Palworld / 幻獸帕魯

Palworld / 幻獸帕魯

Palworld Beginner’s Guide (Part IV)
由 burnhj 發表
How to set up your three Mid-Game Bases
SECTION 100 – Getting Started
NOTE: This guide is a continuation of my first three Palworld Beginner’s Guides. Part IV assumes you’ve already accomplished the following:
  • Player Level 32
  • Base Level 15



SECTION 200 – General Setup
Once you’ve reached Player Level 32 and Base Level 15 you’ve officially reach the “Mid-Game”. Now you can build three separate bases, each manned by 15x Pals each. This guide provides a quick and simple setup for your three bases that will serve you well in the Mid-Game.
  • Base #1 – Farming/Baking Base – The purpose of this base is to generate lots of Berries and Wheat via Farming and serve as the hub for your Cake Baking operations.
  • Base #2 – Ranching/Breeding Base – The purpose of this base is to generate lots of Honey, Milk, and Eggs via Ranching and serve as the hub for your Pal Breeding operations.
  • Base #3 – Mining/Crafting Base – The purpose of this base is to generate lots of Ore and Coal via Mining and serve as the hub for your Item Crafting operations.
SECTION 300 – Base #1 – Farming/Baking Base
Here is the LOCATION, the STRUCTURES, and the PALS you need to make Base #1 a success.

SECTION 310 – BASE #1 LOCATION – Base #1 does not require any natural resources to be successful. All you need is a large piece of flat land. I often build this base in the beach area north of the Penking spawn point. However, you can build it anywhere you want.

For now, you can leave your original two bases, one in the Plateau of Beginnings and one near the Desolate Church, in operation while you set up this new base. They will continue to general useful resources while you build Base #1. Add some Stone, Wood, and Paldium Fragments to your inventory and head to the location where you want to set up Base #1.

Go to the middle of a large open area. Build a 3x3 platform of Stone Foundations. In the middle of this area build a Palbox. Build a Wooden Chest next to the Palbox. Dump the resources you have in your inventory into the Wooden Chest. Use your Palbox to Fast Travel back to one of your other bases and pick up several hundred units of Stone. Fast Travel back to Base #1 and expand your platform to 11x11 using Stone Foundations. Your Palbox should be right at the center of this foundation. Demolish any natural resources you come across to make room for your base. Feel free to surround your base with Stone Walls to keep out any wandering intruders. You now have a very boring yet very functional 11x11 flat foundation surrounded by walls to build your Farming/Baking Base.

SECTION 320 – BASE #1 STRUCTURE – The first purpose of this base is to generate Berries and Wheat. I recommend building 6-8 Berry Plantations and 6-8 Wheat Plantations near your Palbox. You’ll want to add a Cooler Box to help preserve your Baking Ingredients. Build a Mill to convert your Wheat into Flour.

The second purpose of this base is to bake Cake. Add a Cooking Pot to enable your cake baking operations. You can also use the Cooking Pot to produce Jam-Filled Buns, which have much better Nutrition that eating Berries directly!

Lastly, to make your base hospitable to your Pal workers, I recommend building a Feed Box, 15x Fluffy Pal Beds, a High Quality Hot Spring, and a Monitoring Stand.

SECTION 330 – BASE #1 PALS – Here are the Pals I recommend you use to fill your base. Make sure to use the Monitoring Stand to focus their work priorities:
  • 10x Verdash – For Planting, Gathering, and Transporting Berries and Wheat.
  • 3x Azurobe – For Watering Plantations and running your Mill.
  • 1x Blazehowl – For Baking Cakes.
  • 1x Penking – For Cooling your Food Ingredients.

SECTION 400 – Base #2 – Ranching/Breeding Base
Here is the LOCATION, the STRUCTURES, and the PALS you need to make Base #2 a success.

SECTION 410 – BASE #2 LOCATION – Similar to Base #1, Base #2 does not require any natural resources to be successful. All you need is a large piece of flat land. I often build this base in the beach area north of the Chillet spawn point. However, you can build it anywhere you want.

Before starting Base #2, you’ll need to completely demolish your original base located near the Plateau of Beginnings. Demo a few structures and Fast Travel to Base #1 to drop off all the building materials. Repeat this process until the entire base is eliminated. Be sure to demolish the Palbox last! Otherwise, it will be very tedious to move these materials from one base to another.

Add some Stone, Wood, and Paldium Fragments to your inventory and head to the location where you want to set up Base #2. Go to the middle of a large open area. Build a 3x3 platform of Stone Foundations. In the middle of this area build a Palbox. Build a Wooden Chest next to the Palbox. Dump the resources you have in your inventory into the Wooden Chest. Use your Palbox to Fast Travel back to one of your other bases and pick up several hundred units of Stone. Fast Travel back to Base #2 and expand your platform to 11x11 using Stone Foundations. Your Palbox should be right at the center of this foundation. Demolish any natural resources you come across to make room for your base. Feel free to surround your base with Stone Walls to keep out any wandering intruders.

