Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Russian Soliders destroyes Ukraine tanks with shovels
18 comentarios
godzillaanimefan 10 JUL a las 2:28 
That Z Is Anti-Communist
godzillaanimefan 10 JUL a las 2:27 
STFU AxisGamer
Tanimal 11 JUN a las 15:39 
fUn fAct! uKrainIan sPeciAl fOrcEs wErE bEateN bY oUr gReAt sEcUritY (they were in their underwear and looked like they just drank 7 gallons of pure alcohol
Tanimal 11 JUN a las 15:37 
Russian propaganda be like
Sacha_kyshaet_gribochki 11 JUN a las 7:41 
да киева 3 дня
AxisGamer 8 JUN a las 17:57 
Man i doubt the hoi4 fans will win the war for you man
godzillaanimefan 8 JUN a las 11:46 
All Russians R Communists
godzillaanimefan 8 JUN a las 11:45 
& Kiev Captain U R Ukraine Not Russian I U Say Russian/Communist Superman Than Change Your 2 Moscow_Captain Nigga
godzillaanimefan 8 JUN a las 11:44 
Player_A.47XL STFUNi U Russian Communist
Jose World 7 JUN a las 9:26 
I love how u are using American Memes to anger them LOL