Amalgamation: Combat Engineer
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5 月 15 日 下午 7:56
9 月 2 日 上午 9:20
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Amalgamation: Combat Engineer

在 MrCloista 的 1 个合集中
Modpocalypse: Amalgamation
502 件物品
Update:Swapped Remote Start, Demolition and Blind Fire, for Pocket Shredder, Free Electroshock Grenade, Free Root Grenade due to common perk conflicts.

Introducing a new Tertiary Amalgamation spec: Combat Engineer.

Heavily inspired by my Combat Engineer proficiency class' Gadgeteer spec, this tertiary specialisation uses various explosives and gadgets to gain an advantage on the battlefield.

This is my first Amalgamation spec so is released in a BETA state pending further balance testing, feedback is appreciated.

It has fixed perks at Squaddie and Brigadier and 3 random decks of 6 perks each:

Minor Kinetic Plating

Random deck of:
  • Riot Control
  • Free Root Grenade
  • Chamber Round
  • Improvise Explosive
  • Interrogator
  • Pocket Flamer

Random deck of:
  • Improvise Random Explosive
  • Minelayer
  • Reconnoiter
  • Battlespace
  • Parkour
  • Free Electroshock Grenade

Random deck of:
  • Decoy
  • Pocket Shredder
  • Extra Heavy Weapon
  • Heavy Utility Ordnance
  • Rainmaker
  • Pocket Rocket

Cloistered Shielding

RustyDios - spec icon and MEME PP
H4ilstorm & TePa - Amalgamation Classes
Mitzruti - Mitz PP
DerBK/Kiruka - ABB pp
Harehnoth - Spec Incompatibilities & testing
5 条留言
XpanD 9 月 3 日 上午 9:51 
...oops, dunno why I got that wrong. Too busy with class stuff I think, heh. Glad it worked!
jrikacz 9 月 3 日 上午 9:13 
ok thank you. Couldnt figer it out for a while. The command is RandomizeSoldierSpecs. It works great. great mod:)
XpanD 9 月 3 日 上午 8:26 
Do you have my Amalgamation Console Helper installed, and the console enabled?

If so, do this: Click the soldier in the barracks, run "CountSpecs" to get a list of spec names, and then "RandomizeSoldierClass PRIMARYSPEC SECONDARYSPEC CombatEngineer".

Replace either the primary or secondary with a spec you know the character had before, and replace the other option with "any". This will randomize you a new class that's at least somewhat similar to the old one.

(this is caused by certain class combinations no longer being valid due to spec updates)
jrikacz 9 月 3 日 上午 8:14 
could anyone please help me to level up this soldier again? After last mod update, all my soldiers with this class got their skills reset, but i cant choose their skills again. if i try, game used ability points and doestn´t even keep the selected skills so it just drained all my AP but soldiers stiill have no skills. thx
XpanD 5 月 19 日 上午 2:27 
Just commenting on this real quick because apparently Steam isn't letting me subscribe to the thread. Maybe this works? Congrats on release! (again haha)