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Imperial venator, extreme diffulculty.
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13 жовт. 2014 о 3:17

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Imperial venator, extreme diffulculty.

Requires: glactic empire npc's | Star wars weapons, Both star wars ship mods, all of which are made by ☭ SYNTAX_ERROR752 ☭™, (link:

Story: You were a rebel spy who got caught, you were improsined in the detention cell (start there) and must shoot your way out. Open the hangar doors and steal a ship and escape.

Optional objectives: Kill commanders and massacre bridge. Kill all imps. If your really feeling up for it, bltzkrieg the whole thing, never stop moving.

Word of warning, there is stormtroopers every 5 feet so... DO YO HAVE BALLS OF STEEL?!

Коментарів: 1
Derp123  [автор] 13 жовт. 2014 о 3:28 
Forgot to say, but spawn ammo and health as you need em, I don't want it brutally impossible, but a more challenging experience.