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Share The Pain : The Ultimate Guide
От SkyTheBastard
This is a collection of all i´ve know so far about STP.
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Gameplay Modes / Options
  • Death Match - Playtime and Pts depend on the Individual Server.
    But usually is 15 minutes, 50 Kills.
    Goes Overtime if 2 or More players have the same Kill Count. Winner is who kills first.

  • Team Deathmatch - Same Here Just with Teams.


  • Snatch : Each Team must defend Their Hoe (Flag) while also getting the Enemy's one and return her to your base. To score you MUST have a Hoe in your bed while you Have the Enemy Hoe.
    Match usually takes 15-20 minutes. Or until 3 Pts are scored. Goes Overtime until Either Scored the last Point.
    Type DropFlag in Dev Console to drop her on purpose. She will return to the base after a while if not being picked up again.

  • Jihad : Collect Bomb Vest to be able to kill others in General. If you're close to dying, use it to Bomb the Competition. Explodes after 4 seconds. Match ends whoever has the Highest Kill Count.

  • Grab : Collect Bags to Increase your damage, they more bags, the higher it gets. Collect All Bags to win the Match.

    Each Bag is 25% More damage. You Win when collecting All 10.

  • King of the Hill - Defend the Spot Marked on your Radar. (Also Indicated by an RWS Sign)

    ^ : NOTE : These 4 Always Have the Radar active

  • Arena : 1-1 Matches with set weapons against the "Best" in the arena, and usually no Health or crack.

    This Gamemode cannot be chosen when Hosting your own server ... At least i haven´t managed to do so.


    Map Voting : Can be done at any Given time but need x amount of playerss to vote out.
    If you have 3 players, at least 2 Must Vote. 4 would be 3 and so on. ( This can also be used intentionally when 1-1 Someone and he just keeps camping )

    • Instagib : All attacks Kill instantly. Doesn´t count for Cow Heads & Scissors !!
      See "Further Knowlegde on Instagib"

    • No Crack : Remove Crack Entirely.

    • Airmail : * See Airmail Section for full explenation
Weapon Guide
Well , if your´e new here´s all you need to know.

S - Superb, Should be used as much as Possible.
A - Awsome , Should be used often.
B - Good, But Has Downsides.
D - Decent, But Many Downsides
F - Should Not be used at all.
+/- - In Between Placement.

HS = Head Shots
AltFire / Secondary = Right Click

  • Bugs : Sometimes you may start with no weapons. Just get yourself the next weapon you can find.

  • Sometimes when choosing Postal Dude, He may only have Matches. I guess they forgot to remove them as his "Default weapon" lol

    Melee Weapons
    • Baton - Short range, Low damage F

    • Shocker - Short range , Low Damage , Stuns for 2-3 Seconds or somethin. Runs on a Battery of 30 which slowly Regenerates. "Can be" Usefull , But Mostly sucks. F+

    • Shovel - Mid damage in General , but can Kill when HS. (Aim for the Neck) A+

    • Machete - Short range , Mid damage on close range, can be Thrown, Can kill instantly when HS. Can actually Throw Multiple if you Switch Weapons. (Problably a bug) S+

    • Sledgehammer - Short range, Mid damage on close range , can HS on Melee , Instantly Kills when Thrown, But can also be Kicked away. If Two Hammers get Thrown at each other funny stuff happens. You can also "Shoot" against it , but this happens VERY Rare. Can also Bounce of Walls at a specific Angle. A+

    ^ NOTE : This list is SPECIFICALLY Rated For Melee Only , but you Rather should use Long range weapons.


    Shooting weapons

    • Pistol - Always Shoots straight , HS do 50Dmg. Problably the best gun for Long Distances. S+

    • Shotgun - This is problably the most used Weapon in General. On "Short" Distances it can HS instanly, and even on longer distances can iflict good damage. S+

    • S.M.E.G - A more "Op" version of the shotgun which shoots roughly double the pellets. Hold AltFire for charging Splitter Granade Shot. Spawns only in specific Maps. Slightly Longer Reload than normal Shotgun. S+

    • Machine Gun - Well this gun is either Sh!t, or really good. The first 2 Shots have NO RECOIL !. All following shots (If you HOLD the mouse key) spray around. so if you master it´s patter while also HS , it´s definetely a Good weapon. A

    • Rocket Launcher - Can be Charged for Seeking Missle, or Straight Shot. Explodes on Impact. Can Damage yourself. Can be shot with other Guns. A+

    • WMD - Some Servers / Maps do not support the Bouncing shot. Explodes on Impact. Slightly long reload. Can be shot with other Guns. Can also Be Kicked. A+

