The Bogtavern

The Bogtavern

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By SebbyPhantom
description for the achievements i have managed to get in this game. feel free to add what you know in the comments :)
List of achievements
I have not yet managed to get all achievements myself and am still trying to figure out the missing ones. if you do have any information feel free to share :)

Welcome To The Bog
start the game

Peatschnaps causes Blindness
fairly certain that this one cannot be missed as long as you make it out of the tavern

Random cutscene after getting lost in the fog. i only had 2 puppets and had been to the tavern twice i think.

Time To Leave

find the first puppet

for me it popped after finding a few puppets or notes from the prof.

Forever Seeking
i also got this while looking for puppets/ notes. not sure what the exact requirements are

find all 35 puppets

Mumbo Jumbo
choose to call the green thing from the cavern Mumbo Jumbo instead of obelisc

choose to call the green thing from the cavern obelisc instead of Mumbo Jumbo

Fist call the green thing from the cave obelisc or mumbo jumbo, then enter your journal, look at the front loading deck and change its name

Captn's PoV
random cutscnee after getting lost in the fog. 2 puppets and two visits to the tavern

Professor's PoV

cutscene where you see a weird orange glowing thing. i had seen the kobold 2 times on my whip prior.

Eldritch Bunny

Film Roll

Only half of the Truth





Almost lost in the Mist

Be Part of the Bogtavern
when curfue is enforced, go to the whole and enter it, then choose to say that it is warm even tho it is not

Not worthy
When curfue is enforced, enter the whole in the ground and then say that it is cold, don't agree with the voice.


i only collected one doll and one barrel, then i went to the tavern until captain and prof went in and had a good time with them (i didn't take the barrel inside, not sure if it matters). When curfue was enforced, i went into the hatch. if i remember correctly you don't get the option to change your mind.

Respect the Musician

Old Assistant

Scientific Failure
it was my second visit to the tavern in one playthrough. i left the tavern both times and did not look into the whole.

Annoying Dweeb
when in the tavern it is possible that you are given the option to have the professor tlak with the musician. ask him about the author of the notes and keep asking even when he wants to stop the conversation.

One Crew - One Love

when i had all 35 dolls, i went to the tavern and not to the cave. i also had all 6 barrels (not sure if it matters) and the kobold on board. in the end the captain and the kobold toast while driving towards the tavern, the prof is alone.

One Man Show
not 100% sure how i got this but i was at the tavern for the third time (had to be very persistent to get there) and had previously gotten captain's pov. when i drove towards the tavern i didn't have to make any decisions, the achievement just popped.


i think that you have to find all notes from the professor, find all puppets and then go back to the cave with the mysterious green thing


Early Death
after curfue is enforced, choose to enter the whole in the ground

i had the option to take a barrel of schnaps with me to the tavern, i left it there and got the achievement when i left.