ARK: Survival Ascended

ARK: Survival Ascended

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Additional Creatures: Paranoia guide
Por Shadlos
Mod guide for the ASA Release of Additional Creatures: Paranoia. REMINDER: Cryptids are rare, and will not spawn commonly in most situations!
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Spawning: Snow, Snow Coasts, Icebergs
Tameable: Tranq

"Spiritual creatures said to be able to inhabit land as a wolf, and water as an orca. Native to Inuit mythology, it is said they were voracious predators."

Akhlut is an interesting one, as this one isn't technically a cryptid. However, this animal and its depictions I felt warranted the addition, as the mod for ZT2 also included mythological critters vs cryptids only.

Akhlut in Paranoia is idealized as a large, quite literal "Whale Wolf", who in the mod's canon is actually a species of mustelid (otters, weasels, wolverines, etc). Native to polar coasts and the tundra, you'll only have a shot at seeing these lads wherever you can find snow, be it snowy forests or icebergs. The Sacred Akhlut is a rare variant of an already rare creature that boasts a beautiful pattern inspired by Inuit orca charms and totems. There's no special benefits to them, but they do have Aberrant-like stat scaling (slightly higher melee, slightly less health). If you can get your hands on either, you have a rather fast amphibious mount that can easily hold its own!

HP: 850
Stamina: 400
Weight: 430

  • Can be told to sit via the radial wheel
  • Grants basilosaurus' insulation buff to the rider!
  • Left click is a bite that deals decent damage. No special effects, base 48 damage.
  • Right click on land is a lunge. It deals 68 base damage, making it also good as a gap closer and not just a grab. Base stamina cost of 300, with a cooldown, and cannot be used with insufficient stam. This lunge works similar to Kaprosuchus, but it does not grab riders, grabbing anything up to 150 drag weight. Once a target is grabbed, Akhlut will wait about a second after landing before automatically doing a mauling attack. This maul attack hits 5 times, each hit dealing base 65 damage, before throwing the target off to your left and inflicting them with a trike-styled stun.
  • C key is a stomp attack on land, and a claw attack underwater. This has a stamina cost of 50, cannot be used with insufficient stam, and deals base 60 damage. When underwater, you can use this attack on right click. It harvests pearls, and on land, deals great knockback.
  • X key on land is an aesthetic roar.
  • X key in water is a retreating dash. Costs 300 stam, with a cooldown, and cannot be used with insufficient stam. Akhlut will turn 180 degrees and hit the targets in front of it for base 55 damage, then dash backwards (provided you are not inputting any movement commands).
  • Shift + X key in water is a forwards dash. Launches Akhlut forward at a cost of 300 stam with a cooldown. No damage dealt, but is a good boost of speed.
  • Spacebar to jump. Akhlut can launch itself out of the water at the surface with this.

Akhlut is a fan-favorite for both its versatility and its appearance: brave the cold weather and head out to try and find your own!

--Spawn Codes--


cheat gfi Akhlut 1 0 0
Arica Monster
Spawning: Dunes
Tameable: Tranq

"A cryptid said to inhabit the Atacama Desert of Chile. Reportedly, this alleged theropod is fast enough to keep up with vehicles going upwards of 60 MPH."

In Paranoia, Arica Monster is depicted as a raptor with striking color patterns and is a desert-dweller: you'll only encounter them on Scorched Earth. While extremely niche in terms of usage, this raptor in general is a decent mid-game pack mount that can deal good damage and is great at traversal. If used on its intended map and intended niche, however, this creature can become a flat-out Nightmare.

