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7.36c (Core) (F2) Strength Morphling
By Teh冰大侠
This is a guide that utilises the power of the new Facet that turns Morphling's main attribuite into Strength. It has found huge success from Archon to Divine games.

Go full strength
The reduced CD in agility is useless, just go full strength

High attack dmg means easier to secure last hits in lane, your attacks are slow but they hit like a truck. Imagine a ranged Tiny. Most of the time people don't realise they can't trade against Strength Morph in lane until they get too low. Waveform is a good burst that helps to secure alot of kills as Strength Morphling.

The idea of strength morph is to soak up dmg in teamfights while afflicting incredibly long stuns on enemies. Morphing into useful enemy heroes for a quick spell cast session and then morph back immediately.
DO NOT STAY IN MORPHED HERO FORM FOR LONG, you will get easily burst down. Most of my few deaths in games are during this time.
Use your strength adaptive strike whenever available in teamfight, the long duration stun is insane.

Low armor, means you receive more dmg from minus armor enemies such as Slardar or TA etc. Getting Wraith band helps in the early game and AC helps in later stages.
Lack of burst on Strength Morphling as your attack speed is slow, but instead your long duration stun help alot to lengthen teamfights. Only burst is waveform so use it to secure kills or retreat when you are being focused in teamfights.


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