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Any Resolution, FOV, View Model FOV, Aspect Ratio
Af alptraum ⚜
ÜberSoldier follows the journey of the fictitious Karl Stolz, a German soldier who has, through the process of being killed in duty, then being resurrected, acquired supernatural powers which aid him in combat. Just before he was indoctrinated by the Nazis, a member of the German Resistance rescued him and effectively changed his loyalties. Karl Stolz now became the ÜberSoldier of the German Resistance helping them destroy the "ÜberSoldier fabrication" infrastructure.
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Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues
The config tool and in-game options can only detect 4:3 & 5:4 resolutions.

Solution for widescreen (found on the CDV forum: http:// www. cdv-forum. com/cdvboard/english /archive/index.php?t-53273.html)
1) Open game's folder; \UberSoldier\config.ini with Notepad and look for: r_resolution
2) You must apply the following formula to your desired resolution: r_resolution = height*65536+width
Example for 1920x1080: 1080*65536+1920 = 70780800
3) Enter the resulting number as the new r_resolution value. So for 1920x1080 the line should read:
Code: r_resolution 70780800

Unfortunately you can't play with new resolutions without breaking the HUD and mouse input in menu.
View Model FOV
You can correct the position of your avatar's hands/weapons with the cl_hudfov setting. Use one of these values:

cl_hudfov 0.5 //Default (4:3)
cl_hudfov 0.6 //For 16:10
cl_hudfov 0.65 //For 16:9

The FOV and Aspect Ratio
The FOV and Aspect Ratio can only be changed via Hexedit, I recommend using HHD Hex Editor Neo (look further for other method):

FOV: Go to the Folder -> ...\platforms\SSE2\XTend3D.dll
Go to Offset 225860 look for 61 0B B6 3B and change it to 61 0B E6 3B or higher.

Aspect Ratio: Go to the Folder -> ...\platforms\SSE2\XTend3D.dll
Go to Offset FC70 look for AB AA AA 3F and change it to CD CC CC 3F (16:10) or 39 8E E3 3F (16:9)

You can download this archive with the file and replace it (remove spaces): https :// drive. google .com/file/d/1ygHvf5r_Y8DNi0H2PklarUqWSVst5kWq /view?usp=drive_link

Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues
The FOV and Aspect Ratio can only be changed via Hexedit:

FOV: Go to the Folder -> ...\Run\platforms\SSE2\XTend3D.dll
Go to Offset 225860 look for 61 0B B6 3B and change it to 61 0B FF 3B or higher.

Aspect Ratio: Go to the Folder -> ...\Run\platforms\SSE2\XTend3D.dll
Go to Offset FC70 look for AB AA AA 3F and change it to CD 90 18 40 (21:9)

Aspect Ratio Comprasion



This guide maybe will be extended by me.

5 kommentarer
MetallicaForAll 30. jan. kl. 3:34 
Nice! Thanks for the guide, plays much better now!
alptraum ⚜  [ophavsmand] 6. dec. 2024 kl. 4:25 
It works with spaces removed. Just checked that
Madmonkey68 6. dec. 2024 kl. 4:09 
Tried even with the space removed and the link was broke for me :(
alptraum ⚜  [ophavsmand] 5. dec. 2024 kl. 9:42 
Remove the spaces
Madmonkey68 4. dec. 2024 kl. 8:22 
your link doesnt work