The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication

The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication

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The Bridge Curse 2: The Extrication | Achievement Guide
By Stef
A detailed achievement guide and walkthrough to get you your 100% as quickly and effortlessly as possible. Step by step instructions.
Estimated difficulty: 2/10.

Estimated 100% time: ~8-12 hours.

Offline/online achievements: 26 offline / 0 online.

Number of playthroughs: 1 + chapter select clean-up.

Glitched achievements: None.

Missable Achievements: None, there's chapter select.

This guide was written by Stef on Steam. If you found this guide on any other website, please inform me, because I did not write that.
Achievement Guide
These are listed in the order you can earn them.

*Gurgle* *Gurgle*
Find the black cat.
As soon as you take control of Sue in chapter 1, walk forward to trigger a cutscene with the night guard. Go down the path he came from, and keep an eye on your right for a box. Open it to find a black cat inside.

Rocking Horse by Safe Toyz
Use the remote controller.
During chapter 1, you'll eventually enter the Military Instructor's Office. After the cutscene with the Sergeant, crouch to your right and interact with the remote.

Lord of the Locks
Unlock the code in the registrar's office.
Story related. Unlocks after opening the safe in the Registrar's Office in chapter 1.

Howdy Professor
Find Poody!.
You simply need to collect 1 of Poody's 7 collectibles. The earliest one you can find is in chapter 1. After the scene with the Sergeant in the Registrar's Office, head back to the elevator and go down to B1. Chat with him again, then grab the Vitality Soda off of the table. Tell the Sergeant you're ready to go, and he'll take you over to a dog house. Afterwards, he'll lead you towards the stairs. As soon as you reach them, you should hear a noise behind you. Turn around to spot a dog bowl now in front of the dog house. Place the soda in the bowl and wait for Poody to swap it out with Dog Food. Grab the food from the bowl.

Thorough Investigation
Uncover any hidden message.
Story related. The earliest one you can find is as soon as you collect the Lantern. As soon as you collect the Lantern, hold right click to illuminate hidden messages nearby. You should see a blue wisp in front of you. Walk towards it to reveal blood splatters.

Unknown Space
Find the non-existent B3.
Story related. This will unlock when you complete the first chapter.

Single Life Sucks
Get Doc's surprise.
This is earned early into chapter 2. After receiving the Storage Room Key from A-Hai, don't enter the room just yet. Instead, walk past her and look to the open door on your right to get jumpscared by Doc.

Power of the Orient
Obtain the USB.
Story related. You'll earn this after picking up the Designer USB in the second chapter.

Joy, Anger, and Sorrow
Uncover Lee Yue-hong's past.
Story related. You'll earn this during chapter 2, after completing the Mask Puzzle and viewing the last scene.

Dance of the Twins
Fulfill Lee Yue-hong's final wish.
Story related. This will unlock in chapter 2, after interacting with the chair on the Auditorium stage and watching the scene.

Sacred Knowledge
Open the secret passage in the reception room.
Story related. This will unlock after solving the Disc Puzzle in chapter 3.

Return to the Future
Return back to 2016.
Story related. You'll earn this in chapter 3, after escaping from The Dark One in the B2 Parking Lot.

Through Thick and Thin
Escape from death.
Story related. You'll unlock this after surviving the Neckless Consort chase in chapter 3.
Achievement Guide (Cont.)
Seal Breaker
Open the sealed gate.
Story related. You'll earn this after solving the Shadow puzzle in chapter 3.

Nimble and Agile
Extinguish all the candles.
Story related. This will unlock after solving the Candle puzzle in chapter 4.

Super Tough
Escape from the ghost sergeant.
Story related. You will earn this after escaping the Sergeant in chapter 4.

Reciprocal Restraint
Complete the Seal of 5 Phases.
Story related. You will earn this after solving the Flag puzzle in chapter 4.

Close Behind
Reach the end of the secret room.
Story related. You will earn this at the end of chapter 4.

Demons Disperse
Remove the shadow one time.
Story related. You'll earn this in chapter 5, when you use your lantern to scare off the demon girl blocking your path for the first time.

Lingering Spirit
Complete the last stage with the Dark One.
Story related. You'll earn this after collecting Eye of the Diting in chapter 5.

Don't Get Up
Die every way possible.
You need to die from every type of enemy (not every chance you can die). I have a full list in the Collectibles section, but I'll give a quick view breakdown here:
  • Sergeant (Human) - Chapter 1, Military Instructor's Room.
  • Neckless Consort - Chapter 1, kitchen area, or chapter 4 chase sequence.
  • Slappy - Chapter 2, let the time run out during her Hide-and-Seek game.
  • The Mad Ballerina (Masked) - Chapter 2, Dance studio section.
  • The Mad Ballerina (Unmasked) - Chapter 2, Auditorium section.
  • Evil Hands - Many areas, the start of chapter 3 is the earliest.
  • The Dark One (Robed) - Chapter 3, B2 Parking Lot.
  • The Sergeant (Possessed) - Chapter 4 chase sequence.
  • The Dark One (Reborn) - Chapter 4 end + Chapter 5.

The Extrication
Complete the ending: The Extrication.
This is likely the ending you'll receive naturally. When fleeing from The Dark One after grabbing his heart in chapter 5, simply escape and end the game.

Into the Abyss
Complete the ending: Into the Abyss.
This is the alternate ending to the game. After grabbing The Dark One's heart, get grabbed by him to waste your lantern charge. Keep looping him around the coffin until the lantern recharges, DO NOT leave this room. then get caught again and your lantern will break, rendering it no longer useable. Escape and finish the game.

Every Nook and Cranny
Get all collectibles.
There are 76 items and collectibles you need to find to fill out your Collection tab. Refer to the Collectibles section for a full guide on all of their locations.

Master of Medals
Get all rewards.
You need to complete all 15 challenges in the Rewards tab. Refer to the Medals tab for information on how to complete each one.

Top Dog Collect all the achievements.
This is earned for unlocking the other 25 achievements.
Collectibles I
These are listed in the order you can find them.

