Dota 2
175 betyg
Grimorum: 4-1-4 Man Up!
Av Grimorum Invoker
It is now more difficult to contest runes. Even with forge spirits, Invoker cannot guarantee a rune deny for bottle holders.

Lane Phase
Alacrity and Sun Strike will be your primary spells. Make sure you get tangos/clarities as needed. Always carry TP scroll after boots! Because Invoker has slow starting MS, try to secure top Rune, but don't force it. If mid opponent is gone, you can also Meteor creep wave and take tower with alacrity!

Early Game
Contest runes as you see fit. Avoid initiation in a battle royale. Cold Snap, Meteor, & Sun Strike are your primary spells. Tornado is great if you need it to disable buffs (Ursa, Ember, Drums, etc). Ice Wall is your secondary spell. TP secretly as needed.

Mid Game:
Your moment to shine, but this build's primary goal is not to initiate. Take towers and let your team lead. If you must initiate, do it with Tornado and/or Ice Wall. Double Spirits, Urn, & Snap is very deadly at this point! If opponents have great crowd control, target the fragile hero with spirits, urn, and snap. Blast or Tornado can counter-initiate. Alacrity is great for taking towers, but it will cost you a spell rotation.

Late Game:
Don't be afraid to use Alacrity on spirits before battle. Harass tower/racks with your summons. Your main job is crowd control, so don't stand in the front line unless you are initiating. Always have spirits before battle and pay attention to their cool down. Tornado/Meteor/Blast is a great combo, always consider it.

Very Late Game:
You desperately need to end unless you have a good hard carry. Invoker is a great late gamer, but he cannot compete with hard right clickers like Void, Medusa, Spectre, etc. Magic Immunity is also a big pain, but at least you have spirits, and alacrity. You even have tornado, blast, and ice wall to disable the ones without magic immunity

For more details on spells, strategy, and important tips/tricks, see my comprehensive guide after 6000+ games at:

Demonstration Game: 958941327 (Adjust items/skills according to lineup)
Votes/Comments are much appreciated.

For my detailed Invoker guide after 6000 games, see:

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11 kommentarer
AmnesiacGaming 26 maj, 2015 @ 15:19 
I ask you if you crazy. Phase boots a must must must, Invoker is slow slow slow, has little escape and positioning ability and early game phase helps to farm last hit.
Lazor 27 nov, 2014 @ 9:46 
i ask u why phase boots if you go exort build? i dont really see the point to be honest.
ЭРИК СПИДЫ 19 okt, 2014 @ 6:53 
easy breazy
Ennyu 18 okt, 2014 @ 16:41 
good man
Soul 18 okt, 2014 @ 6:29 
this build might be the new "gin" build because invokr dosnt need hp reg but more dmg and if u want to check the reward rune u can always use spirits for verification or diney

(still good work man) keep doing good work cya
KoKo. 18 okt, 2014 @ 1:48 
will try this...i want to practice using this hero...
76561198151101063 15 okt, 2014 @ 4:59 
Nice good explanation and also helping to use invoker i like it ^.^
76561198154743547 15 okt, 2014 @ 4:23 
Duke 13 okt, 2014 @ 22:52 
nice man (y)
[K] {Dot} 13 okt, 2014 @ 21:57