Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - Anniversary Edition

96 ratings
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 100%
By Draeka3
I hope this helps, this is my first guide.
Formatting might be funky so don't hesitate if you have advices in order to better it.
Story (Unmissable)
Command Squad
Reunite with your Space Marine brothers (Chapter 2).

Into the Breach
Fight your way to the crashed Rok (Chapter 2).

Silence the Cannon
Destroy the Orbital Gun (Chapter 3).

You Must Carry It
Retrieve the Power Source (Chapter 6).

We Take Our Chances
Fire the Psychic Scourge (chapter 11).

But I Am Finished With You
Kill Warboss Grimskull once and for all (Chapter 12).

Hammer of the Imperium
Use the Invictus to destroy the Orbital Spire (Chapter 13).

Here, At the End of All Things
Kill Daemon Prince Nemeroth (Chapter 13).

Here, At the End of All Things
Kill Daemon Prince Nemeroth (Chapter 17).
Story (Missable)
Master of Sword and Gun
Complete a Chapter of the single-player campaign using only the Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.

Burn Them All
Complete a Chapter of the single-player campaign using only Plasma weapons.

Brute Force...Unleashed
Complete a Chapter of the single-player game using only the Vengeance Launcher and Power Axe.

Finesse and Fury
Complete a Chapter of the single-player game using only Stalker-Pattern Bolter and Chainsword.

Collect 10 Servo Skulls (You'll get it during Chapter 12 if you didn't miss any).

Librarian of Macragge
Collect all Servo Skulls (You'll get it during Chapter 16 if you didn't miss any).

The Emperor Protects
Complete Part 1 of the game on Hard difficulty in a single session without dying or restarting (You must not reload a checkpoint).

None Can Stand Before You
Complete "the entire game" on Hard difficulty (You only need to finish the whole campaign (No death, no restart, no checkpoint reload IN A GO).

Kills (Weapon specific)
Success is Measured in Blood
Kill 500 enemies using Melee weapons (Combat Knife, Chainsword, Power Axe, and the Thunderhammer).

Angel of Death
Kill 500 enemies using Ranged weapons (Bolt Pistol, Plasma Pistol, Bolter, Plasma Gun, Stalker Bolter, Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon...)

Kill 250 enemies using Exotic weapons (These are the weapons with a tripod).

Blast Radius
Multi-kill 5 enemies with 1 Frag grenade.

Precision Killer
Multi-kill 2 enemies with 1 Stalker-Pattern bolter shot.

Chain of Death
Multi-kill Detonate a chain of 5 consecutive Vengeance Launcher rounds, killing 10 enemies.

Kills (Enemy specific)
Not So Tough
Kill 10 'Ard Boyz (Shielded Orks).
You can find some during chapter 6 and 7.

The Bigger They Are...
Kill 25 Ork Nobs.
You can find some during chapter 7.

Die, Heretics
Kill 50 Chaos Space Marines (These guys start showing up during chapter 12).
Kills (Others)
The Might of the Righteous
Kill 100 enemies.

Visible, Violent Death
Kill 2500 enemies.

True Son of the Emperor
Kill 40,000 enemies in the game (all game modes combined).

Put Them Down
Get 100 Headshots.

Master of the Clean Kill
Get 250 Headshots.

Death from Above
Kill 25 enemies with Ground Pound.

Shock & Awe
Kill 150 enemies using the Charge attack.

Glorious Slaughter
Kill 75 enemies using Executions.

The Emperor's Marksman
Kill 10 enemies in a row in a single Ranged Fury activation.

Feel My Wrath
Kill 250 enemies using Melee Fury attacks.
Here comes the boring part : Multiplayer
Master Crafted
Fully customize a Space Marine and a Chaos Space Marine character.

Battle Brother
Get a Multiplayer character to Lvl 10.

Get a Multiplayer character to Lvl 20.

Get a Multiplayer character to Lvl 30.

Chapter Master
Get a Multiplayer character to Lvl 40.

Play each class in Multiplayer.

Jack of All Trades
Play 10 Multiplayer games using each class.
During a single game, you must play all 3 classes during "a game" at least once to get this achievement.

Warrior of Darkness and Light
Play 10 Multiplayer games as Space Marine and 10 Multiplayer games as Chaos Marine.
If you do a private match with people, you can choose which side you want.

Armored in Glory
Complete 10 armor challenges.
They also will become done by boosting for weapon challenges if that's your thing.

Master of Arms
Complete 5 weapon challenges.
(See "Keeper of the Armory").