HP: 350
Stam: 550
Weight: 300

  • Arica has a Gang mechanic of up to +8 (max group of 9). For every nearby ally, they gain 3% melee and take 3.5% less damage.
  • Arica has a Pack mechanic, with a max of 9. When a pack is formed, the highest level becomes an Alpha, gaining increased res and damage (no benefits for packmates)
  • Arica is immune to sandstorms
  • Arica is fairly fast, with low stamina drain for sprinting, making it effective at covering long distances
  • Arica, similar to Jerboas, can foretell the coming of weather. However, it will detect only one: Sandstorms. You will notice a unique anim and call - mounted and unmounted - as the raptor seems to get "excited" for the upcoming tide of sand.
  • When a Sandstorm is active, Arica Monster gains the "Sandveil Hunter" buff. Under a sandstorm, an Arica's damage Doubles, and its movement speed increases by 45%. On top of this, Arica Monsters now gain a 25% chance to completely ignore incoming damage. After ignoring a hit, the ability will go on cooldown for about 2 seconds before the ability can be activated again. They gain 75 units of stamina per second and drain 500 torpor per sec. When under Sandveil Hunter, as well.
  • Left click is a bite that deals base 35 damage. You can hold down left click at a high rate. No special damage effects, but it can harvest silica pearls, making it useful for Scorched pearl runs.
  • Right click is a pounce that deals base 45 damage, has a stamina cost of 150, cannot be used with insufficient stam, and can be used in 5 second intervals. This attack pierces armor to the effectiveness of Manta.
  • - C key aesthetic roar.

Find your own Arica Monster out in the dunes and embrace the veil of sand to become a monster to your enemies, and give them even more reason to hide under a sandstorm!

--Spawn codes--


Cheat gfi arica 1 0 0
Spawning: Swamps
Tameable: Tranq

"A strange creature with no singular, unified depiction or description, said to inhabit the swamps and riverways of Australia, and first sighted by Aboriginal natives."

Bunyip is probably the most well-known member of the Paranoia roster. Contrary to popular belief, Bunyip isn't a Diprotodon or similar animal: that was just a bunch of cherry-picked descriptions made by cryptozoologists wanting to "prove" the existence of extinct animals. The first Bunyip sighting was assumed, likely, to be when mostly inland Aboriginal tribes encountered a rogue bull Southern Elephant Seal that swam up their river: you could forgive people who'd never seen such an animal to assume they'd seen a monster. Ever since, any sort of "Generic Swamp Monster" has been called a Bunyip. This is why technically, Bunyip has been described to have everything from fur, scales, hide, wings, tentacles, legs, a tail, feathers, a beak, a serpentine body, to even breathing fire.

In its first iteration, I cherry-picked a few traits of this to create an owlbear-like design which has since been TLC'd with a design to pay homage to what the original creature was: an absolutely massive pinniped. Don't let this oversized seal fool you: it is arguably far more dangerous on land than water, an apex predator of the swamps that can overpower many foes when in the hands of a skilled rider! In use, Bunyip is an HP tank focusing on dealing atrocious amounts of damage.

Health: 1650
Stamina: 300
Weight: 800

  • Can be told to sit via radial wheel
  • Bunyip is a rather fast runner on land, but it has a high stamina drain.
  • Immunity to knockback
  • Due to its dense musculature and fat, the Bunyip takes overall 20% less damage
  • When swimming, Bunyip gains a buff that regenerates 50 stamina per second, which will drastically negate its sprinting stamina cost and allow it to be more mobile in water.
  • No botched leveling in any wild stat. However, stamina levels up at a lower rate when tamed than normal creatures (not as bad as giga), meaning breeding/taming for stam is crucial.
  • Rage mechanic: Bunyip builds rage via taking damage. Once at full rage, Bunyip becomes invulnerable while roaring/entering rage. Afterwards, for a time, the brute gains 2.25x damage and 25% more resistance for a time. During this time, it will also drain 500 torpor per sec and regenerate 500 stam per sec: effectively granting it infinite stamina during rage, which is crucial for maximizing your DPS on a mounted Bunyip. Bunyip does not regenerate health at all when enraged: do not get complacent!
  • Left click: bite with base 65 damage and a mediocre attack rate.
  • Right click: claw slash on land and water that deals base 75 damage. Damages up to stone structures, and inflicts Carchar's Shredded debuff, weakening enemy healing.
  • C key Tail attack. On land, this will be a tail slam that hits directly behind Bunyip. Underwater, Bunyip will stop moving and do a forward-facing tail flick. Base 100 damage, stamina cost of 125. Damages up to stone structures. Deals knockback and inflicts a trike-styled slowing stun on targets 250 drag weight or less.
  • Left click while looking left or right (land only) to use the Thrash ability. This has no cooldown, high knockback, damages up to stone structures, and has a stamina cost of 225. Deals base 130 damage twice, once on the initial turning stomp and another on the follow-up tail swipe for 360 degrees of damage. This is Bunyip's main attack, and what you are encouraged to spam relentlessly as it has no cooldown to maximize your DPS. When enraged, the stamina cost is negated, encouraging a Bunyip rider to go ham and start thrashing wildly for the highest DPS you can output.
  • Right click when looking left or right for a stomp attack. Unlike thrashing, this isn't a turn-in-place attack. 175 stamina cost, base 180 damage, damaging up to stone structures with a 12.5 second cooldown on usage. This deals high knockback and does a normal dismounting, immobilizing stun on targets 250 drag weight or less. Each stomp is independent of the other, having their own cooldown, granting you great flank-protecting ability.

