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AOV519's Chaos Dwarf Unit Pack
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47.608 MB
5月26日 18時09分
7月5日 13時33分
7 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
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AOV519's Chaos Dwarf Unit Pack

This small unit pack adds a number of new units to the Chaos Dwarf roster. All the new units added by this mod either have at least some basis in the lore or otherwise make sense within the lore's context, along with some creative interpretation on my part.

Ironback Dragoons

Ironback Boars are bizarre Daemonic contraptions created by the Daemonsmiths, weighing even more than living boars and are just as evil-tempered. They bear more than a passing resemblance to the Juggernauts of Khorne and some heretical scholars have even suggested that the two could be directly related, with the former being a possible point of origin for the latter. Of course, such claims are often dismissed as nonsense, but the Ironbacks are truly vicious beasts nonetheless. Ironback Boars can be utilised as mounts for Chaos Dwarf commanders and are especially favoured by the Ironback Dragoons, a powerful warrior order that serves as the elite heavy cavalry for the armies of Zharr-Naggrund. As well as being named for their mechanical steeds, the Ironback Dragoons are also trained to be proficient in the use of deadly firearms while mounted, allowing them to assail the enemy with infernal volleys before delivering a final, devastating charge.

Hellforge Category: Daemonic Constructs (formerly K'daii)
Required Building: Iron Level (Chaos Dwarf Military chain, Tier III)
Required Secondary Building: Daemonsmithy (K'daai chain, Tier I)


The Harridans are another warrior-cult found within the unforgiving society of the Chaos Dwarfs, one whose ranks are made up exclusively of women. Chaos Dwarf women are not exempt from the cold-eyed prejudice of their fellows, for all members of their race must provide some form of continued value to the empire of Zharr-Naggrund. As such, the majority of Harridans were conscripted from mothers who have passed the age to bear children, for without this, they would serve no purpose other than to fight and die in brutal service to the priesthood of Hashut. The Harridans have grimly accepted this fate from the moment they were indoctrinated and often engage in ritual acts of self-mutilation, leading them to becoming fanatical killers whose ferocity and total disregard for their own lives rivals even that of Dwarf Slayers.

Hellforge Category: Melee Infantry
Required Building: Ore Level (Chaos Dwarf Military chain, Tier II)

Dais of the Stone Sorcerer

The price that Daemonsmiths and Sorcerer-Prophets pay for their position and power within their society is a dark one indeed. A great curse is laid heavily upon them and each Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer will, inevitably, one day slowly transform into an immobile stone statue. Many of these statues are lined up along the roadways around the Tower of Zharr-Naggrund, forming rank upon rank of grey sentinels standing watch over the approach to the city. The petrified forms of the oldest and most revered Sorcerer-Prophets are housed within the Great Temple of Hashut itself, but are occasionally taken outside as part of an unholy procession. Such statues are borne upon the Daises of the Stone Sorcerer, ornate platforms that are in turn carried on the shoulders of Daemonsmith acolytes. Chaos Dwarfs respect age and knowledge just as much as the Dwarfs of the west and thus see each statue raised on a Dais as a testament to their race's past glories, spurring them to reach ever greater heights of cruelty.

Hellforge Category: Melee Infantry
Required Building: Altar of Fire (K'daai chain, Tier II)

Chaos Dwarf Firelocks

While many Chaos Dwarf missile regiments are armed with blunderbusses, there are others that prefer the range and accuracy of the standard Chaos Dwarf Firelock. Capable of using incendiary bullets as ammunition, these handguns are of a much simpler make than the Fireglaives that were often favoured by the Infernal Guard and therefore lack the complex mechanisms of a repeating handgun, making them less powerful overall. They also don't have the chopping blades that enable them to be wielded in combat. On the other hand, Firelocks require less training to be used effectively and are also far more suited for mass production.

Hellforge Category: Missile Infantry (unit cap shared with Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses)
Required Building: Ash Level (Chaos Dwarf Military chain, Tier I)

- Full integration with the Hellforge system.
- Ironback Boar mounts for Overseers and Zhatan the Black.
- Tabletop Caps support.

- None so far.

I have modified some vanilla skill nodes and level requirements for both Overseers and Zhatan the Black to accommodate their new Ironback mounts. I have also made alterations to some vanilla text strings to better fit the new units from this pack. There may be compatibility issues with mods that could override either of those.

- Rebalance and make changes based on user feedback, if necessary.

AndrewOverload519, the creator of this mod.
DrunkFlamingo for the Tabletop Caps script template.
Special thanks to Ole for the Asset Editor[], which is used to create the unit models, as well as Da Modding Den[] for their help and support!
44 件のコメント
BrokenBlade 7月15日 7時54分 
Sfo submod?
Nalier 7月13日 5時41分 
I just tried a skirmish and didn't crash, everything works fine for me.
Cart92 7月5日 14時58分 
The game crashes when it has filled up the loading bar on the loading screen when starting a skirmish battle with a unit of Ironback Dragoons. Zhatan the Black or an Overseer riding a Ironback Boar does not cause a crash, but Ironback Dragoons do seem to cause a crash and this is with only this mod enabled.
Isabingus 6月25日 4時14分 
AndrewOverload*, dyslexia strikes again!
Isabingus 6月25日 4時10分 
Thanky AndrewOverlord glad you got the bug finally fixed (fyi I'm queen mab just changed my name) hope it wasn't to stressful to deal with, and hope you enjoy the new patch!

Also to the few commentors who even with it written in the gods damned description and seeing a pretty clear explanation of the bug on the same page of comments you wrote yours and why it was gonna take time to fix, go learn to read!!! Its not hard to look over the description of a mod before using it or if you encounter a bug, and be aware people like you are the reason so many modders get burnt out and eventually quit resulting in some of the best mods been abandoned.
Jill Stingray 6月15日 8時41分 
Unit cap is bugged
ross77 6月13日 12時52分 
I can't increase the number of units, always reports that there is not enough resource (perhaps other mods affect units)
BloodRaven 6月9日 22時52分 
love the mod, any chance do the same for Dwarfs?
Baligdur 6月6日 21時24分 
Unit cap is still bugged
NorscanWarlord 5月31日 21時00分 
absolutely love this mod, will there be more units in the future added?