Company of Heroes 3

Company of Heroes 3

"Story time: Wojtek the bear by open AI"
Cosmic🏳️‍🌈Jester  [author] 10 Jun @ 12:06am 
In the rolling hills of Italy, where the olive trees danced with the breeze and the sun cast a golden hue over the land, there was a camp bustling with soldiers. Among them was an unusual recruit, Corporal Wojtek, the bear who had become more than a mascot; he was a comrade, a friend, and a joyful warrior.
Cosmic🏳️‍🌈Jester  [author] 10 Jun @ 12:06am 
One sunny morning, Wojtek awoke to find the camp unusually quiet. The soldiers were granted a day off after weeks of relentless battles. Wojtek, too, was given a respite from his duties. With a lazy stretch and a yawn that could shake the leaves off the trees, he decided to make the most of his leisure.

He sauntered over to the mess tent, where he found a few soldiers gathered around a table, their laughter echoing through the air. They welcomed Wojtek with open arms and a salute, which he returned with a clumsy yet endearing gesture of his paw.
Cosmic🏳️‍🌈Jester  [author] 10 Jun @ 12:06am 
“Today, we celebrate, my furry friend!” exclaimed one soldier, pouring a small amount of beer into a bowl. Wojtek sniffed curiously, his nose twitching at the familiar scent. With a satisfied grunt, he lapped up the frothy beverage, the cool liquid a treat for his senses.

As the day progressed, Wojtek found himself amidst a game of cards, watching intently as the soldiers played. They handed him a cigarette, which he held between his teeth, mimicking their actions with an innocent curiosity. The smoke curled around his face, and he sneezed, causing a round of chuckles.
Cosmic🏳️‍🌈Jester  [author] 10 Jun @ 12:05am 
The afternoon sun dipped lower in the sky, and Wojtek felt a sense of contentment. He had no crates to move or tasks to perform, just moments to share with his human friends. They shared stories, and Wojtek listened, his head tilting from side to side, as if understanding every word.

As evening approached, the soldiers built a bonfire, and Wojtek sat among them, the warmth of the flames brushing against his fur. They sang songs of their homeland, their voices rising and falling with the melody. Wojtek hummed along, a deep, rumbling sound that harmonized with their tunes.
Cosmic🏳️‍🌈Jester  [author] 10 Jun @ 12:05am 
The stars began to twinkle above, a celestial spectacle for all to admire. Wojtek gazed upward, the light of the fire reflecting in his eyes. He may not have understood the concept of a day off, but he knew the feeling of camaraderie, the joy of relaxation, and the peace that came with being surrounded by friends.

As the night drew to a close, Wojtek found a cozy spot near the embers of the fire. He curled up, his massive form a gentle giant among the men. And as he drifted off to sleep, the soldiers watched over him, a silent vow to protect the bear who had captured their hearts.
Cosmic🏳️‍🌈Jester  [author] 10 Jun @ 12:04am 
Wojtek’s Day Off- by Open AI