As AI, Bunyip only uses its stomps, bite, and claw attack: which causes its overall DPS to be rather low. Despite this, it's too fat for most boss arenas, having a drag weight of 800. Its true use shines in the hands of a capable rider, who is able to push that damage to its absolute limit and thrash about violently, causing as much damage as possible!

--Spawn Codes--


Cheat gfi bunyip 1 0 0
Spawning: Grasslands, Green Desert, Jungles
Tameable: KO

"A cryptid sighted throughout Africa's jungles and savannahs, known as the 'killer of elephants' or 'eater of the tops of trees', this Cryptid is known for a semiaquatic nature and a violent disposition towards elephants, hence its name. Other standout features include its long, singular horn, and noticeable tail."

In Paranoia, Emela-Ntouka is realized as a non-amphibious, predatory, omnivorous ceratopsian with a design inspired by the Crystal Palace Iguanodons. Spawning very rarely in grasslands, jungles, and green deserts, Emela is a deadly and aggressive ceratopsian who, under most circumstances, classifies as a rex-tier creature at best, boasting 1,100 health at base. Yet taking from its reported behavior, AC's Emela is an anti-mammal tame. When attacking mammals, Emela-Ntouka's damage towards them spikes to 2.25x! In case you're wondering, yes: Manticore and Megapithecus count as Mammals!

HP: 1,100
Stam: 400
Weight: 500

  • Can be told to sit via the radial wheel, recovering HP
  • 1.25x harvest multiplier for Hide, 2.25x harvest multiplier for Pelt. Pelt and hide weigh 15% in its inventory.
  • Left click bite, 45 base damage. Omnivorous damagetype similar to direbear, harvesting corpses and fiber. If used to harvest the corpse of a mammal (anything with the "gestation breeding" boolean, really), gains an HP-recovery buff of 35 HP per sec for around 30 sec.
  • Right click horn swipe, base 62 damage. This is Emela's main DPS, hitting with the same damagetype as Therizino: piercing armor to a high degree.
  • C key stomp, base 85 damage. Has a stamina cost of 100 and cannot be used with insufficient stam, has a slight cooldown. This attack deals 50% more damage towards targets less than 150 drag weight; useful when combined with its natural Mammal multiplier: annihilate groups of pesky daeodon, sabertooth, and direwolves!
  • X key aesthetic taunt.
  • Left ctrl aesthetic roar.

Hatred for Mammals:
Emela-Ntouka despises mammals completely, for some reason... even allied! If there's any mammals in a decent radius near it - allied or otherwise - Emela-Ntouka will become unable to mate. It will display this distrust and discomfort by occasionally playing an animation when not mounted.

While rather niche, Emela dominates as an anti-mammalian mount and a potent rex-tier mount elsewise!

