Legend of Grimrock 2

Legend of Grimrock 2

"I"m a farmer, not a fighter!"
Kotota 20 Oct, 2014 @ 6:47am 
Just want to let u know, buckler is ring, not shield. Strange, huh?
chriskuv  [author] 15 Oct, 2014 @ 11:54am 
@-Silver the Dragon-
For the same reasons the developers included such a class in the first place: for fun and challenge!
Also, the food mechanic, can be a bit exploited for more experience. Currently the farmer has + 4 levels than the rest of the team. If you pace yourself, don't rest much and don't use food, you can feed the excess edibles to the farmer and fatten him up. So, what might initially seem like a handicap, can prove to be an advantage. MORE FOOD! :)
Steven Brattac 15 Oct, 2014 @ 7:43am 
why ever would you add a farmer to the team when you can have someone useful??
chriskuv  [author] 14 Oct, 2014 @ 3:46pm 
In a nutshell: if you like the first LoG, you're going to LOVE LoG 2. Bigger, better, prettier :) Longest version, when review is up, i'll throw a link at facebook.com/chriskuv later!

dionissos 14 Oct, 2014 @ 8:12am 
οτι και να είναι εγώ θα το αγοράσω πάντως :P
Makam 14 Oct, 2014 @ 5:51am 
Περιμένουμε εντυπώσεις και σύγκριση με το πρώτο.