4D Golf

4D Golf

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[Spoilers] Beyond and Challenge: Under Par Guide
By Jeff
This is a text and video guide for all 18 holes in the Beyond world. I made the video guide a few days after playing the game, and I just learned that you can post guides to steam, so here it is!
Spoiler Warning
This guide contains spoilers for the final feature of the game. I highly recommend seeing this for yourself. You have been warned.
Video Guide
Before begining, I'd like to make some things in this guide clear.

4D and 5D rotations refer to Ana/Kata (Left mouse click) and Sursum/Deorsum (Right mouse click) respectively.

Double Alignment: When aligning yourself, open volume view and make sure what you're aiming for is in the red line. Then make a 90° whirl rotation, and align the red line again, this time in 5D. (You'll need to be in slice view to more easily see ghost projections, as they do not stand out)
Hole 1 - Beyond (Hole in One)
To get the Hole in One, you have to rotate the 5D camera exactly 90°, otherwise your alignment may be off.
Hole 2 - 5D Turns
Since there is an extra dimension, 4D objects are now "flat." This course has a turn in all 4 dimensions. Try to aim yourself towards the end of the course. Press H, then aim for the hole.
Hole 3 - Tesseract Cage (Birdie and Eagle)
Travel to the other side, make a 90° rotation in both 4D and 5D, then travel to the other side with the hole.

To get the Eagle, move the 4D camera back until you see a third incline. Move the 5D camera forwards until the platforms at the back separate from the slopes. Use the ramp you launch yourself to the other side with the hole.
Hole 4 - Blocked Chakra
There is a 5D object in the way. Rotate 45° in 5D and go around it.
Hole 5 - Turn, Turn, Turn
Rotate 45° in 5D and travel through the gap where the spinners can't reach
Hole 6 - Spirit Bridge
While the crystal's advice does work, it's pretty miserable to do in practice. Stick with the double alignment strategy explained above!

When taking the first shot, double align yourself so the red line is lined up with the top of the spirit bridge. If you aim any lower, you may hit a wall on the first bridge and ruin your alignment. Aim for the center of the platform. (If you miss, use R to reset and keep the alignment) To find the bridge, make sure you are double aligned, then take the shot across it. Press H to find the hole (and double align yourself with the last bridge to the hole if needed).
Hole 7 - Manifest
Shoot towards the path with the 5D turn. Make a 90° rotation in 5D, then aim for the hole. If you find yourself next to a ramp, don't even bother trying. Just go the other way. (Since the walls are smooth you technically don't even need to make a 5D rotation. You could just aim at the 5D wall and have it adjust your alignment for you)
Hole 8 - Mandala
Make a 5D rotation and align your slice with the hole. Aim towards the double rotating hyper-disk. The path to the hole will disappear. Shoot towards it when it reappears on the other side.
Hole 9 - 5D Chess
Make a 90° rotation in 5D. The layout of this course is actually 4D. (If you can't find the exit in volume view, you may be misaligned in 5D. In this case, double align yourself with the exit). At the end, make sure you're double aligned with the speed ramp, otherwise you may hit the walls which will ruin your alignment. You will need some power to actually get across to the above platform.
Hole 10 - Loopholes
Aim for the center of each ice patch. After making the first or second shot, make a 90° rotation in 5D to see the hole.
Hole 11 - Cosmic Leap
Double align yourself with the platform, then take the shot. Note because this is a slope, the platform on the other side could suddenly disappear. (Just imagine shooting a ball off a slope in 3D. It loses some of it's angle)
Hole 12 - Lucid
Rotate 90° in 5D using the Whirl tool. The wall at a 45° angle looks like it should help you, but it's a trap! It will ruin your alignment with the bridge. Try not to hit it, cross the bridge, go around the 5D block in the way, then aim for the hole.
Hole 13 - Liminal
The two blocks are moving in 4D and 5D, which is why they appear to be spawning in and out. Rotate 90° in 4D and 5D. (I would make another 45° rotation in volume view to more easily see the platforms in normal view, but that's up to you). Time your shot so you hit the first platform and roll onto the second. Then aim for the hole (making a double alignment if necessary).
Hole 14 - Seeking Balance
Make a 90° rotation in 4D so its easier to land on the platform. Then, make a 90° rotation in 5D and beat the course like a normal 4D hole.
Hole 15 - Delirium
The hardest part about this level is the golf. If you're struggling with that, all I can say is get good.

After the first turn, make an exact 90° rotation in 4D (you can tell this is the case if there's no higher dimensional lines in the checkerboard pattern). After the second turn, make a 90° rotation in 5D and repeat. (If you aren't exactly 90° it could cause the ramp to disappear out from under you)
Hole 16 - Tsunami
Double align yourself with the above platform (or the hole) and make the shot. (I don't see why this stage is that hard, but the solution is pretty simple)
Hole 17 - Synchronicity (Albatross)
Rotate 90° in 4D, aim for the hole and use the jump pad to get on the platform.
Hole 18 - Of Madness
Rotate 90° in 4D. Make a ricochet shot off the wall to land on the other side of the hill. Rotate 90° in 5D and repeat.
Jeff  [author] 31 May @ 7:16am 
@randomuser505 Feel free to do the rest. I have no plans to do that.
randomuser505 27 May @ 9:25am 
I think about making a comprehensive under-par guide to every single hole, but what do you know, this exists now.