

Esc Key rebind with AutoHotKey
作者: ]iV[MoonMastr
Change the Esc key to do what you want it to do, Only interferes with FFXIII so you can set it and forget it!
If you install AutoHotKey or have it installed here's a script to rebind the Esc key

#IfWinActive FINAL FANTASY XIII Esc:: Send {0 down} Sleep 100 Send {0 up}

It will only change the key in the game, nowhere else so you can leave it running always.
It's set for the default pause menu key but you can change it to whatever you like by changing 0 down and 0 up to (key) down and (key) up.

It's important to note that in fullscreen there's no other way to exit the game. You'll have to Alt+F4 to quit the game.
1 件のコメント
Zinc The Defiant 2014年12月12日 1時58分 
This worked great for me =)
I don't like the idea of having to use extra software to resolve this problem, but its's a simple fix that works. Thanks!