Dungeon Alchemist

Dungeon Alchemist

Steinhammer Bank - Top Floor
5.827 MB
6月12日 10時19分
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Steinhammer Bank - Top Floor

Sparkling Titan 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Steinhammer Bank - a raid adventure
6 アイテム
You sit at a massive conference table on the top floor of the 1st Mineralogical Steinhammer Bank. This vast room, which could also be called a hall, is filled with an air of authority and importance. Light filters into the room through eight narrow windows, casting soft, diffused beams across the space. The walls are lined with shelves stacked with countless index cards and scrolls, giving the room a scholarly atmosphere.

To your left stands a large, tidy oak desk, a testament to the meticulous nature of its owner. To your right is a map table, upon which a few lone notepads lie, hinting at recent planning or strategic discussions. Beside the desk, you can see a massive treasure chest and two clothing trunks, suggesting both wealth and readiness for travel or adventure.

The focal point of the room, however, is the wall behind the head of the conference table. Here hangs an impressive trophy: the head of a giant stone tiger, its mouth wide open, displaying an array of fearsome fangs. This commanding piece adds a touch of wild majesty to the otherwise orderly environment.