    • Napalm Launcher - Some Servers / Maps do not support the Bouncing shot. Very Long Reload compared to all other weapons. Impact Explosion deals Additional Damage. D+

    • Rifle - "Should" Only be used while Zooming. Your Scope deflects light, so your´e "easy" to spot. Also can´t Jump while doing so. Can shoot Multiple HS with one Bullet. HS "Usually" Kills. B-

    • Super / M@D Rifle : Basically same , just has almost no reload Time. Spawns Only on Specific Maps. A-

    • Granade Launcher - Shoots straight in an Arch. Explodes on Impact. Very long Range. Spawns only on specific maps. B-

    • Nuke Launcher - One Shot. Spawns only in specific Maps. "Usually" Kills anything in it´s Radius. S+


    "Throwable" Weapons

    • Granades - Problably my Favorite Weapon. Can be Thrown... But Nobody does that really.
      Either - AltFire-Kicks OR
      Place em WIth The Secondary shot Behind Doors, Near Stairs, Or Narrow Hallways or "Key" Locations Like, Placing them into Foodbags or otherwise good places to "Hide" them. Usually 4 is enough. You also Can Kick em away up to 3 Times. Can be shot or hit With other Things like Hammers ,Cow Heads, Scissors, Fire, and Other explosives to explode. A+

    • Molotow - Can be thrown in a Straight arch / Placed down.
      Explodes either on Impact / After a few Seconds ( idk maybe 5 ). But Fire is Rarely effective, and is more used as Distraction Method D-

    • Cow Head - Can be thrown , Placed down , or Kicked. Huge damage if standing in the cloud for a few seconds ( Counts for All ) Can be destroyed entirely when being thrown or placed down. Rarely serves much Purpose. Sometimes you won´t throw them despite Hearing the Sound. D-

    • Scissors - Finally "Usable" Compared to the Campaign. You throw them Much Faster in STP and they do actually Good damage on HS. Can be "Deflected" by Bullets which sucks. Can Be Kicked (This count´s for your´s and the Enemy´s scissors.) B+

    • Holy / Unholy Granade - Can only be Thrown. Unholy Has Bigger Raduis. "Usually" Kills when near it, Always on HS. Drops only on specific Maps. S



    • Crack : Heals "Instantly" to 125Hp.

    • Pizza / Doughnut / Foodbag / Dog Treat : All heal a small amount of Hp. The Foodbags / Dog Treat are Counted as Inventory Items.

    • Medikit : Heals 25Hp.

    • Bulletproof Vest : Only Good against Body shots.

    • Radar : Shows Enemies "Nearby". Found Only on Specific Maps. 60 Seconds. Makes Hearable Beeping noise.

Re - Toss = Some items cannot be used directly after they been used, to kind of cheat this, Toss it on the floor and pick it up again.

The MAD Skull and Pandoras Box Seem to be the only Airmail which Dissapear completely after "Full" use ( Excluding the Starman and Shadow because they run on Time )

Airmail Packages are Physical Objects, Meaning they can be Kicked around.

Airmail Packages Stay on the Ground for like 30- Seconds.


  • Lawyer : Disables traps in its Raduis. Granades, Molotov on floor. Fake Food Bags, Fake Airmail, Anti / Gravity wells , Distortion , Seeking Rocket Missles, Cow Heads. Also Cancels Out 5 Finger Discount & Airmail Steal . This counts for your own traps as well A+
    Doesn´t Negate Pandoras Box

  • Triangle of Zinthar : Quad damage for 30 Seconds. Re-Toss S

  • Super Health : Gives you immidiately 150Hp. A

  • Starman : "Completely" Invincible for 30 seconds. Re-Tossed . Is "Hearable" Due to the Music. S+ Discription says 20 Seconds but is 30.

    < This may Happen , But only seems to be in Arena.

  • Shadow : Invisible for 30 seconds. Re-Toss . Drops Rather rarely. A+ Doesn´t work against Bots! , And People can still "Hear" You (Foodsteps / Screaming etc)
    And Your´e Visible When Burning.

