Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution

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Alpha Werebulls
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Content: Enemies
357.397 KB
26. maj kl. 5:15
28. maj kl. 1:46
2 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
Alpha Werebulls

I 1 samling af Biktim
Serious Sam Alpha Collection
27 genstande
The Werebulls from Serious Sam Alpha are now back in Revolution!

Update 28.05.24:
-Visibility distance increased
-Fixed hitbox
2 kommentarer
Biktim  [ophavsmand] 28. maj kl. 1:57 
@Alex_D #NoWar Fixed. Now you can see the bull from a long distance
Alex_D #NoWar 27. maj kl. 13:18 
These seem to lack LODs and aren't rendered at higher distances. Also they seem to have some hitbox issues.