Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Sid Meier's Civilization VI

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Arknight Bolivar leader pack
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Arknight Bolivar leader pack


This mod is based on game named"Arknight".
Something wrong with my steam that I can not leave my messages in Forum( is that right?) You can sent messages to me if you have any question of this mod.

Civilization: Bolivar
Cities with governors -4 identity,+1 livability, productivity+20%, cities without governors -1 identity, science and cultural value+30%, productivity -10%
During the establishment of the governor's power, the loyalty of this city was -15.
Each title of governor increases the productivity of the city by 10%, and governors with at least three titles fix the loyalty of the city at 100%; Your unit will receive +5 combat strength if there are jungles or marshes within a 4-plot distance.

Leader:La Pluma
+200%production While training cavalry and melee units,But your city will lose 1 population;
After urban production of buildings, obtain culture and science values equivalent to 75% of production;
Strategic resources required for unit construction -50%;

The first 6 newly built cities will gain the title of Governor and the Special Governor named "Ela" now available.

Unique Unit

Bow caster enforcer

A late Renaissance unique ranged unit that cannot be discovered unless adjacent. Attack enemy units (must be human players) to lose 1 movement,gain 1 extra ranged when unit is stay in hills.


A type of industrial era unique melee unit with low production costs and stronger mobility. Ignoring the movement and consumption in the forest and rain forest

Team Rainbow

A recon unit in the information age with stronger combat effectiveness. Having a "Gemini clone replicator", killing a unit can replicate a clone, but the clone cannot attack.
When attacking an area, the combat strength increases by 15, causing direct damage to the city. The unit recovers 20 health points per turn.

Unique Building and District
Mama John's Market
A special district where adjacent entertainment centers offer 4 coins, adding an additional trade route capacity upon completion. When a city without any region is built in this area, it will hold the title of Governor+1. After completion, give away the "market" as a gift

Taberna()La Pluma"s UB

A unique building which can offer 2 amenities and 4 can also provide two random slot for great works.

Unique Governor
left one

City and other cities within 9 plots +8 tourism and culture.

left two

+10% production for city if it has industrial zones with,+10% production with encampment, +30% production with both of them.

right one

+1 movement for city trained unit and+3 strength for Units within three plots.

right two

The combat units produced in this city have a combat strength within +3, and the maintenance fee for the combat units produced in this city is -3


Allow military engineers and builders to build "GRZMOT Mine" improvement in this city. Enemy units are above thunderous landmines and have received damage and exhausted their mobility.

Grand title

Your cities now available to build unit"Team Rainbow" with Technology"Plastic".+4 from Ela's battle command for ally unit within 9 plots.

I'm glad to get feedback or error report from all of you guys.

Enjoy playing.
星海剑戟 20 Sep @ 12:48am 
Grand Wizard  [author] 31 Jul @ 2:05am 
猫猫小甜饼 15 Jun @ 8:16am 
30 May @ 11:50pm 
nea_baraja 26 May @ 7:03am 
天就是天 24 May @ 5:22am 
akuaSama 20 May @ 3:12am 