 19 Wednesday
---Stay quiet and let Isabella handle it. + 5 Isabella

Week 21 Monday
---Well, maybe this summer we can hang out! + 5 Isabella
Max X Rakesh Full Spoilers
Week 01 Sunday - Must skip the Week 01 Saturday event to get this one.
--- Stay with Rakesh + 5 Rakesh

Week 02 Wednesday
---Kiss Rakesh + 5 Rakesh

Week 03 Tuesday
---Praise his work + 5 Rakesh

Week 04 Tuesday
---Help Rakesh with the trash + 5 Rakesh

Week 04 Saturday Halloween Event
(Note: The Halloween events outcome is random each time so you may not get points with this character during this playthrough)
---If you accuse Rakesh + 5 (if he did it) - 5 (if he didn't do it)
---If you lie to protect Rakesh + 5 (if he did it) - 5 (if he didn't do it)

Week 05 Sunday
---Let Rakesh keep an eye on you + 5

Week 06 Tuesday event
---Put on the costume + 5

Week 06 Friday
---Join the Rowdy Gang + 5

Week 07 Thursday
---Help Rakesh + 5 Rakesh
---Be thankful for Rakesh + 5 Rakesh

Week 08 Monday (Winter Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Invite Rakesh + 5 Rakesh
---Ask Rakesh to hang out. + 5 Rakesh

Week 09 Saturday
---Watch Rakesh's Bollywood film + 5 Rakesh

Week 10 Thursday *Do this to stay on Rakesh's romantic path
---Ask her how long she's known + 5 Isabella*

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
---Paint Set (+10)
---Easel (+5)

Week 11 Wednesday *Help Dominic if you're on Rakesh's romantic path
---Help Dominic to win + 5*

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day Crucial to Relationship)
You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship.

Week 14 Monday
---Tell him he should rebel against his parents. + 5 Rakesh

Week 14 Friday
---Uh...truth! + 5 Rakesh

Week 15 Thursday
---Maybe we should try osmosis again. + 5 Rakesh

Week 16 Monday
---It's gonna be a blast, baby + 5 Rakesh

Week 16 Saturday (Spring Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Try to catch up to Rakesh

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time. + 5

NOTE: Rakesh is unique in having best endings! For the next two events either option works, just be consistent. If you choose truth, do so both times.If you choose to lie, do so both times. Mixing and matching results in mediocre to bad endings.

Week 17 Saturday
---Push for the truth. (Truth)
---Come up with a clever plan. (Deception)

Week 20 Sunday
---Get up and tell them the truth. (Truth)
---Get up and lie for Rakesh. (Deception)

Week 21 Monday
---Now, maybe if you play your cards right I'll pose for you again. + 5
Max X Sally Full Spoilers
Week 01 Friday
---Relent + 5

Week 01 Sunday - Can do this event or Saturday
--- Talk with Sally + 5

Week 02 Monday
---Tell Sally she looks good + 5

Week 03 Thursday
---Make Isabella jealous + 5

Week 04 Monday
---Choose Sally + 5

Week 05 Monday
---Pretend you're skipping classes + 5 Sally

Week 06 Monday
---Choose Sally + 5

Week 06 Friday
---Join the Serene Gang + 5

Week 07 Thursday
---Help Sally + 5
---Be thankful for Sally + 5

Week 08 Monday (Winter Break Crucial for Relationship)
---Invite Sally + 5
---Let her go. + 5

Week 10 Tuesday
---Tell Sally you think you'd rather focus on her than Isabella + 15 (show up only on her romantic path)

Week 11 Monday event (Hidden Stats - This event is crucial for Valentine's Day & to stay on chosen's path)
---Donation Receipt (+10) or
---Potted Flowers (+5)

Week 11 Saturday
---Tell him she was trying to do extra chores. + 5

Week 12 Thursday event (Valentine's Day Crucial to Relationship)
You will automatically give them the gift from Week 11 Monday and gain your points as well as lock in your relationship.

Week 12 Saturday
---Try to get a kiss. + 5

Week 13 Tuesday
---Promise to help Sally take care of the puppy. + 5

Week 14 Friday
---Lessee...Truth. + 5

Week 15 Tuesday
---Support Sally on her charge into the building. + 5

Week 16 Wednesday
---You get a + 5 to Sally if you win the game.

Week 16 Saturday (Spring Break Crucial to Relationship)
---Go see how Sally's doing

Week 17 Wednesday
---Definitely, I can't wait for next time. + 5

Week 21 Monday
---Well, don't play it too safe. I like a troublemaker. + 5
uvtears 18 Aug, 2020 @ 6:11pm 
On Monday of Week 17, if you say Sorry to Max, there's 5 points in it for you
uvtears 18 Aug, 2020 @ 6:05pm 
Oh my God, you don't need 100 points with Max for his Spring Break CG... that should be made more clear!!!!!
Ferp 24 May, 2020 @ 9:48am 
Might be late but ran into a Sally event on Week 13 on Tuesday afternoon working at the college farm that wasn't covered here with choices like:
animals can serve a grand goal too, -5
so you're in favor of responsible science, +5
pokej8725 6 Jan, 2020 @ 12:02pm 
it does tell u if u look in the gallery
Realms×Myths 4 Dec, 2019 @ 9:50am 

… So I've wasted hours of my life trying to get Anne×Sally…
… I've been restarting every time I don't see her in the Spring Break fork menu…
… Seriously… when looking at the Stats[\B], she is listed with requirements you need to meet…
… The game never tells you she's not an option for Anne…
uvtears 11 Oct, 2019 @ 4:59pm 
It looks basically impossible to get Max's Spring Break event. I counted up those 5's and 10's, and even if you manage those 5 points on Halloween, you could end up at only 95 points. I'm only at 90, I don't know what the heck the dev was thinking. The end points requirement should not be the same as the mid-game requirement.
Cyberpunk_Demon 8 Aug, 2019 @ 6:50pm 
can Anne and Sally get together? or is Sally straight?
vitamin boost 15 Nov, 2018 @ 6:08am 
I seriously want to do naughty things with Dominic as Max.. why oh whyyyyyyyyy I wannaaaaa
MagicalGirlBeth 15 Aug, 2018 @ 4:00am 
I've been spending hours trying to romance Sally as Anne only to find out she can't be romanced?! T_T Why?! She's the one I like the most!
KrimzonStriker 15 Apr, 2018 @ 11:30am 
Anyone else find the school outcome spoiler results dissatisfying? I tried it with both high and low academic score for Max and I felt he did better when I did almost the opposite of what the guide said, while nothing changed when I did follow it and it ended up being incredibly dissatisfying.