  • Gravity Well ( BLUE ) : Sucks "Everything" (Nades, Rockets, Molotov, People ) inside it in a Very wide Radius. Can Be Negated with Bleeding head, and Lawyer. Re-Toss S+
    Sometimes you can avoid being crushed by ducking, this doesn´t always work.
    If a Person with a Starman Gets stuck in the well, he Will gain the Kills until Death

  • Anti Gravity Well ( PURPLE ) : Pushes "Everything" away in a "Wide" Radius. Can be negated with Lawyer. Re-Toss. A

  • Anti Gravity Well ( BROWN ) : Pushes "Everything" But doesn´t need to be activated. Sux hard in the Radius comparison, But can be usefull against Rocket / WMD users B-

  • Berserker Skull : If you get Killed While Having this, you Become MAD! You can´t Die (30 ~secods ) Not even starman, or Pandoras Box work. You Have Quad Damage. Kicks do Way more damage and Kickback. stocks up all ammo ( Only for weapons you ALREADY Have, and WMD and Nuke doesn´t count )
    Cannot pickup additional Airmail after Being MAD!
    Drops rather rare. S+
    2 MAD Players CAN´T Hurt each Other

  • Air Jordan's : Run Much faster, Jump Much Higher. A+

  • Joker : Run Slightly faster, Jump Minimal Higher, Replenish Armor over time, Regeneration which exceeds the normal 100Hp threshold. A+ 125 / 150 With Crack.

  • Bouncing Betty / Fire Bomb (5) : Shatters into 5 individual on impact. Re-Toss.
    Explosion are "Mostly" better than Fire. A+ / B

  • Holy Granade : Explode on Npc Impact OR after saying "Hallelujah". BIG Raduis. Re-Toss.A+

  • Distortion (5) : Kills anyone (including you) who touches it. Explodes after a while if nobody touched it. Can be negated with : Lawyer, Starman, MAD! B+

  • Jumping Spring : Jumps Extremely High. Negates Fall Damage. D+

  • One Ring : Makes you invisible when STANDING STILL WITH NO WEAPON IN HAND. Doesn't work against bots. B

  • Icarus Flight : Fly, Can be Turned on / off. 60 secods. You also move slightly faster when using. B+

  • Rocket Launcher Splat : Fly, Can be Turned on / off. 60 secods. Is Much Faster. Explode when touching walls or people. Hurts yourself. Runs on Launcher Fuel. B+ / A+
    Depends on how crammed the map is, but is better in open maps

  • Regeneration : Regeneration over Time up to 100Hp. Can also be used as "instant" C+

  • Regenerating Armor : Regeneration over Time Up to 100 Armor Pts. D-

  • Regenarating Ammunition : Regerates the current weapon used. Gives out Additional Weapon if it says "You´ve maxed out Ammo for "x" so it gives you the Weapon". A+

  • Red Armor : Halfes ALL Damge (Body shots ,Fire, Explosion etc. ), But doesn't save from HS. D Sometimes it may happen that your head gets shot off , but you won´t die...only seen it happening once tho

  • Arcade Cabinet : Spawns 90% Arcade Cabinet.
    10% Various other objects.
    Can block shots ( depending on the weapon used against it). Can make people stuck. Explodes when destroyed with shots or explosives. D-

  • Fire Flower : Makes you immune against Fire and Lava, While also having a Fire aura yourself to set others into flames if they come near enough. Accasinionaly makes a Molotow like explosion..if explosives like granades are near... Well.. Rip. D+
    Cannot shoot Napalm Launcher while using fire Flower as it exploding immidiately, leaving you open for fire. Molotov can also only be used when throwing them very specific ...
    Vulnerable Against Piss and Water

  • Lighting Magic : Carry a Lightning Aura which damages others if they come near enough. Also can place a Trap anywhere. Death is not instant, but certainly deals good damage. You receive more damage while wearing this. B You Cannot Kill Bleeding Head user´s with this because you take more Damage.

  • Panic Button : Teleport away to Random location. Using this to often in a short time span results in Death. (idk like 5 ports). B-

  • Teleport Shuffle : Basically the same thing as Panic. B-

  • Teleport : Aim to Teleport, Can be used to Telefrag, but isn't reliable enough for that. B
    < Sometimes this may happen

  • Teleport "To Last Used" : This one is Kinda Tricky. When used it teleports it to the "Last used" Spot where you picked it up. Basically Needs to be Re-Toss to be actually somewhat usefull. But you rather should pick one of the other Teleport options. D+

  • Boot : Increased Kick damage and Kickback. 30Damage Per Kick B Cow heads Get destroyed when triyng to Altfire - Kick
Airmail Pt. 2
  • Mail Thief : Steal someone's airmail if close enough. B+ Doesn´t work against Lawyer, Or a Person who´s MAD!

  • 5 Finger discount : Steal someone's weapon in close range they currently using. B

  • Jihad : Explode yourself after 4 seconds. Very large range. D+
    Can Be stolen with Mail Thief Before You Explode.

