Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

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a rough guide to the best nation to choose in enlisted for beginners in my opinion(also how to beat uk navy as germany by 1940)
By James Charles the 2nd
new players to enlisted may be wondering what nation to choose in enlisted and i hope this guide will help you in choosing your starting nation (also how to defeat uk navy as germany)
4.Japan (early set up 1936-1937)
starting with the good parts about japan
1. you get access to some cool weapons like kataka or funny guided anti tank mines
2. japan has a relatively small tech tree which means you can progress faster than if you choose any other nation
3. you get to fight in pacific theatre
4. you get very good sub machine guns and pretty good rifles
now to the bad sides and why i put japan last on this list
1. japanese vehicles are absolute garbage and as a newer player you will most likely be getting most of your kills in tanks which isnt good when your tanks is about as useful as a tractor with a musket attached to it
2. japan only fights in the pacific theatre and even though its the best theatre (no i will not be listening to arguments against) it can get slightly boring after your 600th game
3.the other countries are just plain better

early set up
for focus tree go army innovations>treaty with USSR>Rhineland>anschlussy>demand Sudetenland>Vienna>fate of Czechoslovakia>reassert eastern claims
do basic research (construction, basic machine tools electronic whatever and artillery/inf)
to get enough manpower in your army train a bunch of cavalry and instantly deploy them as soon as possible put enforcement on low priority and change the cavalry divisions into inf divisions
3. Germany/axis (even more basic set up 1939)
starting with the good parts of germany
1. big tank go boom
2. decent sub machine guns
3.good variety of maps
bad things about germany

(if the allies didnt cas me every time i get into a game id say germany is 2nd place)

more basic set up (still 1936)
for production id suggest deleting the light tank production and just having 1 mil on everything except maybe 5 mils on support and the rest on inf equipment dont worry about organising your army until you have 120 divisions
2. USA / allies (plus 1936-1940)
good things about us
1. very good air planes. the allies have some of the best fighters in the game and close air support that perform better than German fighters
2. very good tanks (for infantry support and flanking) the Sherman can turn any German into mist plus a lot of allied tanks have stabilisers which make them very good at flanking enemy tanks
bad things about the allies
1. the tanks may be good against infantry but the second you face a tiger or a panther you are screwed
2. the allies have some of the worst battle rating 2 weapons and below average br 1 weapons

(like i said before i would probably swap allies and germany if i wasn't biased)

genuinely i dont know im really not qualified to make a guide on germany i only know what to do during 1936 just do whatever you usually do during 1937-1939 ig idk
1. USSR ( and how to defeat british navy in 1940)
good things about USSR
1.early game USSR has some of the best weapons such as the pps43 and the Winchester
2. the USSR has pretty good tanks that most of the time are about as good as their German counterparts
3. the USSR has some decent air planes and since Germany lacks good air planes especially at top tier the soviets usually have complete air dominance
bad things about USSR
1. even though USSR has very good early game rifles and smgs the machine guns are bad both the madsen and dp27 are just straight up worse than the German counterparts
2. just like the Japanese the USSR doesn't have that many maps

just delete your navy and use naval bombers

James Charles the 2nd  [author] 26 May @ 6:26pm 