Rabbit and Steel

Rabbit and Steel

166 értékelés
Everything you might want to know about numbers and items in Rabbit & Steel (spoilers!!)
Készítő: Sdobitoo
This is indepth info about difficulty, numbers, items, their interactions and some niche mechanics.
Difficulty stats and Boss Health
  • Cute Mode
    -Your Max HP starts at 9
    -8 HP is restored at the end of each fight.
    -Enemy HP is reduced by 30%
    -KO's last for 10 seconds

  • Normal Mode
    -Your Max HP starts at 5
    -Treasures restore 2 HP
    -If you have 1 HP at the end of a fight, you are brought up to 2 HP
    -KO's last for 10 seconds the first time you're KO'd, then 17, then 24, then cap out at 30 seconds

  • Hard Mode
    -Your Max HP starts at 5
    -Treasures restore 2 HP
    -The first shop will always contain a Regen Potion for 8 gold
    -Enemy HP is increased by 10%
    -KO's last for 15 seconds

  • Lunar Mode
    -Your Max HP starts at 3
    -Treasures restore 1 HP
    -The first shop will always contain a Regen Potion for 8 gold
    -Enemy HP is increased by 20%, plus they gain more levels between stages so their HP is even higher
    -KO's last for 25 seconds

  • Enemy HP Calculation:
    Base HP (depends on the enemy and the attack they're using)
    Multiplied by (1 + ( .05 * Enemy Level ) ) * A * B
    Number of players (A)
    - 0.9x for single player
    - 1.7x for two players
    - 2.4x for three players
    - 3.0x for four players
    Difficulty (B)
    - 0.7x for Cute Mode
    - 1.0x for Normal Mode
    - 1.1x for Hard Mode
    - 1.2x for Lunar Mode
    Strength and Gcd Calculations
    Calculations happen in the following order:

    0) Items and Abilities are set to their base strengths, cooldowns, gcd, etc..
    -Ability upgrades are considered as a completely different Ability from their non-upgraded version, so their base stats are applied here

    GCD/Cooldown Calculations

    • 1) Items that add/subtract cooldown/gcd ("Your Primary gains a 2 second cooldown")
    • 2) Items that multiply GCD/Cooldowns by a percentage ("Your GCD is 30% longer") ("Haste" status effect is also here)
      -Items/status effects that affect GCDs are multiplied together. For example, Haste says it makes your attacks 20% faster; but it actually makes your attacks have 80% of their previous GCD. If you have 2 Haste effects, your GCD speed will be .8*.8 = .64, so 64% of the original amount.
    • 3) Items that set your GCD/Cooldown to a fixed amount ("Your Defensive's cooldown becomes 10 seconds") (Overwrites all previous calculations)
    • 4) Metronome Boots and Timemage Cap effects
    • 5) Buffs from status effects such as Berserk that change your GCD
    • 6) Abilities that say their cooldown cannot be changed by loot are reset to their base value

    All GCDs and Cooldowns are calculated before any item's Strength is calculated.
    • The minimum GCD for an Ability with a GCD is 0.3 seconds.
    • The minimum cooldown for Loot that activates on a cooldown is 1 second.
    • Almost all oGCDs have a hidden cooldown of 700ms, to prevent rapidly tapping them as fast as you can hit the button.
      -All Druid Defensives - 1000ms
      -Heavyblade Emerald Secondary - 1000ms
      -Ancient Emerald Secondary - 1500ms

    • When a cooldown is "reset", there is a 100ms delay between the reset proc and the actual reset.
    Strength Calculations

    • 1) The Haunted Set loot effects that set your ability's strength to 10 (Ghost Spear, Phantom Dagger, Cursed Candlestaff)
    • 2) The Timegem Set loot effects that set your ability's strength to a number based off calculations (Obsidian Rod, Darkglass Spear, Timespace Dagger)
    • 3) Percent bonuses ("Your Secondary deals 20% more damage")
      -Percent bonuses to strength are added, not multiplied. So for instance, if you have an item that gives you +20% damage and an item that gives you +30% damage, your total bonus will be +50% damage, not +56% damage.
    • 4) Numerical bonuses ("Abilities that hit more than once deal 30 more damage")
    • 5) Other items that set your Strength to a fixed value ("Abilities that hit once deal 250 damage") (Overwrites all previous calculations)
    • 6) Buffs from status effects such as Warcry that give you bonus damage
      -% bonuses from buffs are added together separately, then multiplied onto the number so far
    • 7) +1% dps per level (multiplied onto the number so far)

    (The numbers up until now are what's displayed in your "adjusted values" above your item)

    Calculations that happen when you actually use the move

    • 1) Charge/Supercharge/Omegacharge (multiplied on the number so far)
    • 2) Crit damage (1.75x if you crit, mutliplied after everything else)
    • 3) Backstab damage (1.3x for attacks that can backstab, multiplied after everything else)
    • 4) Extra damage from debuffs on the boss such as Curse (added together and multiplied after everything else; so if you have 2 Curses on the boss, that's 1.2x the current amount of damage)

    • Damage variance is 15% in either direction of the ability/loot's stated damage.
    • Critical hits have a 30% chance of happening, and deal 1.75x damage
    • If a fight is taking a really long time, then Critical Hit chance slowly creeps up slightly higher to speed things along.
      -When 3/4 of the rating bar is left, it will start to increase from 30% to a maximum of 50% when about 1/4 of the rating bar is left.
      -Realistically, this will only happen on Normal Mode, and only if people are *really* not attacking. It was added as a way to prevent people unfamiliar with action games from being stuck in fights for too long because they don't hit buttons.
    Luck and buffs
    • Luck increases the following:
      -Your chance of procing % chances (1% per point)
      -Your critical hit chance (1% per 2 points)
      -Proc chances, boosted by luck-boosting items, are capped at double their base amount.
      -So, even if you have every luck-boosting item in the game, something that happens 5% of the time will only happen 10% of the time.
      -It does not effect trinket drop rate.

    • The Luck stat increases the chances of these things happening, just like other proc chances.
      If one effect activates, no more effects will happen until at least the next battle.

    • The Red Tanzaku can have the following effects:
      -A 10% chance of shielding you from damage and healing your entire party by 1 when you would otherwise be KO'd
      -A 10% chance of healing you to full HP when a battle ends
      -A 10% chance of giving you 300 xp at the end of a fight
      The Luck stat increases the chances of these things happening, just like other proc chances.
      If one effect activates, no more effects will happen until at least the next battle.

    • Luck boosting items/statuses give the following amounts of luck:
      - Mimick Rabbitfoot - 15
      - Luck Potion - 10
      - Ballroom Gown - 10
      - Rabbitluck Status - 100, and additionally, % chances are always successful

    • The "Vanish" and "Ghost" status effects will also negate certain field conditions, like Turbulent Winds and Gravity.

    • Buffs that increase damage are "snapshotted" when the ability is originally used.
      For instance, if you use Druid's Secondary when Warcry is about to wear off, it will retain the damage increase for the full duration that it is active, even after Warcry has worn off your character.

    • Most buffs and debuffs can stack together, assuming they came from different sources.
      If you've got two items that apply Poison, for example, they both apply their own Poison.
      If you've got two items that grant Smite, they both will give you Smite.
      There are exceptions though; mostly player abilities. You can only have one "Warcry" at a time, one "Vanish" at a time, etc..
    Items and Treasures
    • The following items will not appear in the last stage:
      - Butterfly Ocarina
      - Blue Rose
      - Silver Coin

    • The following items will not appear in the last two stages:
      - Topaz Charm
      - Gold Potions
    • Potions cost 7~10 gold, regen potion always costs 8

    • Shop upgrades (gems) always are 23~27 regardless of the difficulty

    • Gems are 100% random same as potion

    • The Quartz Shield has a 2.5 second hidden cooldown on its effect to prevent infinite loops from occuring with some items.

    • The Tidal Greatsword gradually increases in strength and size, doubling its initial values after 70 seconds and tripling them after 140 seconds.

    • Patch Treasurespheres now have different 'sizes', with Small containing 3 items, Medium containing 4 items, and Large containing 5 items. The amount of treasure will change based on the number of players you have, however, the first two chests in Outskirts will always be Large chests, regardless of your party size

    • The pool of Treasurespheres consists of 3 White Treasurespheres, and 1 of each color, for 8 total.

    • These are shuffled at random, and once you see a Treasuresphere, that Treasuresphere is removed from the pool.
      So, you will see a maximum of 3 White Treasurespheres over the course of a run, and a maxiumum of 1 of each color.

    • Loot will also not repeat; if you skip an item in one chest, it will not appear for the rest of the run.
    Movement and hitboxes
    • Your movement speed, in pixels you move each frame, is calculated:
      7.7 + 0.7*(speed stat)

      It has a minimum value of 1.5 and a maximum of 20

    • Base movement speed:
      • Wizard : 0
      • Assassin : 2
      • Heavyblade : -1
      • Dancer : 1
      • Druid : 0
      • Spellsword : 1
      • Sniper : 0
      • Bruiser : 1
      • Defender: -1
      • Ancient : 0

    • If an item says it "slightly" decreases movement speed, that's -1, "moderately" is -2, "significantly" is -3 and drastically is -5
      Same values applies to increases in movement speed

    • Feathered coat gives 99 speed, but it caps out

    • Abilities and items that temporarily slow speed are using a different variable that's multiplied onto movement speed equation above
      So for instance when Dancer's Special or Fairy Spear slows you down, that's a different variable multiplied onto the movement speed
      Temporary slow down from said effects is negated by items or status effects that make you "more mobile", like Midsummer Dress, Flutterstep or Berserk

    • "Heavy" status effect gives you -4 speed and mobility regardless of other loot/item effects, "extra heavy" is the same but -10

    • If you hold down the "Change Target" input (Shift by default on keyboard, LB by default on controller), then:
      -You will move more slowly (useful for dodging precisely)
      -You will target the average position of all enemies (useful for AoE)
      -You will move less far when under the "Turbulent Winds" status