--Spawn Commands--


Cheat gfi emela 1 0 0
Nigerien Firespitter
Spawning: Monster Island, Lava Island (Center), Caves (Island, Ab, Scorched Earth), Fertile Chamber, Biolumenescent Region, Elemental Chamber.
Tameable: Claim

"A Cryptid sighted only once, after emerging from a uranium mine in Nigeria where it was disturbed by local miners. It was unnaturally aggressive for such a small creature: chasing the miners out of the mine and into a nearby town, where it was shot and killed by local army soldiers. As the name implies, the small but exceedingly aggressive quadruped animal was able to spew impressive jets of fire. Based off reports of the carcass and the individual in quesiton having large eyes and shortened stature, it's assumed the individual in question was a youngling, begging the question of how large the adults of such a species would be...."

In Paranoia, Nigerien Firespitter is depicted as a quadruped (but still very able to rear up onto its back legs), vaguely dinosaurian reptile that's an offshoot of Rauisuchians. As the original sighting is of a juvenile, the creature itself as seen here is rather large in the mod: yet make no mistake, is still able to go into most caves!

HP: 770
Stam: 300
Weight: 650

  • Adults are untameable: You must find and claim babies! Beware, though: Babies are exceedingly aggressive and every bit as dangerous as adults! Approach in ghillie with extreme caution for claiming!
  • Immune to torpidity, bleeding, sandstorms, and fire attacks
  • Naturally armored: 15% of damage is ignored.
  • Protects the rider from fire damage, while also granting them insulation!
  • Reduces the weight of Stone, metal, Crystal, Obsidian, Element Ore and Raw Salt to 30% in inventory. Gems, Silicate, Sulfur and Flint to 15%!
  • Left Click: Flame-Feasting Bite. Base 50 damage. When biting a target that is on fire, grant an HP regen buff to self while also granting a 15% chance to refresh the current fire buff they are suffering from. Synergize with Pyromanes to inflict the target with two different enflamed buffs!
  • Right Click: Claw attack. Base 45 damage, mines rocks similar to Ankylosaurus, harvesting all manner of resources in the game.
  • Right click is a pounce that deals base 45 damage, has a stamina cost of 150, cannot be used with insufficient stam, and can be used in 5 second intervals. This attack pierces armor to the effectiveness of Manta.
  • C key: Flame Breath. A truely devastating and long-lasting fire breath with a high cooldown. Score as many hits as possible for insane damage!
  • X key: Aesthetic roar.
  • Spacebar: Jump.

Nigerien Firespitter can indeed burrow using left ctrl/Pistol Whip! When underground, gain a 25% speed boost! Beware Explosive, Raid Dino, and Water damage as it'll force you aboveground! Uniquely, Firespitters can attack while underground, utilizing spyhop variations of their Claw and Firebreath attacks to temporarily surface aboveground to attack before diving back underneath! Beware though: you are vulnerable to damage in these animations, and taking damage from any source will grant a 15% chance to be forced out of your buried state! You can also utilize ambush attacks by utilizing either attack while running and underground, suddenly bursting aboveground while attacking. Note: Wild Firespitters, adult & baby alike, have a chance to spawn underground. They'll ambush you from below with a sudden torrent of fire if you're not careful! You can also jump from your buried state: And the jump will be much higher than normal if you do!

Claim your own of this rare cryptid and dominate more than just caves with one of Paranoia's fan-favorite creatures!

--Spawn codes--


Cheat gfi Firespitter 1 0 0
Spawning: Redwoods
Tameable: Tranq

"A strange cryptid from the folklore of the Appalachias. Said to be a strange reptilian avian, Snallygasters are known for their loud vocalizations, fire-breathing, and an affinity for beer and alcohol. Due to the lack of any true sightings, many assume this to just be a creature of folkloric legend, like the Hodag."

What happens when you give a kookabura honey badger software, a venomous tail, alcoholism, and pyromania?

Probably one of the most bizarre cryptids/local legends I've ever heard of, Snallygaster in Paranoia is depicted with the scientific name Draconis maleagris. For those keen-eyed, yes: that means it's in the same family as Wyverns, Rock Drakes, Managarmrs and Dragons. The name is intended to translate as "Dragon Turkey", and that's the idea with Snallygaster here. Snallygaster uses the flammable chemicals in tree sap (as well as beer & alcohol) to increase its own natural fire abilities. Cowardly yet willing to fight god for half a bagel, this creature capitalizes on multiple abilities to make up for its mid-to-low HP pool. Use them appropriately to infuriate your enemies!