Wen Hua Missing Persons Case

Collection (1/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad (1/5) - Skeleton Toy: Ooga
After taking control of Sue at the start of the game, enter the elevator nearby and ride it up to B1. Straight ahead of you will be a large KGG sign. Crouch underneath the counter and open up the bucket near the drink machine. Interact with it and rotate it so you can see inside of it. Interact with the toy inside.

Collection (2/76) - Da Ren Pamphlet
Head back to the elevator and ride it up to floor 1. After the chat on your phone, head to your left to spot this on a table.

Collection (3/76)- Gurex Condoms
Go up to the 2nd floor and head to the right side. Outside of Computer Classroom A, against the far wall, will be a dispenser you can interact with.

Death (1/9) - Sergeant (Human)
When you need to stealth through the Military Instructor's Room, get caught.

Collection (4/76) - Registrar's Office Key
Story related, Collected from the Military Instructor's Office.

Collection (5-6/76) - Odd Geometric Board 1 + Odd Geometric Board 2
Story related, but technically missable. Both of these are found in the Registrar's Office, and help you discover the solution to the safe puzzle.

Collection (7/76) - CCTV Master Tape
Story related. Collected after solving the safe puzzle.

Collection (8/76) - Vitality Soda
After the scene with the Sergeant in the Registrar's Office, head back to the elevator and go down to B1. Chat with him again, then grab the Vitality Soda off of the table.

Collection (9/76) - Unknown Remains in a Pot
While facing the table the soda was on, look to your right and head that direction. As soon as you can make another right, do so. On the counter in front of you will be a pot you can open, Interact with the bone inside.

Collection (10/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (1/7) - Dog Food
Tell the Sergeant you're ready to go, and he'll take you over to a kennel. Afterwards, he'll lead you towards the stairs. As soon as you reach them, you should hear a noise behind you. Turn around to spot a dog bowl now in front of the kennel. Place the soda in the bowl, walk away, and you'll hear a dog bark. Turn back around and grab the food from the bowl.

Medal: Remnants of the Past (1/5)
As soon as you collect the Lantern, hold right click to illuminate hidden messages nearby. You should see a blue wisp in front of you. Walk towards it to reveal blood splatters.

Medal: Remnants of the Past (2/5)
This one can be found at the entrance to the History Room, between the rope dividers.

Medal: Remnants of the Past (3/5)
The next one can be found to the left of the shutter, at the entrance to the History Room hallway.

Remnants of the Past (4/5)
This one is immediately after the previous collectible, underneath the shutter that leads to the History Room hallway.

Medal: Remnants of the Past (5/5)
The final wisp for this medal is on the pole to the right of the last wisp.

Death (2/9) - Neckless Consort
Get caught and killed by the Neckless Consort when you have no charge on your lantern.

Medal: An Exclusive
Story related. You'll automatically earn this for completing the first chapter.

The Haunted Building
Collection (11/76) - Movie Script
As soon as you take control of Richie in chapter 2, you can find this on one of the tables in the room you start in.

Collection (12-15/76) - Xu You-yi Figurine, Yan Shu-wen Figurine, Xu Wen-xiong Figurine, Film Club Room Key
Story related. You'll collect all of these as you solve the storyboarding puzzle at the start of the chapter.

Collection (16-17/76) Damaged Wind-Up Doll + Storage Room Key
Story related. You'll get these when you go to investigate the crying in the hallway.

Collection (18/76) Damaged Photo
This can be found on a table inside the Storage Room. Very hard to miss, as it's a small room.

Collection (19-21/76) - Teapot, Gift Box, White Rose
Story related. You'll collect the Teapot and the Gift Box to give to your friends for your movie. When you give the Teapot to A-Hai, she'll hand you the rose.

Collection (22/76) - Rule's For Slappy's Hide-and-Seek
On a table near the TV in the 4F Gaming Club.

Collection (23/76) - Designer USB
Story related. Facing the projector screen with the countdown on it, look to your left to spot this near a few illuminated monitors.

Medal: Digital Demon
You need to complete Slappy's Hide-and-Seek challenge without ever choosing the wrong monitor. It's very easy to tell which one she's in, as it will always have a white handprint and smudges on it. Refer to either the Medals or the Puzzle Solutions sections if you want to see an image of what that looks like.

Death (3/9) - Slappy
Wait for the Hide-and-Seek timer to hit 0. Choosing the wrong monitor will cut a lot of time off.

Collection (24/76) - Black Moustache
A green wisp will lead you to "Doc" in the Women's Bathroom. After the cutscene, collect his moustache off of the floor.

Collection (25/76) - Old Handheld Console
In the same room as the previous collectible. It's on the toilet in the stall "Doc" was in.

Collection (26/76) - Treasure Box Key
Story related. You'll collect this after following the green wisp into the Boardgame Club.

Collection (27/76) - Treasure Hunt Gameplay Guide
On a table in the Board Game Club. Directly in front of the treasure map hanging on the wall.

Collection (28/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (2/7) - Tun Town
After starting the treasure hunt, return to the Gaming Club and open the cabinet near the locked treasure box to officially meet Poody! Put the Old Handheld Console into his bowl, and wait for him to take it over to his dog house. Afterwards, he'll pull out this item for you to collect.

Collection (29-31/76) Decorative Plate, Blank Note, Sticky Red Liquid
Story related. These are collected as part of the treasure hunt. The Sticky Red Liquid is found in the Gaming Club box. The code is 432. The Decorative Plate is found in the hall besides the Board Game Club. The code is 412. Finally, the Blank Note is found in the hall near the stairs to the Women's Bathroom. The code is 231.
Collectibles II
Collection (32/76) - Secret Document
After returning to the Board Game Club, "Doc" will mention a new room appearing. Enter it and look on the corner of the stone table inside. This is almost impossible to miss.

Collection (33/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (3/7) - Love Charm
After walking through a red-lit hall, you will come to a split in the path. To your left is a tilted bookshelf you can crouch under, and to your right is an open hallway. Go down the hallway on your right. At the far end will be a door with Poody behind it. Give him the White Rose and he'll check the Love Charm at you.

