4D Golf

4D Golf

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Interesting Uses Of Ghost Projections
By Spoon
There is some things I found when messing around with ghost projections, including how to use it for levels later in the game.
How To Setup/Use Ghost Projections
To fully utilize the power of your 3rd eye, you must look straight down and scroll out for a birds eye view, you can then press "1" in order to enable ghost projection mode.

When you look along the 4th dimension, you may notice that the resulting ghost projection looks 3D!

Although this may not seem useful to the average Volume View Joe, this kind of viewing has its benefits.
Pros and Cons of Ghost Projections
  • Alignment of borders at 45 degrees or any cardinal angle yields a straight, understandable track as a product and can realign reality in the Beyond levels given enough realignment.
  • Easier viewing of what the slice currently in dimension will lead to without effort
  • Preservation of the axis of gravity

  • There is no real way to figure out if you are really looking at the hole, or a simple projection of it unlike in volume view where up and down is replaced with the 4th dimension and it becomes simple to tell whether or not you are looking at a point in 4D space or not.
  • Gravity exists

It may not seem like much, but for any beginners I implore you give it a try to comprehend why it may be better compared to volume view. For any who have completed the game, there is more to discuss in the next section on its uses.
[Spoilers] Beyond
In 4D, Ghost Shadows can feel lacking, a niche tool with not much purpose, overshadowed by its superior to comprehend bigger brother Volume View, seemingly only functional as an arrow for where to look.

Yet in Beyond, it can become a valuable tool that can guide you to the hole in an intuitive way!

By principle, Ghost projections are 3D projections of 4D or 5D shapes that are not within the players plane.

Now this may not seem like much, but that 3D restriction really helps in the Beyond levels.

As 5D objects too are forced to become 3D, unlike in volume view, where any movement in the 5th Dimension turns the once 3D representations of a 4D space into a 3D representation of a 4D representation of a 5D space as shown here:

This view cannot be AT ALL helpful to our primitive 3D brains, which is why this method is helpful.

But first, some ground rules for 5D navigation via this method

Any rotation in 4D will not reveal the 5D space, like how any rotation in 3D will not reveal the 4D space. But any rotation in 5D will change the 4D space like how any rotation in 4D will change the 3D space as shown here in the first level:

Rotation in only 4D
-See how the 5th dimension is still hidden

Rotation in 5D
- Unhidden 5th dimension, this will change the perspective of a 4D rotation

Rotation of before image in 4D after having rotated in 5D
- Rotation in 4D is now changed, therefor it is advised to only do this when all borders are aligned flat for a proper conversion to 3D space.

With the bare minimum out of the way, lets go over an example to learn how to use this super power.
[Spoilers] Spirit Bridge Example

Im sure we all got a bit stuck at this level, the devs advice, although true and working, is not practical, as this can lead to 5D hell where any sensible geometry is thrown out a 4D window and can be difficult to return back to.

I will go over the steps as to how to solve this using the Ghost projection method, and you will see how this can be used over volume view, 9 times out of ten.

1) The first step is obviously to align yourself in the 4th dimention, using volume view(or ghost projections), get the ball where the 4D tunnel would be.

Volume View way of alignment

Ghost Projection way of alignment
- 4D tunnel is angled below the ball

2) Next step is to return to the normal view we had before

This time, having been aligned with the 4th dimension, we will do the same step as before but with 5D rotation and using the ghost projection method.

Although faint due to compression and similar coloring, you can see we are not aligned with the hole in the 5th dimension.

Upon aligning, the spirit bridge will begin to exist.

I could give more examples but trying to explain what to do in more than three dimension is hard and tedious, as it isn't as simple as saying look up or down, understanding the Ghost Projection method is also best done via experimentation as words and screenshots can only take you so far. Hopefully, via this little discussion on the uses of Ghost Projections for 5D, you can begin to understand a little more about the world beyond 4D.
[Extras/Spoilers] Other Things I Have Found
How to find the hole in 5D without H

look at the hole with volume view, exit volume view, and move the mouse up and down in 5D like how you would in 4D for 3D.

Will add more things when I find explanations I can reasonably explain without sounding like a lunatic.