    • A "Rabbitleap" is a distance equivalent to 200 pixels when the game isn't zoomed out and displayed at 1920x1080 (about 1/10th the length of the average battlefield)

    • Your character has a hitbox of 5 pixels (represented by a circle inside your model)

    • Hit detection occurs if a hurtbox exsists 5 pixels or closer from your character position
      That means if you stand in any projectile in radius of 5 pixels you will take damage

    • Evasion poition subtracts 10 from your radius.
      So your new hitbox is -5, meaning you can graze into a projectile hitbox and not get hit
      Sunflower crown is also -10 radius, so together they'd be -15 radius, which means the expanding circles or the knives the wolves use are unlikely to hit you
    Trinkets and misc. info
    • The chance of getting rare trinkets (per each boss fight) are, at a base
      1. "rarely drops on normal mode"
        -1.4% for one player
        -1.6% for two
        -1.9% for three
        -2.2% for four

      2. "rarely drops on hard mode"
        -1% for one player
        -1.2% for two
        -1.5% for three
        -1.8% for four
      If you're playing on lunar, all chances for the above increase by 1%

    • You also have a very rare chance of unlocking the Lunar trinkets by playing Hard mode
      -0.2% for one player
      -0.3% for two players
      -0.4% for three players
      -0.5% for four

    • The chance of unlocking the solo/multiplayer lunar trinkets with 2 people are the same chances

    • And you also have a 10% chance of unlocking the multiplayer Normal Mode trinket solo

    • Abilities and loot that deal bonus damage from behind (a "backstab"), such as Assassin Rabbit's "Assassinate" ability, only counts for enemies in human form.
      For fight balance reasons, if an enemy is transformed into an animal, it will *always* count as being behind the enemy.

    • For Difficulty Modes, only the host of a lobby needs to have it unlocked for anyone entering the lobby to play on that difficulty.
      For unlockable loot items, whether or not they appear in chests is dependant on if the host has unlocked them.
      For unlockable characters, they must be unlocked for you personally for you to play as them.

    • You can pet Asha, the Shopkeeper Cat with your mouse, or by holding down whatever input you have bound to "NPC Talk" (RT by default on controller)

    • Exp and gold depends on the rating bar at the top right during battle
    • For normal enemies, you have 120 seconds before the bar completely depletes
      A full bar will gives you 100 xp and 10 gold (if you somehow kill it instantly or something, and the bar will give you 25xp and 2 gold if you defeat an enemy just before the bar fully depletes
      For minibosses, they give you 3x the time and 1.2x the rewards
      For bosses, they gives you 6x the time and 1.5x the rewards
    Special thanks to Mino for providing the info!
    Here is their links.

    Website: https://www.minodevgames.com/
    Mino_dev games Discord https://discord.gg/mns
    mino_dev Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mino_dev
    mino_dev Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mino_dev
    30 megjegyzés
    VanillaLice szept. 14., 19:26 
    How many frames per second, in regards to speed?
    Mr.Skelly szept. 2., 20:18 
    nvm I see it in buffs, but could you make it more visible for readers? this seems like an important detail that is easily missed without experimentation
    Mr.Skelly szept. 2., 20:15 
    Could you explain debuffs? Can I play multiple burns/ghostflame/etc...? What if it comes from the same ability, or different abilities?
    Anton aug. 9., 8:59 
    @Soylent Gray, I don't think that's the case, after all charged and flash buff affects your damage and not the debuff itself (skill damage vs. status damage). Only thing that get affected by those effects is the "Burn" debuff, as burn is a reflection of your initial damage.

    What's even more fun, when the burn expire, it could also crits. Had a case of a charged wizard special crits for 5k damage, then it turned to a 10k damage when the burn effect expires (had the crown).
    Soylent Gray aug. 4., 8:50 
    Do damage buffs like charged or flash also increase the power of applied debuffs? For example, if I have the emerald secondary for Druid, it now applies decay for damage over time. If I have flash-dex, does the total damage delt by the decay increase?
    Sdobitoo  [készítő] júl. 8., 9:29 
    Sabotage, they can't stack
    Whichever does the most damage will overwrite the other ones
    So if you have 3 "Charge", and get 1 "Omegacharge", the 1 Omegacharge will overwrite all 3 of your "Charge"

    All GCDs are calculated before Strength is calculated, so yes it would break that item if you took an item that lowered your GCD
    Sabotage júl. 8., 1:35 
    Do charge/omegacharge/supercharge stack? Like can I get an omegacharge on an ability from something, and then use a CD that supercharges it as well to get 6x dmg?
    PlasmaLink júl. 2., 13:25 
    There's an item that boosts damage of abilities with 1.50 GCD or higher. At what point in the calculation does it check that? Is that broken if I have the lower GCD potion? Haste? Another item that lowers a GCD?
    Likkyzero júl. 2., 4:38 
    its basically the difference between poison and toxic in pokémon (except decay doesn't go up in power)
    Likkyzero júl. 2., 4:37 
    Decay deals more damage, and poison deals less