Collection (34/76) + The Skull Squad (2/5) - Skeleton Toy: Booga
Now go down the opposite path. Walk a few feet forward and you should spot a mannequin on your right, between 2 red curtains. Slap the moustache on it and it will hand you the toy.

Collection (35/76) - Dance Studio Rules
As soon as you enter the Dance Studio for the first time, look on the shelves to your right.

Death (4/9) - The Mad Ballerina (Masked)
Walk into the Mad Ballerina's line of vision.

Collection (36/76) - Simple Wind-Up Doll
Story related. You will need to collect this to escape the Made Ballerina.

Collection (37-39/76) - Mask of Sorrow, Mask of Joy, Mask of Fury
After escaping the Mad Ballerina, you will be in a strange area that will give you some backstory on the ghost's life. Interact with the information stand, then collect the mask in all 3 rooms.

Collection (40/76) - Rules for Audience Members
After completing the Mask Puzzle, you will ride an elevator down to a red-lit hallway that leads to the Auditorium. Grab this off of the mannequins hands that is standing just before the large double doors.

Collection (41/76) - Damaged Wind-up Doll Head
Story related. Enter the Auditorium and collect this from the stage, between the 4 mannequins.

Death (5/9) - The Mad Ballerina (Unmasked)
Get killed by The Mad Ballerina during the Auditorium survival section.

Collection (42/76) + Medal: Proof of Existence (1/2) - Mutilated Eye
Story related. You'll have to pick this up off the stage after surviving The Mad Ballerina's dance.

Collection (43/76) - Completed Music Box
After interacting with the chair on the Auditorium stage and watching the scene, interact with the completed music box on stage.

Medal: The Haunted Building
This will be awarded when you complete chapter 2.

1960 Da Ren Murder
Death (6/9) - Evil Hands
Start the chapter and exit the room you start in to trigger a cutscene with the Evil Hands. Simply stand still to die.

Collection (44/76) - Baseball
After exiting the elevator onto floor 2, walk through the construction site until you see an incense burner on a table. The Baseball is just around the corner in a basket.

Collection (45/76) - Reception Room Key
Story related. You'll collect this in the President's Office.

Medal: Campus Cult (1/3) - Cultish Symbols
After grabbing the Reception Room Key, continue further down the hall until you reach a staircase. Pull up your lantern to spot a blue wisp you can reveal for the collection.

Collection (46/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (4/7) - Tennis Ball
Continue down the staircase from the previous collectible and enter the lobby to find Poody again. Hand him the Baseball and he'll dig up the Tennis Ball.

Collection (47/76) - Crimson Disc
Story related. You'll collect this from the Reception Room safe.

Collection (48-49/76) - Odd Block + Thick Book
Story related. Facing the Reception Room safe, look to your left to spot a painting on the wall that serves as the next puzzle. To its left is a book on a bookshelf. Interact with it and turn it to get a prompt to open it. Grab the item inside.

Death (7/9) - The Dark One
Let the Dark One catch you in the B2 Parking Lot with no charge on your lantern.

Collection (50/76) - Red Balloon
After escaping the B2 Parking Lot and riding the elevator back to 2016, exit the elevator, then look to your right to spot this near the shutter.

Medal: Campus Cult (2/3)
In the same areas as the last item. After exiting the elevator, look left instead of right. Hold up your lantern and you should spot a blue wisp next to the 2F sign. Reveal it.

Collection (51/76) - Fuse
Story related. Grab this from one of the mannequins in the Screening Room.

Collection (52/76) - The Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation
Make your way over to the Computer Classroom A. Open the drawer underneath the Ryzen graphics card box to find this inside.

Collection (53/76) - Fake Chicken leg
Make your way into the Military Instructor's Office and enter the break room. Grab this off of the table inside.

Collection (54/76) - Nurse's Office Key
Story related. You'll find this after solving the Clock puzzle.

Collection (55/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (5/7) - Sausage
Exit the Military Instructor's Office and hook an immediate right. Go down the stairs and plop the chicken into Poody's bowl. After a few moments, he'll drop the sausage in it.

Collection (56/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad (3/5) - Skeleton Toy: Herbert
Unlock the door to the Nurse's Office and go inside. As soon as you enter, look to your immediate left to find this toy on the tray by the door.

Collection (57/76) - Bloody ID
After revealing the hole in the wall in the Nurse's Office and entering, go forward a few feet and you'll spot this on the floor. Almost impossible to miss.

Collection (58/76) - Old Notebook
Exit the crawlspace where the previous collectible was, then look on the chair by the barricaded doorway. Almost impossible to miss.

Medal: Wilting Flowers
You need to escape the Neckless Consort, only using the unidentified flower one time or less.

Collection (59/76) - Electrical Component
Story related. You'll grab this while going through the Neckless Consort chase in chapter 3.
Collectibles III
Medal: Campus Cult (3/3)
After escaping from the Neckless Consort, make your way about halfway down the hallway you're currently in. On your right will be an open doorway with a piece of wood blocking the lower half. Pull up your lantern to reveal the symbol.

Collection (60/76) - Strange Sculpture 1
Story related. You'll find this while following Huang Ting-ting's ghost.

Medal: Da Ren Murders
Story related. This will unlock for completing chapter 3.

The Truth
Collection (61/76) - Blonde Moustache
The very moment you take control of Doc, do NOT drop down to Richie. Instead, back up a few feet and you'll spot the moustache on the floor.

Collection (62/76) - Candle Extinguisher
Story related. You'll need to pick this up to complete the Candle puzzle.

Collection (63/76) - Worker's Manual
After getting separated from Richie, you'll drop down a hole into a large room. This will be on top of the large control panel you need to interact with to open the large door. Almost impossible to miss.

Collection (64/76) - Tattered Paper
From the last collectible, look to your immediate left past the broken wall, to spot a cart you can't move. To its right is a wooden table with the note on it.

Death (8/9) - Sergeant (Possessed)
Die to the Sergeant during the encounter.

Medal: Military Might
You need to complete the entire encounter against the Sergeant, without ever using the yellow talismans that are on the wall. If you need help, refer to the Medals section for a video.

Collection (65/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad - Skeleton Toy: Mr. Mutilator
After escaping from the Sergeant, you'll climb down a short ladder into more service tunnels. Take your first left, but don't take the 2nd one. Instead, walk straight to find this little guy on top of some barrels.

Collection (66-70/76) - Five Phases: Wood, Earth, Fire, Water & Metal
Story related. You will need to collect these flags in chapter 4 to solve the Flag puzzle.

Collection (71/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (6/7) - Pigeon Conditioner
After solving the flag puzzle, you'll get a call from A-Hai. Continue to wrap around the linear hallway until the path branches under a blinking fluorescent light. Don't turn right. Instead, go straight and you'll find Poody at the end of the hall. Trade him the moustache for the conditioner.

Death (9/9) - The Dark One (Reborn)
Get caught by The Dark One, during the chase that happens immediately after finding Rich.

Yin and Yang
Collection (72/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad (5/5) - Skeleton Toy: Gene Slayer
As soon as you start chapter 5, you can find this on a bicycle near the front of the parking lot.

Collection (73/76) - Strange Sculpture 2
While making your way through B3, you'll head down your first flight of stairs. Turn the corner and hold your lantern up to reveal this on the floor. It's next to the "Scrap Paper 2" note.

Collection (74/76) - Eye of the Diting
Story related. You'll need to collect this to open the large stone door in chapter 5.

Collection (75/76) - Cursed Heart
Story related. You'll collect this on the west side of the map.

Ending (1/2) + Medal - The Extrication
This is likely the ending you'll receive naturally. When fleeing from The Dark One after grabbing his heart, simply escape and end the game.

Ending (2/2) + Medal - Into the Abyss
This is the alternate ending to the game. After grabbing The Dark One's heart, get grabbed by him to waste your lantern charge. Keep looping him around the coffin until the lantern recharges, DO NOT leave this room. then get caught again and your lantern will break, rendering it no longer useable. Escape and finish the game.

Collection (76/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (7/7) - Poody Pendant
After watching the credits, you'll take control of A-Hai in the Military Instructor's Office. Head out to the 1F elevator and push the button. After Poody breaks the elevator, interact with him. This is only possible on the Extrication ending.
Medals I
Professor's Collection
#1) After the scene with the Sergeant in the Registrar's Office, head back to the elevator and go down to B1. Chat with him again, then grab the Vitality Soda off of the table. Tell the Sergeant you're ready to go, and he'll take you over to a dog house. Afterwards, he'll lead you towards the stairs. As soon as you reach them, you should hear a noise behind you. Turn around to spot a dog bowl now in front of the dog house. Place the soda in the bowl and wait for Poody to swap it out with Dog Food. Grab the food from the bowl.

#2) After starting the treasure hunt in chapter 2, return to the Gaming Club and open the cabinet near the locked treasure box to officially meet Poody! Put the Old Handheld Console into his bowl, and wait for him to take it over to his dog house. Afterwards, he'll pull out this item for you to collect.

#3) Further into chapter 2, you'll pass through a red-lit hall, and come to a split in the path. To your left is a tilted bookshelf you can crouch under, and to your right is an open hallway. Go down the hallway on your right. At the far end will be a door with Poody behind it. Give him the White Rose and he'll check the Love Charm at you.

#4) After exiting the elevator onto floor 2 at the start of chapter 3, walk through the construction site until you see an incense burner on a table. There's a Baseball just around the corner in a basket, that you need to collect to trade to Poody.

Grab the key from the President's Office, then head down to the far end of the hall to spot a staircase. Go down and enter the lobby to find Poody again. Hand him the Baseball and he'll dig up the Tennis Ball.

#5) During chapter 3, make your way into the Military Instructor's Office and enter the break room. Grab the Fake Chicken off of the table inside. Exit the Military Instructor's Office and hook an immediate right. Go down the stairs and plop the chicken into Poody's bowl. After a few moments, he'll drop the sausage in it.

#6) The very moment you take control of Doc in chapter 4, do NOT drop down to Richie. Instead, back up a few feet and you'll spot the moustache on the floor.

After solving the flag puzzle, you'll get a call from A-Hai. Continue to wrap around the linear hallway until the path branches under a blinking fluorescent light. Don't turn right. Instead, go straight and you'll find Poody at the end of the hall. Trade him the moustache for the conditioner.

#7) After watching the credits, you'll take control of A-Hai in the Military Instructor's Office. Head out to the 1F elevator and push the button. After Poody breaks the elevator, interact with him. This is only possible on the Extrication ending.

Campus Cult
#1) After grabbing the Reception Room Key in chapter 3, exit the room and head to the far end of the hall to reach a staircase. Pull up your lantern to spot a blue wisp you can reveal for the symbol.

#2) After escaping The Dark One in chapter 3 (B2 Parking Lot section), exit the elevator and look left. Hold up your lantern and you should spot a blue wisp next to the 2F sign. Reveal it.

#3) After escaping from the Neckless Consort in chapter 4, make your way about halfway down the hallway you're currently in. On your right will be an open doorway with a piece of wood blocking the lower half. Pull up your lantern to reveal the symbol.

The Skull Squad
#1) After taking control of Sue at the start of the game, enter the elevator nearby and ride it up to B1. Straight ahead of you will be a large KGG sign. Crouch underneath the counter and open up the bucket near the drink machine. Interact with it and rotate it so you can see inside of it. Interact with the toy inside.

#2) During chapter 2 you'll find "Doc" in a bathroom stall. After the scene with him, collect his fake moustache off of the bathroom floor. Later in the chapter, you'll go through a red-lit hall, and come to a split in the path. To your left is a tilted bookshelf you can crouch under, and to your right is an open hallway. Crouch under the bookshelf. Walk a few feet forward and you should spot a mannequin on your right, between 2 red curtains. Slap the Black Moustache that you can find in the Women's Bathroom on it and it will hand you the toy.

#3) Unlock the door to the Nurse's Office and go inside. As soon as you enter, look to your immediate left to find this toy on the tray by the door.

#4) After escaping from the Sergeant in chapter 4, you'll climb down a short ladder into more service tunnels. Take your first left, but don't take the 2nd one. Instead, walk straight to find this little guy on top of some barrels.

#5) As soon as you start chapter 5, you can find this on a bicycle near the front of the parking lot.

The Extrication
This is unlocked for getting the Extrication ending.

Into the Abyss
This is unlocked for getting the Into the Abyss ending.

Remnants of the Past
#1) As soon as you collect the Lantern, hold right click to illuminate hidden messages nearby. You should see a blue wisp in front of you. Walk towards it to reveal blood splatters.

#2) This one can be found at the entrance to the History Room, between the rope dividers.

#3) The next one can be found to the left of the shutter, at the entrance to the History Room hallway.

#4) This one is immediately after the previous collectible, underneath the shutter that leads to the History Room hallway.

#5) The final wisp for this medal is on the pole to the right of the last wisp.
Medals II
An Exclusive
Story related. Complete chapter 1 to unlock this.

Digital Demon
You need to complete Slappy's Hide-and-Seek challenge, without ever choosing a wrong computer. It's very easy to tell which one she's hiding in: It will always have a white handprint and smudge marks on the screen.

The Haunted Building
Story related. Complete chapter 2 to unlock this.

Exorcising Evil
During the chase with The Dark One in the chapter 3 (B2 Parking Lot section) you need to escape using the lantern 3 times or less. This means you can only cleanse the hands you need to to progress, and can never get caught by The Dark One.

Wilting Flowers
You need to escape the Neckless Consort in chapter 3, only using the unidentified flower one time or less.

Da Ren Murders
Story related. This will unlock for completing chapter 3.

Military Might
You need to complete the entire encounter against the Sergeant in chapter 4, without ever using the yellow talismans that are on the wall. Below is a video showcasing the route I used.

The Truth
Story related. This will unlock for completing chapter 4.

Proof of Existence
#1) Story related. You will collect the Mutilated Eye in chapter 2.

#2) ???. I'm still working out exactly what item this is. So long as you collect every collectible, though, this will unlock.
All-In-One Walkthrough - Chapter 1
Wen Hua Missing Persons Case
*Gurgle* *Gurgle*
Find the black cat.
As soon as you take control of Sue in chapter 1, walk forward to trigger a cutscene with the night guard. Go down the path he came from, and keep an eye on your right for a box. Open it to find a black cat inside.

Collection (1/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad (1/5) - Skeleton Toy: Ooga
Go where the guard went, enter the elevator nearby and ride it up to B1. Straight ahead of you will be a large KGG sign. Crouch underneath the counter and open up the bucket near the drink machine. Interact with it and rotate it so you can see inside of it. Interact with the toy inside.

Collection (2/76) - Da Ren Pamphlet
Head back to the elevator and ride it up to floor 1. After the chat on your phone, head to your left to spot this on a table.

Collection (3/76)- Gurex Condoms
Go up to the 2nd floor and head to the right side. Outside of Computer Classroom A, against the far wall, will be a dispenser you can interact with.

Rocking Horse by Safe Toyz
Use the remote controller.
During chapter 1, you'll eventually enter the Military Instructor's Office. After the cutscene with the Sergeant, crouch to your right and interact with the remote.

Death (1/9) - Sergeant (Human)
When you need to stealth through the Military Instructor's Room, get caught.

Collection (4/76) - Registrar's Office Key
Story related, Collected from the Military Instructor's Office.

Collection (5-6/76) - Odd Geometric Board 1 + Odd Geometric Board 2
Story related, but technically missable. Both of these are found in the Registrar's Office, and help you discover the solution to the safe puzzle.

Lord of the Locks
Unlock the code in the registrar's office.
Story related. Unlocks after opening the safe in the Registrar's Office in chapter 1.

Collection (7/76) - CCTV Master Tape
Story related. Collected after solving the safe puzzle.

Collection (8/76) - Vitality Soda
After the scene with the Sergeant in the Registrar's Office, head back to the elevator and go down to B1. Chat with him again, then grab the Vitality Soda off of the table.

Collection (9/76) - Unknown Remains in a Pot
While facing the table the soda was on, look to your right and head that direction. As soon as you can make another right, do so. On the counter in front of you will be a pot you can open, Interact with the bone inside.

Howdy Professor
Find Poody!.
Collection (10/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (1/7) - Dog Food
Tell the Sergeant you're ready to go, and he'll take you over to a kennel. Afterwards, he'll lead you towards the stairs. As soon as you reach them, you should hear a noise behind you. Turn around to spot a dog bowl now in front of the kennel. Place the soda in the bowl, walk away, and you'll hear a dog bark. Turn back around and grab the food from the bowl.

Thorough Investigation
Uncover any hidden message.
Medal: Remnants of the Past (1/5)
As soon as you collect the Lantern, hold right click to illuminate hidden messages nearby. You should see a blue wisp in front of you. Walk towards it to reveal blood splatters.

Medal: Remnants of the Past (2/5)
This one can be found at the entrance to the History Room, between the rope dividers.

Medal: Remnants of the Past (3/5)
The next one can be found to the left of the shutter, at the entrance to the History Room hallway.

Remnants of the Past (4/5)
This one is immediately after the previous collectible, underneath the shutter that leads to the History Room hallway.

Medal: Remnants of the Past (5/5)
The final wisp for this medal is on the pole to the right of the last wisp.

Death (2/9) - Neckless Consort
Get caught and killed by the Neckless Consort when you have no charge on your lantern.

Unknown Space
Find the non-existent B3.
Medal: An Exclusive
Story related. You'll automatically earn this for completing the first chapter.
All-In-One Walkthrough - Chapter 2
The Haunted Building
Collection (11/76) - Movie Script
As soon as you take control of Richie in chapter 2, you can find this on one of the tables in the room you start in.

Collection (12-15/76) - Xu You-yi Figurine, Yan Shu-wen Figurine, Xu Wen-xiong Figurine, Film Club Room Key
Story related. You'll collect all of these as you solve the storyboarding puzzle at the start of the chapter.

Collection (16-17/76) Damaged Wind-Up Doll + Storage Room Key
Story related. You'll get these when you go to investigate the crying in the hallway.

Single Life Sucks
Get Doc's surprise.
This is earned early into chapter 2. After receiving the Storage Room Key from A-Hai, don't enter the room just yet. Instead, walk past her and look to the open door on your right to get jumpscared by Doc.

Collection (18/76) Damaged Photo
This can be found on a table inside the Storage Room. Very hard to miss, as it's a small room.

Collection (19-21/76) - Teapot, Gift Box, White Rose
Story related. You'll collect the Teapot and the Gift Box to give to your friends for your movie. When you give the Teapot to A-Hai, she'll hand you the rose.

Collection (22/76) - Rule's For Slappy's Hide-and-Seek
On a table near the TV in the 4F Gaming Club.

Power of the Orient
Obtain the USB.
Collection (23/76) - Designer USB
Story related. Facing the projector screen with the countdown on it, look to your left to spot this near a few illuminated monitors.

Medal: Digital Demon
You need to complete Slappy's Hide-and-Seek challenge without ever choosing the wrong monitor. It's very easy to tell which one she's in, as it will always have a white handprint and smudges on it. Refer to either the Medals or the Puzzle Solutions sections if you want to see an image of what that looks like.

Death (3/9) - Slappy
Wait for the Hide-and-Seek timer to hit 0. Choosing the wrong monitor will cut a lot of time off.

Collection (24/76) - Black Moustache
A green wisp will lead you to "Doc" in the Women's Bathroom. After the cutscene, collect his moustache off of the floor.

Collection (25/76) - Old Handheld Console
In the same room as the previous collectible. It's on the toilet in the stall "Doc" was in.

Collection (26/76) - Treasure Box Key
Story related. You'll collect this after following the green wisp into the Boardgame Club.

Collection (27/76) - Treasure Hunt Gameplay Guide
On a table in the Board Game Club. Directly in front of the treasure map hanging on the wall.

Collection (28/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (2/7) - Tun Town
After starting the treasure hunt, return to the Gaming Club and open the cabinet near the locked treasure box to officially meet Poody! Put the Old Handheld Console into his bowl, and wait for him to take it over to his dog house. Afterwards, he'll pull out this item for you to collect.

Collection (29-31/76) Decorative Plate, Blank Note, Sticky Red Liquid
Story related. These are collected as part of the treasure hunt. The Sticky Red Liquid is found in the Gaming Club box. The code is 432. The Decorative Plate is found in the hall besides the Board Game Club. The code is 412. Finally, the Blank Note is found in the hall near the stairs to the Women's Bathroom. The code is 231.

Collection (32/76) - Secret Document
After returning to the Board Game Club, "Doc" will mention a new room appearing. Enter it and look on the corner of the stone table inside. This is almost impossible to miss.

Collection (33/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (3/7) - Love Charm
After walking through a red-lit hall, you will come to a split in the path. To your left is a tilted bookshelf you can crouch under, and to your right is an open hallway. Go down the hallway on your right. At the far end will be a door with Poody behind it. Give him the White Rose and he'll check the Love Charm at you.

Collection (34/76) + The Skull Squad (2/5) - Skeleton Toy: Booga
Now go down the opposite path. Walk a few feet forward and you should spot a mannequin on your right, between 2 red curtains. Slap the moustache on it and it will hand you the toy.

Collection (35/76) - Dance Studio Rules
As soon as you enter the Dance Studio for the first time, look on the shelves to your right.

Death (4/9) - The Mad Ballerina (Masked)
Walk into the Mad Ballerina's line of vision.

Collection (36/76) - Simple Wind-Up Doll
Story related. You will need to collect this to escape the Made Ballerina.

Collection (37-39/76) - Mask of Sorrow, Mask of Joy, Mask of Fury
After escaping the Mad Ballerina, you will be in a strange area that will give you some backstory on the ghost's life. Interact with the information stand, then collect the mask in all 3 rooms.

Joy, Anger, and Sorrow
Uncover Lee Yue-hong's past.
Story related. You'll earn this during chapter 2, after completing the Mask Puzzle and viewing the last scene.

Collection (40/76) - Rules for Audience Members
After completing the Mask Puzzle, you will ride an elevator down to a red-lit hallway that leads to the Auditorium. Grab this off of the mannequins hands that is standing just before the large double doors.

Collection (41/76) - Damaged Wind-up Doll Head
Story related. Enter the Auditorium and collect this from the stage, between the 4 mannequins.

Death (5/9) - The Mad Ballerina (Unmasked)
Get killed by The Mad Ballerina during the Auditorium survival section.

Collection (42/76) + Medal: Proof of Existence (1/2) - Mutilated Eye
Story related. You'll have to pick this up off the stage after surviving The Mad Ballerina's dance.

Dance of the Twins
Fulfill Lee Yue-hong's final wish.
Story related. This will unlock in chapter 2, after interacting with the chair on the Auditorium stage and watching the scene.

Collection (43/76) - Completed Music Box
After interacting with the chair on the Auditorium stage and watching the scene, interact with the completed music box on stage.

Medal: The Haunted Building
This will be awarded when you complete chapter 2.
All-In-One Walkthrough - Chapter 3
1960 Da Ren Murder
Death (6/9) - Evil Hands
Start the chapter and exit the room you start in to trigger a cutscene with the Evil Hands. Simply stand still to die.

Collection (44/76) - Baseball
After exiting the elevator onto floor 2, walk through the construction site until you see an incense burner on a table. The Baseball is just around the corner in a basket.

Collection (45/76) - Reception Room Key
Story related. You'll collect this in the President's Office.

