Platform 8

Platform 8

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By Tails' Cash Explosion
Spoiler free tips and a complete guide to every anomaly in the game.
Tips (No Spoilers)
1. If you feel threatened, avoid the threat.

2. Play with sound, some anomalies will not be immediately apparent without sound.

3. Anomalies will never effect the text on POSTERS, only their imagery.

4. Once you figure out the rules for the game, the game becomes significantly easier.
Safe Anomalies
Anomalies in this section cannot be failed.
Simply proceed to the next train car to complete these anomalies.

1. The Seated Man Records You
The Seated Man will hold up his smartphone and follow your movements.

2. Lights Turn Red
Exit the train car.

3. Ceiling Handles Rapidly Move
Exit the train car.

4. Mannequin Passengers
Interact with the Exit Door to discover that it is locked.
A seat among the Seated Mannequins will become open.
Sit in the seat and the Exit Door will unlock.

5. Shattered Glass
Train car lights will flicker and as you approach the Exit Door, the glass windows will shatter.
Exit the train car.

6. Exit Door Ajar
The Exit Door will periodically slightly open by itself.
Exit the train car.

7. Bloody Handprints
These will appear on the windows, floor and Exit Door as you walk through the train car.
Exit the train car.

8. Train Car Ascension
The end of the train car with the Exit Door will ascend into the air, creating a massive slope you cannot run up.
Wait for the train car to lower and run to the Exit Door.

9. Large Humans
All of the windows will have large human faces watching your movements.
Exit the train car.

10. Door Opening Puzzle
In the center aisle at the midway point of the train, look at the floor.
A drawing on the floor will depict how many times you need to interact with a the doors.
Interact with Exit Door 9 times, then Entrance Door 8 times, then Exit Door 4 times.

Unsafe Anomalies
Anomalies in this section can be failed.
Failure results in your progress being lost and restarting from the first train car again.

1. Train Car Doors Open
Interact with the exit door to progress.
If you walk out of any of the open doors, you lose.

2. Do Not Move When it is Bright
Upon entering the train car, you will see a female child standing in front of the exit door with her back facing you.
When the train car lights turn off you must move towards the exit.
When the train car lights turn on, do not move you character (camera movement is safe).
Walk into the female child to win.

3. Find Me
Upon entering the train car, you will see a female child standing in the center aisle facing you.
Approach the girl and the lights will turn off.
When the lights turn on, you must find where the girl is hidden.
She will be found in any of the windows, including the windows of the exit and entrance doors.
Find her and stare at her to win.

4. Seated Man Chase Scene
Nothing will appears wrong until you interact with the Exit Door.
Exit Door will be locked.
Turn around to face the Entrance Door.
The Seated Man will be missing and can be seen in the window of the Entrance Door.
When you approach the Entrance Door, The Seated Man will open the Entrance Door and chase you.
Turn around as soon as The Seated Man opens the Entrance Door and Sprint (Left Shift on Keboard, A Button, Left or RIght Trigger on Controller) to the Exit Door.
When the Entrance Door opens, the Exit Door also opens allowing you to escape.

5. Giant Hands
Upon entering the train car, you will hear the first train car door on your right open.
Do not move forward.
A giant hand will invade the train car through the open train car door.
Wait for the giant hand to leave the train car before moving forward.
After a few seconds another train car door will open and another hand will invade the train car.
Avoid the hands and interact with the Exit Door to win.

Upon entering the train car, you will hear strange pattering noises behind you.
Do not look backwards.
You can look at the Electronic Signs above the Platform Doors on the left or right to confirm the instructions.
Interact with the Exit Door to win.

7. Seated Man Distorted Face
Upon entering the train car, The Seated Man will be standing in the center aisle.
Do not look at his face as you walk by him.

8. Invisible Breathing Man
Upon entering the train car, the Exit Door will open by itself and remain open.
Approach the Exit Door slowly.
When you are almost to the Exit Door you will hear heavy breathing.
When you hear the heavy breathing retreat to the Entrance Door.
After some time passes, the Exit Door will close by itself.
You may exit now.

Upon entering the train car, you will hear someone pounding on the Exit Door.
The Electronic Signs will read DO NOT OPEN.
Walk up to the Exit Door but do NOT interact with it.
Retreat to the Entrance Door and do not have your camera facing the Exit Door.
After some time passes, the pounding will stop and you may exit.

10 - 14. Do Not Proceed to the Next Car Until the Anomaly Has Been Spotted
On the Exit Door will be a yellow poster that states to not leave the train car until the anomaly has been spotted.
There are 5 possible anomalies that can be present.
Check all possible spots and stare at the anomaly closely until the lights flicker off and back on.
You may exit once the anomaly disappears.

1. Stand directly in front of the Exit Door, facing the Exit door and look to your right.
A headless woman will be standing in the window.

2. Stand directly in front of the Entrance Door, with the your back to the Entrance Door.
Walk to and face the second set of Platform Doors on the left.
Look at the poster on the wall poster on the left.

3. Stand directly in front of the Exit Door, facing the Exit door.
Turn 180 degrees and look at the Ceiling Poster to see an animated human eye.

4. Look at the Ceiling Posters. Both sides of the Anime Girl Poster will be distorted, look at either side.

5. Look at the Ceiling Posters and find the Veterinarian Poster. On the backside of the Dentist Poster, the Veterinarian's head will be vibrating.

15. Do Not Look Away
If you enter the train car and see the Distorted Woman standing on the left side of the train car as pictured, stare directly at her as you walk up to her.
Walk to the Exit Door backwards, staring at her the entire time.
Once you reach the Exit Door, quickly turn around and exit the train car.

16. Mist Train
Train car lights will flicker and the windows and train car will become filled with mist.
Wait until the train car doors open and then close.
Exit the train car.

17. Other Passengers
Lights will flicker off and on and there will be other distorted standing passengers on the train.
Move to the exit without touching any passengers.

18. Dark Maze
Lights will flicker off and you will be teleported to a dark maze version of the train.
Find the Exit Door.
Do not touch any of the distorted humans.

19. Headless Man
Approach the Headless Man standing in front of the Exit Door.
Stand in front of any of the Platform Exit Doors or take a seat to create enough space for the Headless Man to walk by.
Exit the train car.

20. Red Water
Immediately run to the exit car.

21. She Moves When the Lights Turn Back On
Upon entering the train car, the lights will flicker off and back on and there will be a Distorted Woman standing in the center aisle.
The lights will flicker off periodically, and when the lights turn back on, the woman will be positioned closer to you.
Stand on the left or right side when the lights flicker off to make the woman move away from the center aisle.
Run past her once she is away from the center aisle.

Tails' Cash Explosion  [author] 27 Jun @ 12:19pm 
Thank you for the typo!
xt3b4n1 27 Jun @ 10:23am 
Typo: In the 10 - 14 description: "There are 4 possible anomalies that can be present.". There are 5 and you do list five.
DeathHero® 9 Jun @ 1:12pm 
THX :cupup:
ZVX 🆅🆁 🦔🆉 2 Jun @ 6:09am 
Tails' Cash Explosion  [author] 2 Jun @ 6:05am 
Thank you, there was a typo. When the lights turn on, it is unsafe to move.
ZVX 🆅🆁 🦔🆉 1 Jun @ 10:47pm 
Unsafe Anomalies

When the train car lights turn off ????????