Lethal Company

Lethal Company

25 ratings
New Moon Idea/Suggestion I had (many features included)
By Smoothdesigns29
I had an idea in my head (where most ideas come from) and decided to draw it out in the hopes that one day it might get modded in or even added to the base game. This moon has at least three new and cool features.
Details about the Moon

The moon is a semi-earth-like planet, with vast oceans and tall mountains. The facility is located on a very large, wide, rocky and silty beach between a mountain range and a seemingly endless ocean. Mountains are typically caused by tectonic plates colliding and when this happens it causes earthquakes.


Earthquakes are a feature in this map that happens occasionally, causing players and loot to shake around and wobble. If a player is too close to the edge of the facility when this happens, they will probably fall and die.
The Earthquakes will also shake the gondola, causing it to slow down and swing until the earthquake ends.


On the map, a random number of gondolas (between 1 and 2) will spawn at either the landing pad or up at the facility. The gondolas rely on the facility's power to function, therefore if the fuse box is messed with or the apparatus is removed, they will cease to function, and will even stop in the middle of the air, trapping any player inside.
(@ArKane pointed out that getting the apparatus back to the ship would be difficult since the gondolas need power, so maybe if they're at the top, the power is out and you pull the lever then the gondola will start accelerating down the line toward the ship, and maybe it knocks anyone on it off when it hits the bottom or something lol)
The gondolas are not required, as the player could walk down the stairs of the landing pad and climb the ladder to the facility, but the distance they would have to travel is pretty far. Additionally, if they ever needed to bring a two-handed item into the facility, they would need the gondola as they cannot climb the ladder up to the facility.
In my head, it makes sense for there to be a lack of stairs, as the ground below is wet and rocky, making it hard to traverse while carrying anything, so whoever built this facility would have relied on the gondolas. The ladder is there in case of emergency.
Lastly, they produce a lot of noise, so if an eyeless dog is around they'll certainly hear you.

About the Moon's Environment

Since water is abundant on this moon, rain, storms, fog and flooding are all common occurrences. Eclipses are not too common on this moon.
When flooded, the water will rise close to the top of the boulders littering the shore. Players could use these to hop around and avoid water, but if they're too heavy and miss the jump, there are few rocks that you can climb back up.

Additional Details

The facility interior will always be a factory.
Given the lack of plant life, many outdoor entities will not spawn here, such as:

Baboon Hawk
Forest Keeper
Circuit Bees
Tulip Snake (maybe, they have teeth so maybe they eat fish?)
Roaming Locust

This leaves Eyeless Dog, Earth Leviathan and Old Bird. That isn't a lot.
Therefore I had an idea for a new entity: Barnacle Crab

Barnacle Crab

The Barnacle Crab would spawn in the day but would be buried in the ground with only its rocky barnacle shell peaking out. They are about as big as a Baboon Hawk, and have two large claws they use to attack players and other attacking entities. They are nocturnal creatures, and will only start to emerge when the sun starts to go down. If the player is being chased by one and flashes them with a flashlight, it will panic and bury itself for a few seconds, peeking an eye out to check to see if the coast is clear. Since they are native to this moon, they have a 60% chance of spawning here.
The Barnacle Crab will only attack players who they equal or surpass in number. If they are intimidated by (not hiding from) a greater amount of players, they will raise their arms and start clicking them together, creating noise and calling other crabs to their location for backup. This would also call dogs to them too. Using the flashlight on them would stop them from clicking and force them to hide.
The Crabs can be killed and will hide underground when near an Old Bird.

Possible names:
(These numbers can be changed, they don't matter too much)

TL;DR: New moon idea, few outdoor entities, no manor interior, new entity idea (barnacle crab,) gondolas that need power, big ocean, big beach, big mountains, big idea, etc.

If I get any more ideas I'll write them down here. Thanks for reading!
Smoothdesigns29  [author] 4 Jun @ 5:15pm 
@ArKane I didn't think about that, maybe the gondola uses gravity to go down to the ship instead of power?
cc.achilles 31 May @ 7:23pm 
if you get it out to the games devolepers and they dont exept it you it could always be put into the more moons mod.
ArKane 29 May @ 6:04am 
If the gondola is tied to the apparatus being there, then due to it being a two handed item it wouldn't be possible to take it back to the ship.
Otherwise cool concept though!
DLavake11 27 May @ 6:21pm 
I love it, this is really creative and I can tell you really put the effort into this! I want to see this added to the game!:steamthumbsup:
Smoothdesigns29  [author] 27 May @ 5:24pm 
@whimsy thank you!
whimsy 26 May @ 12:18pm 
i really like this idea!
Jaime 24 May @ 7:10am 
hmm see if you addd a little more detail it might be an opportunity....
TravTrav 20 May @ 4:53am 
Yannkz below me may go "make a mod" but, nah, just talking about ideas like this is way more fun and less time consuming. I like this idea and hope you're never discouraged from discussing them.
Yannkz 19 May @ 11:48am 
make a mod
Boxers 18 May @ 12:11pm 
Maybe there are shells on the barnacle crabs that if defeated drop?