Medal: Campus Cult (1/3) - Cultish Symbols
After grabbing the Reception Room Key, continue further down the hall until you reach a staircase. Pull up your lantern to spot a blue wisp you can reveal for the collection.

Collection (46/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (4/7) - Tennis Ball
Continue down the staircase from the previous collectible and enter the lobby to find Poody again. Hand him the Baseball and he'll dig up the Tennis Ball.

Collection (47/76) - Crimson Disc
Story related. You'll collect this from the Reception Room safe.

Collection (48-49/76) - Odd Block + Thick Book
Story related. Facing the Reception Room safe, look to your left to spot a painting on the wall that serves as the next puzzle. To its left is a book on a bookshelf. Interact with it and turn it to get a prompt to open it. Grab the item inside.

Sacred Knowledge
Open the secret passage in the reception room.
Story related. This will unlock after solving the Disc Puzzle in chapter 3.

Death (7/9) - The Dark One
Let the Dark One catch you in the B2 Parking Lot with no charge on your lantern.

Return to the Future
Return back to 2016.
Story related. You'll earn this in chapter 3, after escaping from The Dark One in the B2 Parking Lot.

Collection (50/76) - Red Balloon
After escaping the B2 Parking Lot and riding the elevator back to 2016, exit the elevator, then look to your right to spot this near the shutter.

Medal: Campus Cult (2/3)
In the same areas as the last item. After exiting the elevator, look left instead of right. Hold up your lantern and you should spot a blue wisp next to the 2F sign. Reveal it.

Collection (51/76) - Fuse
Story related. Grab this from one of the mannequins in the Screening Room.

Collection (52/76) - The Bridge Curse: Road to Salvation
Make your way over to the Computer Classroom A. Open the drawer underneath the Ryzen graphics card box to find this inside.

Collection (53/76) - Fake Chicken leg
Make your way into the Military Instructor's Office and enter the break room. Grab this off of the table inside.

Collection (54/76) - Nurse's Office Key
Story related. You'll find this after solving the Clock puzzle.

Collection (55/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (5/7) - Sausage
Exit the Military Instructor's Office and hook an immediate right. Go down the stairs and plop the chicken into Poody's bowl. After a few moments, he'll drop the sausage in it.

Collection (56/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad (3/5) - Skeleton Toy: Herbert
Unlock the door to the Nurse's Office and go inside. As soon as you enter, look to your immediate left to find this toy on the tray by the door.

Collection (57/76) - Bloody ID
After revealing the hole in the wall in the Nurse's Office and entering, go forward a few feet and you'll spot this on the floor. Almost impossible to miss.

Collection (58/76) - Old Notebook
Exit the crawlspace where the previous collectible was, then look on the chair by the barricaded doorway. Almost impossible to miss.

Medal: Wilting Flowers
You need to escape the Neckless Consort, only using the unidentified flower one time or less.

Collection (59/76) - Electrical Component
Story related. You'll grab this while going through the Neckless Consort chase in chapter 3.

Through Thick and Thin
Escape from death.
Story related. You'll unlock this after surviving the Neckless Consort chase in chapter 3.

Medal: Campus Cult (3/3)
After escaping from the Neckless Consort, make your way about halfway down the hallway you're currently in. On your right will be an open doorway with a piece of wood blocking the lower half. Pull up your lantern to reveal the symbol.

Collection (60/76) - Strange Sculpture 1
Story related. You'll find this while following Huang Ting-ting's ghost.

Seal Breaker
Open the sealed gate.
Story related. You'll earn this after solving the Shadow puzzle in chapter 3.

Medal: Da Ren Murders
Story related. This will unlock for completing chapter 3.
All-In-One Walkthrough - Chapter 4
The Truth
Collection (61/76) - Blonde Moustache
The very moment you take control of Doc, do NOT drop down to Richie. Instead, back up a few feet and you'll spot the moustache on the floor.

Collection (62/76) - Candle Extinguisher
Story related. You'll need to pick this up to complete the Candle puzzle.

Nimble and Agile
Extinguish all the candles.
Story related. This will unlock after solving the Candle puzzle in chapter 4.

Collection (63/76) - Worker's Manual
After getting separated from Richie, you'll drop down a hole into a large room. This will be on top of the large control panel you need to interact with to open the large door. Almost impossible to miss.

Collection (64/76) - Tattered Paper
From the last collectible, look to your immediate left past the broken wall, to spot a cart you can't move. To its right is a wooden table with the note on it.

Death (8/9) - Sergeant (Possessed)
Die to the Sergeant during the encounter.

Medal: Military Might
You need to complete the entire encounter against the Sergeant, without ever using the yellow talismans that are on the wall. If you need help, refer to the Medals section for a video.

Super Tough
Escape from the ghost sergeant.
Story related. You will earn this after escaping the Sergeant in chapter 4.

Collection (65/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad - Skeleton Toy: Mr. Mutilator
After escaping from the Sergeant, you'll climb down a short ladder into more service tunnels. Take your first left, but don't take the 2nd one. Instead, walk straight to find this little guy on top of some barrels.

Collection (66-70/76) - Five Phases: Wood, Earth, Fire, Water & Metal
Story related. You will need to collect these flags in chapter 4 to solve the Flag puzzle.

Reciprocal Restraint
Complete the Seal of 5 Phases.
Story related. You will earn this after solving the Flag puzzle in chapter 4.

Collection (71/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (6/7) - Pigeon Conditioner
After solving the flag puzzle, you'll get a call from A-Hai. Continue to wrap around the linear hallway until the path branches under a blinking fluorescent light. Don't turn right. Instead, go straight and you'll find Poody at the end of the hall. Trade him the moustache for the conditioner.

Don't Get Up
Die every way possible.
Death (9/9) - The Dark One (Reborn)
Get caught by The Dark One, during the chase that happens immediately after finding Rich.

Close Behind
Reach the end of the secret room.
Medal: The Truth
Story related. This will unlock for completing chapter 4.
All-In-One Walkthrough - Chapter 5
Yin and Yang
Collection (72/76) + Medal: The Skull Squad (5/5) - Skeleton Toy: Gene Slayer
As soon as you start chapter 5, you can find this on a bicycle near the front of the parking lot.