Keeper of the Armory
Complete all the weapon challenges.
Here we go, here are the challenges :

Bolt Pistol
- Kill 150 enemies.

Plasma Pistol
- Kill 150 Enemies.

Chain Sword
- Kill 250 enemies.

Power Axe/Chain Axe
- Kill 250 enemies.

Thunder Hammer/Daemon Maul
- Kill 250 enemies.

- Kill 250 enemies.
- Perform 100 Killstreaks.

Storm Bolter/Twin Bolter
- Kill 250 enemies.
- Perform 100 Killstreaks.

Stalker Bolter/Daemon Eye Bolter
- Perform 250 kills.
- Perform 50 Headshot kills.

Vengeance Launcher
- Kill 250 enemies.
- Perform 36 multi-kills.

Plasma Gun
- Kill 200 enemies.
- Kill 100 enemies using the Plasma Gun's Charged Shot.

Melta Gun
- Kill 250 enemies.
- Perform 36 multi-kills.

Heavy Bolter
- Kill 250 enemies.
- Perform 100 Killstreaks.

Plasma Cannon
- Kill 250 enemies.
- Perform 36 multi-kills.

- Kill 250 enemies
- Kill 100 enemies at extreme range.

That was a mouthful !

Have 10 times more kills than deaths in a single game of Annihilation.
If you prefer to boost the achievement, simply make an Annihilation private game and set the Score Limit to 20. Let the person who is supposed to win get the 20 kills. This should pop.

Kill 25 opponents who are capturing your Control Point in Seize Ground.

Down to Earth
Kill 50 Assault Marines/Raptors in mid-air.
Ending notes
Thank you for sticking with this guide.

I hope it helped you, feel free to give me constructive criticism in the comment... and maybe leave an award if you want.

'Till next time, i'm out.
TheBlindSalmon 27 Jan @ 10:26am 
I'll be honest, this isn't much of a guide, it's more of a list of the achievements. Sure, some are self explanatory and don't need anything extra, but for example for the weapon specific achievements it would be helpful to suggest where they can be done, same for the "complete a chapter using only those weapons" - some general tips on where and how to do it. Perhaps leave a link to a servo skull guide where those achievements are listed.

Also, your description of None Can Stand Before You is incorrect, the run doesn't need to be deathless or in one sitting, all that's required is doing the whole campaign from chapter 1 to 18 on hard without redoing any chapters in the meantime. You can still restart checkpoints during that.
Agenciq 24 Jan @ 11:36am 
yea if anyone wanna help me with mp achievements
ZeuzRon1n 23 Dec, 2024 @ 9:28am 
also if anyone wanna grind mp achievements I can help as well (I also need some help too lol)
ZeuzRon1n 23 Dec, 2024 @ 9:27am 
there is a way to get Jack of All Trades solo by playing a private lobby of Seize Grounds, as it is a private match, you can change max armor to quarter and armor regeneration none so that you can kill yourself with a single grenade to change to a different class. change score limit to the lowest so that the loop is faster as you can win faster by capturing points. hope this helps !
Xelian 6 Oct, 2024 @ 1:45pm 
A note about the skull achievement. Quite often those GLITCH. In different chapter. if you don't hear the log when you pick up the skull while holding the button restart the checkpoint, ignore the skull and reach the next checkpoint. If you pick the glitched skull and save your game there is a high chance you will have to start the whole campaign from scratch to fix the buggy save game data. So ignore the skull re-save the game and pick it back via chapter select later.
Taolan 23 Sep, 2024 @ 11:17pm 
As a note, which I feel should be added to this and other guides:

For the multiplayer weapons that require "kill streaks", it requires distinct killstreaks, meaning only the first three kills count. the medals for your 4th, 5th, etc kill do not credit you toward the total number of killstreaks for these challenges, so especially if boosting, get three kills then die.

Also, you don't need three kills with the specific weapon, you just need the third kill to have been with the weapon to count as a killstreak for that weapon.
Murphy 22 Sep, 2024 @ 7:40pm 
if anyone is willing to do the annihilation match achievement please add me and message me about it.
T.Jay 22 Sep, 2024 @ 9:43am 
Hey! I’m also in for some MP achievements!
Nicolas Cage 17 Sep, 2024 @ 9:36am 
Add me on discord cpttaylor and I'll do some acheesmenting on friday
Runest0ne 17 Sep, 2024 @ 7:16am 
anyone up too grind some mp achievements?