  • Martyr : Drops Unholy Granade which explodes after ~3 seconds or enemy Touches it. D+

  • Odor : when touching someone, he stinks, Damage is almost non existent. F

  • Fake Airmail (5) : Drop various traps.
    Bunnyhop. Airmail Block. (15 seconds). Regeneration Trap, Damages you slowly.
    Should be Placed in Stack. D+
    Just remember where you dropped them otherwise , just a hinderence.

  • Fake Food (10) : Drop Fake Food which explode when Touched or hit with Explodes. Should be placed behind doors or other food bag locations for maximum efficiency. Can be Kicked to avoid. Should be placed in stack. B+

  • Vampire : Depletes your Hp Slowly when not dealing damage to others. If you kill someone with a HS you can exceed the 100Hp up to 200. You Loose 4Hp in Intervals at 200. At 100 It´s 2HP . At 50 or Lower , No HP gets Lost. Re-Toss. B

  • Bleeding Head : Gives you the abilty to Prepell all Damage back to your oponnent.
    THIS ITEM can also kill Gravity Well users (as you die instantly). it Also has the Potential of killing a Person having a MAD Skull (which is not "ACTIVE") . IT DOESN´T Work Against Pandoras Box A+
    This item excludes if YOU Have More HP than the Person Using the Head.
    For instance you have 125HP and you HS the USER with 100HP , you Have 25HP Left

  • Pandoras Box : If you use above 40HP , You Die. If you use this at 39HP or Lower , Kills ALL Players ( Unless They have Starman or MAD! ) Bleeding Head users Kill you "Back" B+

  • Doghouse : Spawn several dog's which Attack when you You or They get shot. Only Really good in Narrow Hallways or similiar. Dogs can be A Hinderence With Fire or Explosives. D+

  • Beans : Farts, filling a rather Big area with gas. "seems" doing nothing to enemys, But heals you in 3Hp (Only Up to 100Hp ) intervalls if you stand within the Cloud. D-
    This one NEVER Drops.

  • Radar : A 15 second version of the Radar, but counts as Airmail, therefore BIG F
    This one NEVER Drops

  • Disco : Only Found With Airmail select. Doesn´t even work. don´t use this .... F-------

  • Airmail Select : This one is "kinda" cool.
    Needs to be used in the Dev Console NOT the chat. (leaving you vulnerable while typing)
    Afterwards choose your selection of airmail.
    For "FULL" list type select
    ( This list doesn't include Berzerk (MAD) , Starman, Shadow)
    Don´t forget to delete the " ^ " before typing select

    Airmail Select commandlist
    • Jordan
    • Mail Thief
    • Anti Grav
    • Arcade
    • Ammo
    • Armor
    • Beans Only Found with this item.
    • Betty
    • Body Odor
    • Doghouse
    • Fake Food
    • Firebomb
    • Fire Magic
    • Gravity
    • Holy
    • Panic
    • Icarus
    • Jack
    • Jihad
    • Lawyer
    • Lightning Magic
    • One Ring
    • Disco This item doesn´t even work.
    • Regen
    • Repel
    • Rocket
    • Spring
    • Subspace
    • Health
    • Boot
    • Teleport
    • Teleshuffle
    • Thief
    • Red Armor
    • Vampire
    • Vengeance
    • Weight Gain
    • Radar Only Found with this item.

Otherwise Noteworthy Knowlegde.
  • Change your Fov in the Dev Console by Typing Fov 120 "This is important" !!!!

  • You Can Double Jump. ( just hit jump twice.)

  • You "should" have your keys set
    WASD / Move
    Space / Jump
    Q / Kick
    E / Use item (this is important for airmail matches and in general, You don't empty yo hands)
    Rest is Pretty much Up to You.

  • Kicking people is Fun. If they Jump while Being kicked they can be launched immense Distance.

  • Bots are dumb , and smart at the same time. they sometimes may just stand there ... but when they attack you , the mostly will land Headshots like 80% or something like that.

  • Crack only helps against "Damage" , Short range Shotgun HS or Sledgehammer doesn´t work.
    Crack only works to a certain extend. anything that "instagibs" or similiar doesn´t work.
    Has withdrawl but this rarely happens as it takes way longer.

  • Vests actually "kind of" Make you heavier. Tested with other players kicking each other in the air with and without Vest.

  • If you Have been set on fire and pissed on yourself, your´e fire proof for a few additional seconds.

  • Fire and explosions can damage anyone including yourself.

  • Crouchfragging seems to only work in "Arena" ( Crouching multiple times near someone, instantly killing them. )

  • Crouch-Hitbox-Manipulation is seems only working in "Arena" as well , but...
    1 : This is VERY Hard to do ( I only managed to do this once , unententionally, and couldn´t replicate it since )
    2 : As Hard as it´s to do, it´s just as easy to get out of this Manipulative state.

