Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

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BUCK Guide by DⅠmon
Hello comrades it's me DⅠmon
I decided to start a new series , complete guide for every operator , thiz is very big journey but I hope it will pay off.
As for now I hope you IQ is bigger than 2 digits if no don't worry, I add pictures too.
Buck - The fellow Canadian
When I grow up in my small home town , my Babushka told me that in Canada all men are hot bearded lumberjacks , but when I launched Rainbow6 and saw Buck my stereotypes vanished ,
he was neither a lumberjack and neither me was gay.
Why do I tell you that ? you may ask - Because No need to create unnecessary stereotype , if you pick buck you need to know how to play him , and be useful for the team.
So ask you please if you'r mouse decided to hover over buck icon , Please don't F♥ck it up, бл♥ть

Buck's role in a team

Buck is the definition of vertical play operator
his gadget allows him to create rotations , holes and create angels for you'r advantage , The best use of buck can be achieved through flanks and floor/ceiling destruction, that way the defenders will have reposition or will get distracted by the cause , in both cases that's a great opportunity to push and take the ground.
Needless I say but buck is not a solo operator and SHOULD be played in a team.

Buck's advantages:
- 2 speed , 2 health
- Good primary C8-SFW
- Useful secondary GONNE-6
- Shotgun as an abillity
- Hard breach charge

Buck's downsides:
- not really

Primary Weapons

A real man can appreciate a balanced and not underpowered loadout such as this one, if you looking for a good gun to train recoil control Buck's C8-SFW is the way to go.

Rate of Fire:837

C8-SFW is a gun that do it thing , unlike some other E-sport favorite weapons (r4c,L85A2)
it more niche , but that doesn't mean bad , with good aim and good recoil control you can outgun most of the defenders.
The recoil control is the only weakness , sure it's not F2 , but it may be the cause of the miss , and if that the case just practice.

Rate of Fire:1
Recoil:DMR recoil

I have no idea why would U use this gun , it's not bad bad but ain't good too , if you planning to play with a DMR from a safe distance just pick another operator , it will be more useful
cause Buck it a close combat vertical gunfighter.

Secondary Weapons

There is no reason using a pistol for Buck , please take GONNE 6 , and help you'r team destroy utility.


A grate gun for utility cleaning , only one bullet can destroy hatches and barricades (You already picked buck so don't waste it on it) it also can destroy Castle barricades , bulletproof cams , barb wire and many more.

Rate of Fire:1
Recoil:pistol recoil

Please I ask you don't bring it friend , you have a primary , a shotgun as ability and you decided to pick a pistol , why ? just WHY??


"Hard Breach or Stun granade ? That the question"

Hard Breech
If you decided to take hard breach , you have now become the ultimative hard vertical operator , you can open reinforced hatches.

Always good to have at gunfight , also good for burning Jagër ADS and Aruni gates .
If you know that the enemies won't let you take ground you can put those for good use.
Skeleton Key

1.Shotgun spread

As you can see when you move the bullet spread is beiiger and allows you to create bigger holes.

2.opening hatch

Applying the same logic you should aim for the center and move while shouting with shotgun to open the hatch with the minimal bluets fire.
Buck vs Sledge vs Ram
Buck can open walls , destroy hatches and can reshape maps for his advantage.
sound familiar to you ?
Yes , because Buck have a "younger brother , from another mother" a British guy named Sledge
Who have a similar ability to his .
Also a recent operator ram joined Team rainbow , her gadget drone "Bugi" that can destroy soft walls and floors on his way put a competition for Buck.

Buck vs Sledge


A wise man once asked me :

This was a good question I thought for a week maybe a moth , Why would anyone pick Hamerless Buck over GiGa , chad Sledge.

But then I realized it's not about the hammer , it's about the Power.

While Sledge can do the same as Buck he is exposed most of the time , while Buck can do it from a safe distance :

Buck vs Ram

Ram Is a strong operator , she have R4C and ITA12S on secondary plus her drones but unlike Buck her shoutgun is weak with slow fire speed , that make her vulnerable in close corner fights.

In conclusion
I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures , cause no one really reads noways,
For each and every operator in this game you can find a little details , those little once might look like small but they are the difference between a good player and a bad one.

It was me DⅠmon and remember , his name is Buck and he like to F...

marywiza 26 May @ 7:27am 
I love Buck
Bob Ross 20 May @ 2:07am 
lucaswp 19 May @ 12:24pm 
choppy 18 May @ 4:06pm 
Thanks, this helped.