Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game

Killer Klowns From Outer Space: The Game

The Matron
"Given the vagueness of the lore, I decided to make my own Klown type: The large and horrifying “Matron.”

The Matron

This large and imposing Matriarch acts as a mastermind and manipulator on any sizable “Mothership.” She can typically be found lounging in the ship, consuming large amounts of cotton candy and PopKorn while watching her minion’s activities remotely.


-Psychic Abilities: Like a large number of Klowns, the Matron able to read emotions and base thoughts, control shadows, and metamorphize opponents. The Matron is also able to induce positive emotions in other Klowns, with the exception of other Matron-style entities.
-Super Physical Abilities: The Matron’s physical abilities can typically surpass any non-T3 Klown (Jojo). Similar to other Klowns, she has advanced strength and regeneration abilities. However, she also has a large size, and several dexterous arms which she can use to grab opponents. She cannot hop like a typical Klown Soldier, but can inflate parts of her body to fuel “Swansong” attacks.

-Superior hearing: The Matron can ascertain any sound or noise from a distance. Combined with her Psychic empathy, it is quite difficult to sneak up on her.

-Mimicry: The Matron can, similar to other Klowns, mimic sound and voices. Unlike most other Klowns however, she can form full and elegant sentences to converse with humans. These “conversations” are typically used to lower a human’s guard or trick them.

-Swansong: Most of the Matron’s communication with other Klowns is through Klownish, however, she can send out loud, burbling melodies that Klowns can react to. These swansongs typically sound similar to a pipe-organ or brass instrument. These songs can also be used as a method of siren’s song, or as an attack when blared out loud.

-Klown Eggs: While Klowns can be created via PopKorn, these Klowns need to be grown from their Klown-Snake form and need genetic enhancements in order to reach T2 or T3 levels. The Matron can create “Klown Eggs” which hatch into fully-formed, fully-educated adult Klowns. These eggs can either be formed through her consumption of PopKorn, or through a mating ritual with a T3 Klown (AKA, Jojo).

-Sonic Attacks: Due to the Matron’s superior hearing, sonic attack can cause a larger amount of pain or discomfort.

-Klown Nose: As with all Klowns, popping a Matron’s nose will result in her destruction.

-Necessary Gluttony: Matron’s are constantly seen lounging and glutting themselves on Cotton Candy. Many of their abilities require a large amount of caloric and memetic intake, including her Klown Eggs and psychic abilities."
3 件のコメント
KMD12972 6月26日 16時10分 
Good art :steamthumbsup::p2wheatley:
Snakebite262  [作成者] 6月12日 19時23分 
Hey Dredd, I don't really Role Play Klowns, but thanks for asking.
SunshinePotatoDylan° 5月30日 5時49分 
good job !:ccskull::8bitheart: