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Spinal Engines for SOS2
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Mod, 1.5
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25 мая в 20:38
6 июн в 14:11
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Spinal Engines for SOS2

This addon mod adds spinal engine functionality to Save Our Ship 2. Only made for SOS2 for 1.5

I like big ships and I cannot lie.

Do you love making unreasonably sized ships in SOS2? Are you disappointed by the janky nonsense it's easy to do trying to plaster dozens of engines onto your ship? What if instead of more engines, there was an option for scaling, giant engines?!

Great news!

To get started, research the new projects (Added into the SOS2 research pages) and then send your builders to work! All of the new buildings are under a new dropdown in the ship build section.

The images give a simple idea what you are looking for, but in text:
  1. Start with a "Spinal Engine Fuel Support Start" (That's why it says start!) Everything must "point" into the next building
  2. Then add some "Fuel Support Middle": These are needed to pre-process fuel and pump it fast enough for the accelerators. One will be enough to run three normal accelerators, or fifteen! high powered accelerators
  3. Once you have enough middle slices, add the "Fuel Support End".
  4. Directly beside the end, start adding "Engine Accelerators": However many you can support from the above fuel system. Generally speaking, under about 9 accelerators, building normal engines may be better. See below about options!
  5. Once you have added accelerators, add an "Exhaust'": Nuclear or chemfuel will determine the fuel type used, and the basic thrust produced. This building will show you stats and, this is important, ERROR MESSAGES. These can be crucial if the engine isn't working.

Fuel Support? What the heck?
Fuel support is what adds most of the "Mass" that makes your ship more sluggish: Minimizing this will let you squeeze more total thrust:weight out of your ship. Thus, the high-power accelerators to drink all of your power but! Let you push around giant ships even faster.

Notes on accelerators:
This mod now comes with THREE types of accelerators! They can be mix-and-matched freely, but watch that fuel use number!
  • The regular, starter version, which needs one fuel support middle portion for every three accelerators. This acts like spinal amplifiers, but it accelerates the fuel stream before it is ignited in the end. Look, it makes the ship engine go brrrr. Increases engine thrust, but at the same rate as it increases fuel rate, and increases power use of the business end slightly
  • The high-power accelerator: By simply strapping some ridiculous electrical nitro tanks to the side of the accelerator, you can push the limits of the regular accelerator! Instead of using more fuel, what if we just made it go even more faster. This doesn't increase fuel use as fast, using less of the sluggish fuel support mentioned above (one fuel middle slice runs fifteen high-powered accelerators). However, they drastically increase your power use
  • The censored accelerator: Rumours persist of sightings of ships with incredible engines using these accelerators. They seem to draw an enormous amount of power to accelerate fuel to speeds using a mechanism that shouldn't function, barely increasing fuel use, with some claims from sensor readings of exotic redacted activity. Perhaps you could experiment with them if you were working on evolving to a much higher level of technology?

More technical information
Each accelerator, of any kind, adds fuel use, power use (applied to the "engine" at the end, the flamey bit), and increased thrust. Essentially, akin to spinal weapons, this is a multiblock and the engine part at the end is the smart, controller part. Every value is easy to look up in the XML if you want to get into the weeds, but five high powered is one regular accelerator is about where to start. Due to rounding it's possible to get a smidge better than that in some cases.

Github link[github.com]: Go here for bugs! To dig through the code! Feature suggestions? Yeah I'm interested. Feature suggestions with pull requests? Now we're cookin. Feature requests for new buildings but with art? Heck yes I'm awful at art! Everything that looks good in this mod was made by Thain from the OG SOS2 team!

  • I've got a bug or a problem!
    Well that sucks! I ran through most of what I could think of but I'm still a human. Head over to the github and report it! I won't pay attention to steam comments anyhow so they are disabled. Check the spinal engine exhaust for any errors and oh speaking of errors Please, I'm begging you, include logs. I hate bugs (I used to work in QA) and I'd love to fix them. But "Hey that thingy is busted" just gives me nothing to go on. What happened, what did you expect to happen, and hugslib,player.log,logs, logs, logs, whatever you have.
  • I want to add something:
    See github link, I'm into ideas etc, if you want to make your own addon that depends on this then sure! A ship pack that uses it? Absolutely dope I will hella link to that. I make incredibly ugly ships I will not be doing this.
  • Will this be updated for <version>
    I tend to play rimworld a bunch when new DLC drops so it's probable: I'll.... probably, update the description when a new DLC (And usually thus, major version) is announced. But life can happen so
  • You seem to be MIA can I update this?
    Absolutely! MIT license baybeee. I'd love a link back from it so I know it exists, a github mention, bring it up on the SOS discord server, etc. I can't stop anyone from plain old forking it but if you want to drop that when I get around to updating, let me know
  • These things cost a fortune!
    Accurate. SOS2 has a diminishing returns system on ship engines to discourage festooning your ship with 64 engines (I should know, I used to do it). These let you extend that limit out (but not quite unlimited) for truly comically large ships. That isn't free, I hope you like spacer comps! Very roughly, for the total T:W increase you'd see, expect to pay 2x spacer comps.
  • Other Mods
    Currently, I'm not aware of any mods with problems: I made a deliberate effort to do this in safe ways. I'm interested in any reports of incompatibilities, from users or other authors.
    Also, if you have rimefeller, the chemfuel engine will link up to your pipenet. Also open to adding simple compatibility to other mods

Special Thanks
  • The SOS2 team: Thain, Kentington, SonicTHI, other contributors. The best rimworld mod, hands-down, no contest.
  • Thain, again, for proving some art assets so I wasn't ENTIRELY doing art crimes. Only somewhat.
  • Erimathas for code review for my hacky nonsense: I learned a lot of C# doing this.

Donation links
Nah no hate for people making a buck off this, at all, but I don't see it as important to me. Adopt a cat, donate to something, etc.