Among Trees

Among Trees

Otillräckligt med betyg
Short Database and Info (Version 0.5.41)
A short info on everything that i learned during the playthrough .
General. Biggest Tip
Do not rush the game.

To get all the achievements you need to spend 50 days in game. In those 50 games, it is kinda impossible not to uncover the whole map.
I am currently at day 30 when posting this and i almost have all the achievements without using any guides.
Enjoy the forest and the amazing views.

Food Cooking
-> If you wish to get your belly up fast with cooked meal. Cook one or two mushrooms/plants at a time.
-> If you with to get rations with you try to cook something that fills all 3 meters.
-> The cooked food should be used during evenings/nights. Eat on the road what you find since during day you do not lose HP or Temperature.

EX 3 Bar Food: (Great for adventures)

Ex Fast replenishing food:
If you want to see all the recipes for potions/brewery watch the bellow spoiler. (to see the immage maximized, hover cursor over the black bar and scrool down while not moving the cursor. Once cursor is over image you can click on it)
Here are the brewing potions:

Tent and Fireplace
Tents are good for when you travel north.
-> Set the tent close to water so you can drink in the morning and start your adventure fast without losing too much time.
-> Can be used for 3 nights (Does not matter if you pick it up or leave it on the ground)
-> Tents are not consumed if not used.

-> The fire lasts for 1 day. From morning till evening. (Basically 12H in game)
Chicory Plant
-> The easiest way to find one is search during mornings since it seems they spawn during morning mainly.
-> They usually spawn close to map borders or around big rocks
-> As soon as you wake up. Go around the map walls(Border) and look for it. Usually there is one south-east border of the map from the cabin.

Zebra Morel Mushroom

I see people struggling with these ones.
Usually you can easily find them on the right side of the map.
  • In the mornings, head straight east from the cabin. You should find them there!

A map that i made (V 0.5.41)
During my play i have made a map with all the points that i have found.
This might help. Would have been cool if we could drew on the game map.
I hope the map will help people out.
High Quality Map[]

Unedited Map: []
Foxie Info
Fox Hunger Phases:
Hungry (Phase 1 - No issue)
Very Hungry (Phase 2 - No issue)
Starving (Phase 3 - If not feed, the fox will be gone/die) *Not in game yet*

At this point (Version 0.5.41) Fox cannot die.
Tested 16 days without feeding the fox and i still have the fox.

Fishing is not hard.
I will try to teach you a few things that might help you.
(Clicking a item and pressing a keyboard number from 2-4 asigns the item to that slot)

Step 1:
Find the spot in the lake where fishes jump up or water is disturbed. There are usually fishes. Works in other areas as well, but this is the easiest way.
Once you find the spot, throw your lure and wait for the fish to bite or reel in slowly.
Example Gif i have made: How to find the spot[]

Step 2:
Once the fish is hooked, the fish will always go to the right.
  • Lean your fishing rod a little to the right and hold click.
  • Imagine you have some bars at about 30% width of the screen. follow the fish with the sides of the screen.
  • When the fish moves to the left, lean the rod a little to the left and allow the fish to go to the right while following him with the sides of the screen.
  • Repeat until the fish is in your hands
Example Gif: Imagine Screen Bars[]

Step 3:
Chose what you want to take.
You can take the meat and the bones/skin. If you need just the meat, then click on the meat and discard the others.
Example Gif: Chose the reward[]

That's it.
If you think the guide is helping, leave a thumbs up!

If you have ideas to improve, leave a comment. I love to upgrade my guides.

Thank you all!