Rail Route
Μη επαρκής αριθμός βαθμολογιών
Clampton Strait 2
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20 Μαϊ, 14:37
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Συνδρομή για λήψη
Clampton Strait 2

☺ Enable Happy Passengers gameplay for more challenging experience! ☺

A fictional railway network at Clampton Metropolitan Area, which is a large urban area separated into 2 major parts by the Clampton Strait. Only link in between is a ~4km double line bridge which creates a rather tricky case, making any train going across the bridge must be planned wisely to avoid chains of delays. There're several freight terminals in map as well but you could totally ignore them just as what we always do xD.

Combined with newly released Happy Passenger DLC with transport demands to be fulfilled, now it's time to examine your scheduling skills.

Map would come with sufficient funding and enough unlocked upgrades making progression less grinding so that you can focus more on scheduling and automation earlier.

ⓘ All you need to know ⓘ

① Starting funds: 500,000
  ⚠ No station unlocked as fund is sufficient to connect any nearby 2 or 3 stations
② Initially unlocked upgrades
   All Green T1 EXCEPT "Relay sensor"
   Green T2: 80㎞/h & 120㎞/h tracks, ICs, More Contract Offers
   All Red T1
③ Thresholds
   Green: T2 - 15; T3 - 25; ★ - 55
   Red: T2 - 10; T3 - 30; ★ - 60
   Score: 135
   Transport Demand: 64/80
   ⚠ Red T1 is unlocked at start making "+3 Red" useless therefore set to 60
④ Map layout overview
   Left: 12 stations (9 passenger + 3 freight)
   Right: 16 stations (11 passenger + 5 freight)
   ⚠ 4 autoblocks going though walls is intended, doesn't break gameplay