Collection (73/76) - Strange Sculpture 2
While making your way through B3, you'll head down your first flight of stairs. Turn the corner and hold your lantern up to reveal this on the floor. It's next to the "Scrap Paper 2" note.

Collection (74/76) - Eye of the Diting
Story related. You'll need to collect this to open the large stone door in chapter 5.

Collection (75/76) - Cursed Heart
Story related. You'll collect this on the west side of the map.

Demons Disperse
Remove the shadow one time.
Story related. You'll earn this in chapter 5, when you use your lantern to scare off the demon girl blocking your path for the first time.

The Extrication
Complete the ending: The Extrication.
Ending (1/2) + Medal - The Extrication
This is likely the ending you'll receive naturally. When fleeing from The Dark One after grabbing his heart, simply escape and end the game.

Into the Abyss
Complete the ending: Into the Abyss.
Ending (2/2) + Medal - Into the Abyss
This is the alternate ending to the game. After grabbing The Dark One's heart, get grabbed by him to waste your lantern charge. Keep looping him around the coffin until the lantern recharges, DO NOT leave this room. then get caught again and your lantern will break, rendering it no longer useable. Escape and finish the game.

Every Nook and Cranny
Get all collectibles.
Master of Medals
Get all rewards.
Collection (76/76) + Medal: Professor's Collection (7/7) - Poody Pendant
After watching the credits, you'll take control of A-Hai in the Military Instructor's Office. Head out to the 1F elevator and push the button. After Poody breaks the elevator, interact with him. This is only possible on the Extrication ending.

Top Dog Collect all the achievements.
This is earned for unlocking the other 25 achievements.
Puzzle Solutions
Registrar's Office Safe

History Room Sliding Puzzle
  • Slide middle-right.
  • Slide bottom-right.
  • Slide bottom-middle.
  • Slide middle-middle.
  • Slide top-middle.
  • Slide top-right.
  • Slide middle-right.
  • Slide middle-middle.
  • Slide middle-left.
  • Slide top-left.
  • Slide top middle.
  • Slide middle-middle.

Storyboarding Puzzle
  • Grab the Xu You-yi Figurine from the Film Club board. Place it on the School Newsletter board.
  • Pick the Xu You-yi Figurine back up, then grab the Yan Shu-wen Figurine from the area behind the Storage Room. Place the Xu You-yi Figurine on the left side of the Storage Room board, and the Yan Shu-wen Figurine on the right side. Collect the Xu Wen-xiong Figurine.
  • In the Film Club, place the Xu You-yi Figurine where the tea pot is, the Yan Shu-wen Figurine where the rose is, and the Xu Wen-xiong Figurine where the present is.

Slappy's Hide-and-Seek
Slappy will always be hiding in the screen that has a white handprint and smudges on it.

Treasure Hunt
  • Footprint Box: 412
  • Scroll Box: 231
  • Jewel Box: 432

Ballerina Masks
  • 1st room: Mask of Joy
  • 2nd room: Mask of Fury
  • 3rd room: Mask of Sorrow

Reception Room Safe
1209. It doesn't matter which way you spin the dial.

Reception Room Disc Puzzle
  • Rotate clockwise x1. Slide red piece in.
  • Rotate clockwise x3. Slide red piece out.
  • Rotate clockwise x2. Slide circle piece in.
  • Rotate clockwise x3. Slide circle piece out.
  • Rotate counter-clockwise x1. Slide green piece in.
  • Rotate counter-clockwise x2. Slide green piece out.
  • Rotate clockwise x1. Slide circle piece in.
  • Rotate clockwise x4. Slide circle piece out.
  • Rotate counter-clockwise x1. Slide green piece in.
  • Rotate counter-clockwise x3. Slide green piece out.

Fuse Puzzle
  • Rotate top-left x2.
  • Rotate top-right x1.
  • Rotate middle-left x3.
  • Rotate middle-middle x1.
  • Rotate bottom-left x2.
  • Rotate bottom-middle x3.

Clock Puzzle
  • Set both clock hands to 12.
  • Turn the left dial to 08.
  • Turn the right dial to 22.

Shadow Puzzle 1

Candle Puzzle
Along the walls will be painted symbols that will tell you the order to extinguish the candles in (1-5).

Flag Puzzle
  • Place the Wood Flag (green) on the Earth pillar (black ribbon)
  • Place the Earth Flag (black) on the Water pillar (white ribbon)
  • Place the Water Flag (white) on the Fire pillar (red ribbon)
  • Place the Fire Flag (red) on the Metal pillar (brown ribbon)
  • Place the Metal Flag (brown) on the Earth pillar (green ribbon)

Shadow Puzzle 2
Sphexator 26 Aug @ 11:00am 
thankyou so much, its perfect as i havent played the game since my comment so now i can play it through!
Stef  [author] 14 Aug @ 10:48am 
Alright. Sorry that took a few days, but I compiled an all-in-one section for every achievement, collectible, and medal. It's copy/pasted from the original sections, so I'll likely need to skim through it for some clean up. I also left the original sections, in case anyone needs to find something at a quick glance.
Stef  [author] 8 Aug @ 4:47pm 
Hey, completely valid complaint! I usually do do my guides like that. If it's not too late, I can take some time out later tonight and merge everything into one for you. :)
Sphexator 8 Aug @ 3:53pm 
One thing that upsets me in this guide, is that the one you made for the previous game was great as it was all in order for you to follow throughout the game, so when i started this guide i started straight from the first section until I realised that the collectables weren't merged in like they were before, making it extremely difficult to follow as you'd have to constantly flick through to not miss any achievements or collectables.
Stef  [author] 11 Jun @ 5:51pm 
Glad I could help! Congrats on your 100%.
yabai.adair 11 Jun @ 1:51pm 
thank you for this, the "Don't Get Up" achievement was driving me nuts and turns out I kept missing the same one. So thank you!