Health: 375
Stamina: 400
Weight: 380

- To tame, use a new "Unfiltered Beer Jar" item. __This is the only food it uses for taming!__
- Reduces the weight of Sap in its inventry to 10%
- Left click: Bite. Base 35 damage. If the Arson buff is active, Snally deals an additional 12 base damage in wyvern fire damagetype
- Right click: Grab. base 1 damage. Grabs anything 125 drag weight or less.
- C key: Tail Stab. Base 25 damage, costs 25 stamina to use & cannot be used with insufficient stam. This attack is slower and stationary on land, but can be used mobile in the air and is *much* faster. Pierces armor to the effectiveness of manta and inflicts the target with a toxin that drains -2.5 HP per sec to a max of 300 seconds.
- X key with no held target: Aethetic Roar.
- X key with target held greater than 25 drag weight: Maul. Snally will shake its head and damage the target multiple times for 25 x melee stat before throwing them off to the left.
- X key with target held less than 25 drag weight: Consume. Snally will unhinge its jaws and swallow the target whole, instantly killing them regardless of HP or armor. Procs an HP regen buff of 10 HP 5 stamina per sec over 20 sec.
- Left Ctrl: Firebreath. A long firebreath on a cooldown and stamina cost. When used while the Arson buff is active, the projectiles deal more base damage, jumping from 10 -> 25, equal to Fire Wyvern.
- Spacebar: Toggle Flight
- Right Ctrl: Tantrum. Can only be used on land. Snallygaster will drain its stamina to perform a stationary looping tantrum, draining the torpor of all creatures near it by -140 per sec.
- Right Ctrl + Shift: Devil Scream. Using its ability to alter/throw its voice, Snallygaster give the roar of a much larger creature to scare away targets 150 drag weight or less while reducing their defense & attack by 20%.
- O Key: Consume Sap. Consume 30 Sap to grant yourself the Arson buff. Arson alters how some of Snallygaster's attacks behave. Arson can be refreshed at any time, letting you stack the buff, if needed, to a max of 300 sec (provided you have the sap).

Spawn Codes


cheat summon Snallygaster_Character_BP_C
cheat gmsummon "Snallygaster_Character_BP_C" 180

cheat gfi SnallySaddle 1 0 0
20 comentário(s)
Okei Dokei 1 de fev. às 13:11 
Mine wont claim them. it does the long animation next to them but they dont claim
Shadlos  [autor(a)] 31 de jan. às 11:56 
Yes, it can, but is very dangerous
Okei Dokei 31 de jan. às 11:50 
Can the dryosaurus claim the juvi firespitters?
Furry Potato 16 de jan. às 12:46 
Do the firespitters spawn on fjordur? If so, where?
Archon Varek 14 de jan. às 23:21 
Thanks for the response. I did a dino wipe, tried taming two, same result only way to make them fly is jjumping off a cliff and dismounting..but then we you mount them you can't land. Even tried a third with your code...same results. Spacebar isn't working for flight or landing
Shadlos  [autor(a)] 12 de jan. às 23:03 
Diving Flight was removed from Snallygaster in the Extinction update due to glitches and to balance snallygaster: just diving flight, and not flight in general. Snallygasters tamed pre-update have broken, new ones are fine. You'll need to tame or breed new ones.

I don't know how such a thing happened but there is nothing I can do for your old snallygasters. For respawning purposes, the character BP is Snallygaster_Character_BP_C.

I apologize for this certified ark moment.
Archon Varek 12 de jan. às 22:53 
Snally has not been flying since Extinction update. You press space and nothing happens. Was working before said update.
mephisto 14/nov./2024 às 22:36 
id love spawn codes that aren't fragmented, i am a creative mode player that tends to enjoy just looking at dinos and im not really understanding how these spawn codes work!
Shadlos  [autor(a)] 6/nov./2024 às 22:42 
I'm aware, its been fixed in the upcoming patch
ToxicRaptor 6/nov./2024 às 21:55 
firespitters getting hurt can be heard from really far away