SECTION 420 – BASE #2 STRUCTURE – The first purpose of this base is to generate Eggs, Milk, and Honey via Ranching. I recommend building 4x Ranches, as each one can support up to four Pals.

The second purpose of this base is to generate Pal Eggs via Breeding. Add 3x Breeding Pens to enable your pal breeding operations. You’ll also want to build as many Egg Incubators as you can to speed up the hatching process.

Lastly, to make your base hospitable to your Pal workers, I recommend building a Feed Box, 15x Fluffy Pal Beds, a High Quality Hot Spring, and a Monitoring Stand.

SECTION 430 – BASE #2 PALS – Here are the Pals I recommend you use to fill your base. Make sure to use the Monitoring Stand to focus their work priorities:
  • 2x Beegarde – For Honey production at the Ranch.
  • 4x Mozzarina – For Milk production at the Ranch.
  • 4x Chikipi – For Egg production at the Ranch.
  • 1x Kelpsea/Dumud/etc. – Use this slot to produce Pal Fluid, High Quality Pal Oil, or any other Ranching Goods that you need.
SECTION 500 – Base #3 – Mining/Crafting Base
Here is the LOCATION, the STRUCTURES, and the PALS you need to make Base #3 a success.

SECTION 510 – BASE #3 LOCATION – Unlike Base #1 and Base #2, Base #3 requires specific natural resources to be successful. For Base #3 I recommend finding a location that is full of Coal Nodes and, preferably, Ore Nodes as well. Originally, the ideal location was the tall hill located north of Windswept Hills, south of Frostbound Mountains, and right between the Vaelet and Verdash Alpha Spawn locations (see the map below). This location has several Coal and Ore Nodes and, due to its unique geography, is immune to Base Raids.

However, following a recent patch you can now build Ore Mining Sites anywhere on the map. Therefore, you could pick a different location if it has plenty of Coal Nodes and other advantageous features.

Before starting Base #3, you’ll need to completely demolish your original base located near the Desolate Church. Demo a few structures and Fast Travel to Base #1 to drop off all the building materials. Repeat this process until the entire base is eliminated. Be sure to demolish the Palbox last! Otherwise, it will be very tedious to move these materials from one base to another.

Add some Stone, Wood, and Paldium Fragments to your inventory and head to the location where you want to set up Base #3. Go to the middle of a large open area. Build a 3x3 platform of Stone Foundations. In the middle of this area build a Palbox. Build a Wooden Chest next to the Palbox. Dump the resources you have in your inventory into the Wooden Chest. Unlike Base #1 and Base #2, I do not recommend building a Stone Foundation for the entire base area because it will prevent Coal and Ore Nodes from respawning.

SECTION 520 – BASE #3 STRUCTURE – The first purpose of this base is to generate Ore and Coal via Mining. I recommend building Wooden Chests next to each Node to speed up transportation.

The second purpose of this base is to serve as a hub for your Crafting operations. I recommend building the following structures at this base:
  • Crusher
  • Primitive Furnace
  • Sphere Assembly Line
  • Weapon Assembly Line
  • High Quality Workbench
  • Pal Gear Workbench
  • Medieval Medicine Workbench
  • Repair Bench
  • Power Generator
Lastly, to make your base hospitable to your Pal workers, I recommend building a Feed Box, 15x Fluffy Pal Beds, a High Quality Hot Spring, and a Monitoring Stand.

SECTION 530 – BASE #3 PALS – Here are the Pals I recommend you use to fill your base. Make sure to use the Monitoring Stand to focus their work priorities:
  • 10x Anubis – For Mining, Crafting, and Transportation.
  • 1x Azurobe – For running your Crusher.
  • 1x Blazehowl – For Smelting.
  • 1x Sparkit – For Electricity.
  • 2x Bushi – For Lumbering.
6 則留言
burnhj  [作者] 9 月 18 日 下午 4:16 
Yes! Kingpacas are great! I completely agree - it’s definitely worth upgrading your Cattivas to Kingpacas as early as possible.
StupendousScorpio66 9 月 16 日 上午 7:22 
Great guide! One thing: Kingpacas let you carry +100 pounds compared to the Cattiva's 50, so I use 3 of those instead (plus they're great fighters against other bosses.)
burnhj  [作者] 8 月 9 日 下午 7:52 
I manually pick up the drops in Base #2. I find the Transportation function in this game to be unreliable at best.

I typically have only Breeding Pen just for Cale storage and use the other two for breeding to speed up the process.

Thanks for the feedback!
Phoenix-Mask 8 月 9 日 上午 3:40 
Is there no pal for transportation in second base? And if we only keep for pal slots for breeding why would we need 3 breeding pens? Aside from that your guides are really great
burnhj  [作者] 7 月 17 日 下午 7:03 
tmccarthy1277 6 月 21 日 上午 10:05 