  • Telefragging "Usually" kills the player who walks in after the "First" one did. But this depends on Player count and other Factors.

  • Kill button - Some servers disable the Kill button , which sucks if you´d get stuck. (The Unstuck feature doesn´t always work)

  • Krotchy Problably has the Biggest hitbox besides the Junkyard Guy.

  • Gary is the smallest character and Therefore the only one who needs to aim Sligthly upwards, or Jump to Make HS.

  • Pressing Y / Z / O / I / G / F to Make different Sounds depending on character. This also depend´s if you had edited your User / P2MP ini

  • Pressing P Turns of annyoing Music or sounds.

  • Dev Console is NOT the "Say" Function !

  • Say zoundlist to get a List of all aviable phrases.

  • Sometimes you may get Killed by Kamek (Dev) ... Not sure exactly what´s needed to happen for it. but seems to do with Airmail in Arena .

  • It actually is Possible that a Nuke and WMD hit each other , but that´s like 100000x1 chance to happen without provoking it with Friends.

  • Certain Cars, Barrels , Gas Tanks can explode when shot so watch out for them and use em against your enemies.

  • Some Maps Feature otherwise hazardous enviromental traps, but this is rather rare.

  • Some Maps Feature Secret areas. see if you can find them :D.

  • Some Maps are "Broken" and have no invisible walls to protect from getting out of bounds. (Tho Mostly airmail Flying items are needed for this)

  • Some of those Maps with Broken Boundaries May either Kill you ... or Let you Walk at The Very Bottom... But Mostly You Die ...

  • Instagib doesn´t "always" instagib , it may take 2 shots. This Depends on the Weapon. But i seen people Either Giving me Pistol HS or vice versa and only Taking 50Dmg instead of Dying. Kicks work like 95% and instantly Kill them. SG / MG / Rockets / Any Explosive works....but be carefull with the last 2.

  • Quick Button´s are your friend in a tactical situation. for instance when already winding up to throw your hammer, Press 3 BEFORE Throwing it , to acces your shotgun if you should miss your target.

User.ini / Postal2MP.ini Editing

With This out of the way. if you want to have specific character´s / Key commands you open them with Notepad.


Search for :

MultiPlayerName= "Your Name"
( You can edit out your current character and replace it with another from the List )
  • 1409Xtras.xMpKrotchy
  • 1409Xtras.xMpTim
  • 1409XStuff.xMpRWSVince
  • 1409XStuff.xMpPriest
  • 1409Xtras.xMpRobberF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpRobberM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpATFAgentM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpATFAgentF
  • 1409XStuff.xMpBandmemberM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpBandmemberF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpCopBM
  • 1409Xtras.xMpCopBF
  • 1409XStuff.xMpCopWM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpCopWF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpDoctor
  • 1409XStuff.xMpButcher2
  • 1409Xtras.xMpGangsterWM
  • 1409Xtras.xMpGangsterWF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpGangsterBM
  • 1409Xtras.xMpGangsterBF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpGoth
  • 1409XStuff.xMpHomo
  • 1409Xtras.xMpJunkyardGuy
  • 1409Xtras.xMpKumquat
  • 1409Xtras.xMpNurse
  • 1409Xtras.xMpParcelworkerF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpParcelworkerM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpRWSProtestorM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpRWSProtestorF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpScientist
  • 1409XStuff.xMpVeganM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpVeganF
  • 1409XStuff.xMpZealotM
  • 1409XStuff.xMpZealotF
  • 1409Xtras.xMpOsama
  • 1409XStuff.xMpFanatic2
  • MultiStuff.MpFanatic
  • MultiStuff.MpDude
  • MultiStuff.MpGimp
  • MultiStuff.MpUncleDave
  • MultiStuff.MpBum
  • MultiStuff.MpButcher
  • MultiStuff.MpHabib
  • MultiStuff.MpMilitary
  • MultiStuff.MpParcelWorker
  • MultiStuff.MpSWAT
  • MultiStuff.MpRWSMikeJ
  • MultiStuff.MpRWSMike
  • MultiStuff.MpRWSSteve
  • MultiStuff.MpRWSNathan
  • MultiStuff.MpRWSBryan
  • MultiStuff.MpRWSGeoff
  • MultiStuff.MpRWSJosh



Make Sure it´s the SAME Character name in BOTH Ini Files.

And Don´t Forget to Save.

Last words
if there´s something missing i´ll will edit it asap.

I´ll regret Nothing ~